
Lee Lemon

Ask @leelem0n

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What three things do you think of most each day?

Can I workout now?
Do I need to eat now?
I should probably drink water now.
Liked by: Ratzsa

What's something every teen should know?

Any time an adult tells you that you won't understand when you're older, please know it's because that adult is too stupid to formulate an actual response so they just try to diminish your mental capacity to bring it down to their level.
Liked by: Jen McB

Is it ethical to eat meat?

I think it is right to consume an animal without torturing it or causing it undue pain during its life (like many CAFO's) or during slaughter (like with halaal and kosher). I don't consider it right to throw out all the organ meats and blood. I consider this wasteful, very wasteful.

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Currently drawing Lee and Stephen's romantic supper of spoonfed babyfood and text to speech sweet nothings.

I am pretty excited to see this.
Liked by: Jen McB Ratzsa

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would you choose?

Stephen Hawking, so I could feed him and ask him sexual questions.
Or maybe Beetlejuice. Why Beetlejuice? Because Beetlejuice...oh, hey, I need to have dinner with someone.
Liked by: Jen McB

If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?

Changes in zoning and mixed income housing.

What is the traditional meal in your country?

I don't own a country, but if I did the traditional meal would include tarantula.

I'm asking this because you used to be Pentecostal. I'm sure you're familiar with being slain in the Spirit, yes? People falling on the floor and all. How exactly does that happen. I know that it's the result of an emotional response in the long run, but I'm short on the details.

That is a good question. Yes, I am familiar with "Slain in the Spirit" and have personally experienced it many times. The concept is that the Holy Spirit comes in you or wells up within you and you have a sudden burst of warmth, a feeling of love, and are consequently too weak to stand...huh, it sounds like a "spiritual orgasm" when I describe it that way.
Anyway, the reason this happens is simply due to expectation. This is why it happens in Pentecostal churches but not other churches (there may be some other Christian sects, but I don't know of any). Similar feelings can be read that occur in persons of other religions and even practitioners of new age philosophy. If you expect it to happen, it will.
For any Pentecostals reading this, ask yourself why being Slain in the Spirit happens more often in large groups of people. I have experienced it on my own during prayer but I will say it was never as intense as in church; I will also say most of the Pentecostals I knew were unable to experience it on their own.
I utilized this expectation thing to my benefit when I get an injection. I tell myself it will not hurt, I watch the needle go in and the pinch I feel (if any) cannot compare to the pain I used to feel when I expected it to hurt and turned my head away in fear. Knowledge is power.

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Liked by: Ratzsa Jen McB animalia

If you could steal something and get away with it, what would you steal?

The reason I don't steal has nothing to do with the law. If we all stole things, the companies providing the items would go bankrupt and we couldn't have access to those items anymore.
Liked by: Leonardo Astros

How often do you lie to people?

I don't see a purpose to lying to others unless the situation is special, such as being confronted with terrorists.

Do you think you're brave?

The Marine Corps taught me how to set aside my fear to be scared later, after the task is done. I suppose that means I'm brave.

In your opinion, what's the best workouts to burn belly fat? And how long did it take you to get from flab to abs?

There's no such thing as a workout that can "burn belly fat". Fat is lost when your body chooses to burn your fat stores as energy when you aren't overeating and during some types of workouts. You cannot choose where your fat is stored and you cannot choose where your fat is burned. This is a myth called "spot reduction". Anything or anyone that claims to help you burn thigh fat, love handles, jiggly thighs, or any other specific area is simply lying to you so you buy their product or visit their website (which brings them money, even if you don't pay to use the site). It is purely fictitious.
You'll hear that you start to lose weight by consuming fewer calories than you burn in a day. While this is true, there are a couple things to consider:
1. You need to remember that existing burns calories. For some reason, many people do not factor this in. They only factor in their exercises as "burning calories". That is a bad idea. Living burns calories. How many calories? That depends on your activity level and metabolism.
2. Your metabolism is yours. This means that you cannot just make assumptions about how much you burn or how much you use. Studies are showing more and more that genetics plays a factor in our metabolism, as does our overall weight and overall muscle. There are many factors that come into play. Please keep this in mind when you use calculations to figure out your basal metabolic rate, and please keep this in mind when you are using a piece of equipment that claims to tell you how many calories you're burning. You need to find your balance for your body. This unfortunately calls for trial and error. I cannot tell you how much you need to eat and exercise. All I can tell you is that you must be dedicated to your meal plan and your exercise regimen. It is not "80% diet, 20% exercise" like some people claim. Put 100% into both.
To answer your other question, I went from about a size 22 (trousers) to abs in about 10 months.

