

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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How am I lying???

1. I didn't make them
2. My Facebook is private, you can't see what I post unless you're my friend, and it's been like that fir a while now
3. It's been what? 2 years? 3 years? Why are you still talking about this? Everyone has moved on besides you anons, and some others on here.

I have proof u made all those fake accounts of ur Co worker ur bf, etc. I saw the password when syd posted that video and I was looking at ur fb pics and u posted one when ur childhood pet died and it's name matched the password!!!!

I have proof u made all those fake accounts of ur Co worker ur bf etc I saw the

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Whos Facebook account did ashley smith scroll through and like a year old post?

All I'm gonna say for now is that it wasn't a family member or a friend.


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