

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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It's such bullshit how sydney sits here and calls you obsessed yet she's the one constantly talking about you and constantly blaming you for stuff so wouldn't that make her the obsessed one?

I completely agree! There's nothing I can do though, so I just usually ignore it. I know I dont send links or @'s around, so it doesn't bother me. It's whatever🤷🏼‍♀️ all it does is show that I live rent free in her head, and my name lives rent free in her mouth.
Liked by: Juan Carlos Agosto

Does anyone else find it odd how @kasey_nicolexoxo claims she has her own place but "doesn't know" when she's moving in and won't post a picture of it?

Why would I move into or post a picture of an unfinished house?

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Did you test them out yet or just installed them? The washer and dryer I mean

They are being delivered when we move in. They are brand new lol.

Quit sending sydney's @ around obsessed loser

I literally haven't been on all day. I'm not sending anyone's @ around.

If someone is faking you will ask.fm give out IP address information so you know who it is?

Nope. They don't give out that kind of information.

Names of the people that you think stalk your account? If you're brave 😈

Lmao what a drama seeking thing to send 😬


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