

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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*loses 30 pounds, goes down like 4 sizes, gets called fat* seriously I don't get the internet at all lol. Sydney's boobs got bigger they called her fat. Satans supreme showed her swimsuit body with hella thighs and got called fat. WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? Y'all are beautiful!!!

Went down 2 pants sizes lol, but thank you. I think people just hate on others cause they're unhappy with themselves. I blocked the 2 accounts that were sending me hate.

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What do you mean bring the stray cats in?

Well there was a pregnant cat living in the shed at my boyfriend's house, and she has 4 kittens. The mom cat got hit by a car about a month after the kittens were born, and my boyfriend and I, are sure one of the kittens died. So my boyfriend and his family would bring the kittens food and water twice a day, and they stayed living in the shed. We got them to trust us enough to the point that they will come up to the door to the house, and now we bring them inside at night since it's getting cold out.

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What if... and hear me out, you do a post of you at 210 so we can see your progress? Tbh fat Kasey is my favorite Kasey lol well I guess second favorite. Happy Kasey is the best and you seem VERY happy now. But is an old pic alright?

I'll do a side by side. 😊
What if and hear me out you do a post of you at 210 so we can see your progress

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You're easily the most drop dead gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Beauty inside and out, is what you radiate throughout. Never before will another woman step foot on this Earth, to be as graciously beautiful as yourself. Never forget how impactful you are. How desirable you are. How amazing you are.

You already sent me this, but thank you. 😊

Do you have any idea who's behind that fake Ashley page that's sending you hate and stalking you on the internet?

I have an idea, but I'm not saying names until I have proof.


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