

Ask @krakhows

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Funny how you were so eager to show off your “ capabilities” showed your whole deck? Meanwhile, I haven’t even pulled the card.😂🤫🤞

You better be holding a full house..

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Do you know what it's like to actually need someone in your life and them just laughing your face and ridicule you behind your back.

Yes, do you?

I wanna make song covers soon. But I have to buy all the equipments. Piano. And microphone. And all the equipment. I also want to take voice coaching sessions

imanFaith90556’s Profile Photoiman Faith
Then what are you waiting for!?!?!
You better go do that shet, instead of woofing all this wanna!
You go girl!! You got this.

Have you ever tried special brownies that get you high?

Shut the front door.. don't tell me you're a rookie?

What’s something you did as a teenager that goes against your morals now as an adult? For me it’s allowing teachers to become my “friend”

stormydazex6’s Profile Photostormydazex
Have you ever thought of writing a book??

Angry, a man sits down at a bar and orders a drink. He mutters “These lawyers are jerks… all the same…”. Sitting not too far, a man in a suit responds “Hey, watch your mouth.” “Why, you’re a lawyer?” The man responds: “No, I’m a jerk.”

That's against the law.


Language: English