

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Best of luck buat midterm-nya cyiiiin. Moga mendapat nilai yang memuak... eh memuaskan. Break a leg! :)

Wow thanks even though my midterm will start on wednesday since I have no class on monday and tuesday.
Namanya juga tingkat akhir, cyin kelasnya udah dikit.

Say your ask.fm is a start-up business, how would you pitch this account of yours to investors? What is the SWOT of your ask.fm persona exactly?

Hmmm ini menarik sekali untuk dijawab. We need more question like this!
Let me work on it seriously and I'll reanswer in a few days!⭐️

Mbak klo di kampus kayaknya pake kacamata deh. Apa aku yang salah lihat ya? Hehe :D

I only wear contact lenses on wednesday though.
Liked by: Lisa

reading your question about persalinan. "disobek" sounds so brutal. actually itu disayat kecil kok supaya ga koyak. dan itu ga dilakukan ke semua cewe. kalo daerah perineum (sekitar vagina dan anus) elastis bayinya langsung ngeloyor keluar kok. your anon made it sounds so stressful 😕

Well you seem trustworthy since you turned off the anon and turns out you're anak kedokteran.
I think you guys should explain baby delivering process nicely and properly because for me baby delivering still seems.. gore...
That's one of the reason why I don't wanna have kids, because I'm afraid it'll hurt so much. And I believe I'm not the only one who feels the same.

Fyi, kalo lahiran, vagina ga robek sampe anus. Tp disobek kesamping. Kalo sampe anus itu berarti ada kesalahan dari dokter/bidan. Lahiran itu proses normal, dan memang harus disobek biar bayi ga mengalami dislokasi terutama di punggung. Kalo ga ada proses kelahiran kamu jg ga bakal ada :)

Ah, thank you for the explanation. But it still makes me cringe when I heard 'disobek'.
Sure, lahiran itu proses normal but it's not an obligation, it's a choice.
For me, in this very age, I choose to not have kids for certain reasons. But hey, it's never a final decision. I might choose to have kids later when I'm older and ready to take responsibility for a soul.
And please, don't make women sound like a baby maker by forcing your opinion to others. We are more than that!


Language: English