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Liked by: Jen McB Ratzsa

What's your opinion about violence?

Thalion83’s Profile PhotoLeonardo Astros
Unprovoked violence is for inarticulate people angry about their own stupidity.
This can and should be met with "correctivd violence", which is defending oneself and/or the victim of violence. It should not be excessive, but adequate to stop the aggressor.

Is it better to be lazy and clever or hardworking and stupid?

I prefer clever and hardworking, but the point of the question is to pick one over the other. I would prefer to know someone who is hardworking but not very bright as being lazy means one cannot use one's cleverness.

I miss you! Not in a Turbo way, because that would be weird. So anyway, if I want to get a lean body, and not overly bulky, do I want light or heavy weights and many or few reps/sets? And any recommendations on food?

Ratzsa1’s Profile PhotoRatzsa
Do what is more comfortable for you right now. When you find a size you like, stick with that routine (don't increase the weight). Getting "overly bulky" takes years, specific training, specific dieting, (usually) specific supplementation, and bulk-friendly genes. You won't achieve it accidentally.
As for your diet, you want to eat enough to repair your muscle but not so much that you store fat. How many calories is that? Unless you see a doctor to have your metabolism evaluated, there is no way anyone can know. It is unfortunately trial and error. Instead of weighing yourself, use measuring tape to check your progress every couple weeks, or even every week, to ensure you're on the right track. Keep a diet journal as well, tracking what you eat, how much (amount or calories) and when you eat. It makes a big difference. Choose healthy foods, such as fresh or frozen vegetables, fruit and meats. Eggs, dairy, nuts and grains also belong in a well-rounded diet. Try to include protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats with each meal or snack. For example, don't snack on a handful of raw carrots but instead raw vegetables with a low-sodium dip, such as guacamole, bean dip or hummus. Instead of snacking on an apple, add in a handful of nuts or a protein shake.

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Thanks for your answer a month or two back, I know it's just a silly message board but it genuinely helped.

I am genuinely glad it helped. ^-^

Stop acting tough, even I want to blow bubbles at that baby platy.

I thought the life goal you were pointlessly sharing with me was that I was supposed to tickle, not blow bubbles.

This might be one of those "too personal" questions, but if you were with the right android or robot and you loved eachother, are you the cuddly type or do you shun physical contact unless necessary?

It depends on a variety of factors. I am not one or the other, it just depends.

What do you think of Zen Buddhists?

There are some nice nuggets in any religion, but same as any religion I am not interested in practicing something based on an assumption. Buddhism has very silly assumptions, same as any religion.

Lemon. Have you ever considered adding your voice to the Honey Badgers over on A Voice For Men?

No, because I am against MRA for the same reason I am against feminists. I am currently working on a different project for voice acting, though.
Liked by: Ratzsa

Meh, I don't know what you're made of lemon, you look a bit like Ripley from Alien though.

I have heard that before.

What’s your favorite dessert?

Lebanese rice pudding (the kind made with pistachios, almonds, and rose water).

How does one go about differentiating a Goblin from a Hob-Goblin?

Visually, it can be difficult due to varying tales about them, though hobgoblins have a tendency to be more hairy.
Hobgoblins, while appreciating practical jokes, are more helpful than harmful. Goblins, on the other hand, tend to be assholes.
Liked by: Jen McB

What is the link to your blog? I'd like to check it out (pics of your body not needed, I read blogs for the fucking content unlike that fucktard you had to deal with)

AntireligiousAtheist’s Profile PhotoSerenity Weiss Berry
I have a couple blogs. One is where I post mostly atheism/theism stuff (dirtyatheist.tumblr.com) and the other is mostly health/fitness stuff (leelem0n.tumblr.com). Blogs I update less frequently:
-vegan recipes: dailyveganeats.tumblr.com
-Korea stuff: lemonkimchi.tumblr.com


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