

Ask @kasey_nicolexoxo

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Why would you come to work at a nursing home with covid symptoms? You just put all the other staff, and residents IN BOTH BUILDINGS ask risk. I really can't stand people sometimes. 🙄

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Yes, just pointing it out since you used "but other people like it" to justify your hair color decision

Well I like it, and that's what matters.

You realize that the people you know in daily life are least likely to be honest with you about your hair and overall looks, right?

Okay lol. They're stating their OPINION just like you're stating yours.
Liked by: Lukas Gruber

Why do some people lie about their weight/body?

You can't really know if someone is lying about their weight cause, unless you're them, or their doctor, you don't know how much they weigh.

Have you seen he's all that starring addison rae?

Yes. I thought it was going to be dumb, but It actually wasn't bad. I watched it at work the other night lol

Have you ever fallen in love with a person who is in another relationship?

Not in love, but I've caught feelings for someone that was in a relationship.


Language: English