
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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What sport is the most boring?

I am not fond of the word 'sports'. I lack 'sports'. The only 'sport' I could bear is hiking and running. Not that I'm highly skilled at it, no.

What kind of movies do you like?

Ones that make me think really hard so that I'd have to watch them repeatingly.

When the electricity goes out in your home, what’s the first thing you miss?

The godlike power of battery chargers. I am hideous at keeping things alive.

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What do you do when you are alone in your room?

Countless things. I can do whatever I want, all in all. Like making a short parody of the day I had in my head, fantasizing the people I admire noticing my existence, picturing people that do me wrong in coffins- you know, those stuff. Me being left alone, in that way, is the only method that makes it possible to do so, don't you think? Aside from all that, music plays a huge part of the whole thing. How else can I picture a perfect projection?

If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

Something that enables the ability for people like us in general to gain the power of telekinesis. Something that makes things around us move so we don't have to, obviously. I strive for lazy perfection.

impersonate me mait

Traviata Mayka
"ya....yak.....seperti itu"
"shit just got real"
"get inside my pants"
"AK!!!!!!!!!!" *toa*
"AAAAAHHahahahhheuhauehha!" *toa di awal*
"bisa ga sih.....ga gitu"
"ah ah aaaaaah jgn gitu...." *muka mandra*
"apa gt lho....!"

Is there anything you see that no one else notices?

I notice small gestures. They describe people more than you can imagine.

What is the major problem in your city?

I'd say this city needs a huge reconstuction of its surroundings and more caution is needed for the buildings that are going to take place here. Bandung has a strong potential of being one of the most cozy and beautiful city, but it's taken over by the wrong hands; therefore reckless actions were taken (such as: demolishing shitloads of city heritage, making horrible "fashion outlets" in all the wrong places, destroying public spaces, et cetera).

What was the last movie that made you think?

Jane Eyre. It made me think how one can suffocate over defending one's pride and self-worth. Jane is one heck of a character; she showed me how important it was for one to stand up for what we think we deserve even if it means letting go of those we think weakens us in any aspect.
At the end of the movie she gets to return to her significant other with feelings of hope and nostalgia, but only to see him helplessly blind and suffering without her. She was left feeling nothing but regret and sorrow seeing that her almost lover could never be the man he once was due to the accident that striked him. This also showed me how we should be more concerned of our character more than our pride; thus, I, all in all, feel like I can overly relate to Jane- for she is pictured not as a strong female or as a pretty woman, but as a real person. Struggling to find the difference between what she needs and what she desires.

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If you could have any question answered, what would it be?

"What are the changes that I was meant to bring to this land of doubtfulness?"

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

I'd be famous for having the most ordinary life to live with an ordinary method of overcoming problems in the most ordinary way possible. Or, I'd probably be famous for being the fastest person to read people and being able to re-read people over and over again so they'd grow in my heart even though they're contagious for my own good. Which is not-so-secretly my huge flaw.

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

I'd ask God what I was meant to create when I grow old and what my purpose was.

What's one animal you would not want to come face to face with?

Freckin' toads. I am highly disgusted x allergic to slimy water-land creatures.

What makes you angry?

People who try to control other people by choking them with their beliefs. Also loud people which say mostly unnecessary monologues.

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

I'd sneak in to airplanes and go wherever I want. Also will probably scare people by throwing stuff around. Or at them. I don't know yet.

If you were given the permission to kill off one person legally, who would that be?

I can't think of only one person spesifically, though.

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

Depends on how big my heart gets when the time actually comes. If. Love is a heavy word.


Language: English