

Ask @kinankawuryan

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if you could describe each number from 1 to 9 into a person, how would it be?

Wow this is my favorite question so far since I've already imagined them as a person since I was in elementary.
1 would be a curious young boy who likes to play football after school.
2 would be a young girl. She's 1's childhood friend and they would make it into marriage when they grow up.
3 would be an insecure boy who's attracted to 4 even though he's younger than 4.
4 would be bold young woman who wears red lipstick. She's sassy and intimidating yet very attractive to every man.
5 would be everyone's favorite person. He's a cheerful adult who would stay single for the rest of his life. Barney Stinson represents him best.
6 would be 4's mature boyfriend. Their relationship might be go up and down but they pretty sure they fond of each other.
7 would be a third person between 6 and 4's relationship. She's a wicked woman who falls in love too deep with 6 even 6 is not even like her at all.
8 would be a pregnant woman. Her husband remains unknown but everyone believes his husband works for navy and travel overseas.
9 would be a caring mother (and grandmother to be) she would bake cookies for her children whenever they stopped by to check on her.
I find it fun to imagined them as a person whenever I'm doing math in my school years. That really helps me to see the bright side in doing math problems.

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kak eyeliner yang bagus apa ya? aku baru mau belajar pake tp bingung pake yg gel pencil apa yg cair.. terus bagusnya merk apa ya kak? makasih :")

Pake Mizzu! Eyeliner yang bentuknya kayak spidol, tintanya juga cepet kering jadi ga perlu merem lama-lama!
Recommended banget buat yang baru pertama pake eyeliner karena gak gampang bleber, tintanya juga mudah dihapus kalo salah-salah (meskipun ini sebenernya kekurangan).
Tapi eyeliner ini kurang enak kalo bikin garis yang tebel banget (apalagi bentuk cat eyes) karena hasilnya gak se-bold eyeliner cair.
Belinya bisa di online shop instagram, gue kurang tau yang mana karena biasanya gue beli dari temen gue hehehe.
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Dear future husband..

I made this as a cheat sheet for you to get me as your wife. So, darling, this is how to propose Kinan Kawuryan properly:
Whoever you are, I hope someday you'll come straightly to my house along with your parents to talk about our future with my parents. You need to make a impressing presentation in front of my parents about who you are, what do you want, and what's your plan.
At that time, I'll hide behind my bedroom door and keep my ears open. I'll wait until my mother call me to join this judgmental conversation.
If my parents are impressed by your presentation, I'm sure my they will ask me, "Do you wanna marry this guy?" in front of you and your parents. If my heart tells me that you're really the one, I will not hesitate to nod and smile.
And if you're not following those steps, I will not give you the answer (or I might answer no).
So, whoever you are, good luck following the steps.

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If you could take a part in one of Indonesian horror movies with alm. Suzana, what movie would it be? What role would you play? Have a good night, everyone! :)

Saya mau jadi sate yang dimakan tante Suzana yang kemudian keluar lagi dari lubang di punggungnya.
Liked by: Safira Nys

setiap liat cewek berambut pendek rasa nya pengen kasih si itu cewek roti buaya deh!

Selama dikasih makanan w pasrah ae lah


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