
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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What does it mean when a bird poops on you?

It means that I should go back to bed because it's going to be a shitty day.

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When did you first fall in love?

Ever since I was born. I fell deeply in love with the woman who brought me to this universe and carried me along the way.

Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?

Neil Buchanan. Cheers to all of you that recognizes the name.

Do you have any relation with a Canadian artist named Katie Findlay? (By asking this therefore you should know the guy behind this question)

HAHA thankyou for pointing out the last sentence. Nope, nope, and nope. Barely even look like her

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

I was watching life after beth and now I'm experiencing the infamous post movie depression.
What were you doing 30 minutes ago

no, nothing, i mean... they're cool! and i always think that people who listen to them are cool too!

Yes they are! Aha uhmm thanks I guess

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

The Godfather Part III. How can one not fall in love with the trilogy.

What does true friendship mean to you?

the one when we resemble each other as an animal and eat pizza in complete silence

May life give you surprises, much more than you have ever imagined. Have a very nice day, Met.

I look forward to it each second. Thankyou, whoever you are.

Tell a story that depict how chaotic your country is, the longer the better

I live in a poor country which contains rich individuals. This clearly shows how corrupted the system is. You wouldn't see badass tourist brochures when you land on our airport but you will see quite a lot of lambhorgini and other expensive cars on the streets.
I live in a country that hyperbolically stereotypes. Ex: women with veils gets socially reduced for her appearance, Nice girls = "sluts", Girls who say no = "bitches", Girls who can't cook = Potentially a bad mother, People who are not strongly religious = A bad person. I wouldn't know the exact frequency of these matters, but I am writing this based mainly on what I see in schools, television, etc.
Anyways, the last presidential election clearly made it everywhere. As you can see apparently it is very hard for the majority of people here to respect both candidates without having to bash and make lies out of each other. In my country, you can pay for literally everything and get away with the most ridiculous things.
I live in a country where transportation is made to be very tiring and difficult (mostly in cities like Jakarta, etc). Everyday you get to have a thought: Should I drive? But the traffic is horrible and I'm out of gas money. Should I take the bus? But it's so hot outside and I don't like weird people staring at me. Should I take a cab? But it's expensive and I can only trust a few cab companies. It is very hard for you to get from one place to another. It's pretty chaotic from this aspect, I guess. Drivers rant all the time.
All in all, I guess my country is pretty chaotic. But it has its prestiges. Home is home.

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Liked by: Michael Warming

If you were a single piece of a set of Playing Cards, which piece are you?

i'd be the joker card
cus i'm always left out in most games
not really

Impersonate dong met

Nabila Qatrunnada
"Iywwwea, akwu prilly..."
"Euuu sorry bgt ni kak, ini tuwh gimana y?"
"Halo kakak, saya nabila dari angkatan 2012 ingin menginformasikan tentang acara.."
*latian nelfon*
"THAT'S RIGHT" *muka alay nampol lobang idung membesar*
"crocsku dipake wudhu coba.. dikata bakiak.."
"Ooooulright!" *bibir kantilever*
be gimana ya be. kata2 nggak cukup buat impersonate lo.
kapan2 gue bikin mix video lo sehari2 y tx.

What's the best dating advice you have?

Never get too carried away by what your partner says to sway you right off your feet; they probably won't remember and you don't need it. He is not Midas, you were golden since you were born.

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

an inverted cross, maybe. or an ankh symbol.

Maap kak drmj mah baru main ginian, di kampung drmj gak ada ask.fm, adanya karang taruna gitu kak. Tapi drmj bertekad buat jadi hits kayak kakak >.< powerpointnya apakah bisa kak yang 1997???? di warnet pakenya yang ini kak. maaf mengganggu

trs ini drmj make ask.fm darimana dong minjem ponsel temen? jgn sering2 minjem ya drmj nanti ketergantungan kyk ganja nanti masuk penjara
bisa, bisa kok.. pake apa aja bs sih drmj.. nanti kontek saya lebih jauh ya biar wawasan editnya nambah tx
Liked by: Nabila Qatrunnada

Kak kok kayak dendam kesumat gitu ya sama kak Nabila?

Em ga dendam kesumat sih lebih ke agak prihatin dan pengen ditabok pake sol AP boots. Tp dia cukup menarik untuk diteliti kok, kenalan deh.
Liked by: Nabila Qatrunnada

Are you afraid of people?

I used to be afraid of being anxious around them and getting rejected in the end, way back then. But then I realized that you're always going to disappoint and be disappointed. Social burdens are inevitable; therefore strive in your own way of doing things.
Liked by: Fika

What is your goal for the next 24 hours?

Being able to break my neck just to keep my chin up at the dining table.

How much would it cost to buy your love?

If love doesn't come for free then it's probably not worth it. I guess people should learn that they don't have to pay a certain price to get loved in return.


Language: English