
Maitri Anjani

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The impression of you that I get is that you are a sensitive person but are often wary of expressing your true thoughts and emotions. I feel that you have been hurt in the past and this may be the reason for your caution – however, once you allow people to become a part of your life, i.e. by confiding in them or accepting their help or advice, you find it easier to develop a sense of trust and affinity.
There is something from your childhood which you are especially sensitive about – I'm not sure exactly what this is but I do know that it would take a very special person for you to confide this secret to. If this issue hasn't yet been resolved then you may feel a little ashamed of whatever this was but one message that comes through to me is that it was not your fault.
You have always tried your best in most of the things that you've done. You realize that you could have done better at times with certain projects but your interest simply wasn't there. You find it easy to concentrate on things that really interest you, but if someone tries to make you study a subject or project that you don't want to learn about then you tend to 'phase out'.
There was an artistic or musical interest that you had when you were younger that you could have developed but didn't. It may be that there were too many other things going on in your life at the time – or that it simply wasn't the right time for you – I feel that you will probably go back to that interest at some time in the future and excel at it.
You lost someone very special in your past and this left you with a sense of loneliness or abandonment. You still miss this person but I figure you are now coming to terms with that loss. In a way it made you appreciate loved ones more; however you don't always show your true feelings.
You find the opposite sex intriguing. Sometimes you hate them, sometimes you love them. Your emotions seem to swing from high to low and back again.
You would like to be the centre of attention at times – however most of the time you are happy to watch and observe. You don't like making a fool of yourself and you certainly wouldn't enjoy seeing your best friend or someone you really care about making a fool of themselves.
You have an overwhelming protective instinct. If someone you love annoys you then you will tell them so. If an outsider insults them then you instinctively jump to their defensive. It's as though 'It's alright for you to say that, but not for them to'.
You have certain colours that you like and will wear them depending on your mood. You are also sensitive to smell – you have favourite aromas – and some memories that are associated to them – e.g. bonfire night or your mother's favourite perfume or shampoo – or perhaps a favourite dish – roast beef – curry – chicken or steak or perhaps even a tomato based recipe.
You are idealistic about the person you would like to eventually settle down with (if indeed you have not already met that p

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Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

Art museum. It's less noisy and it doesn't reek of animal piss. (I love animals it's just that not all of them)

What do teenagers think about?

They think about mostly everything and they think that makes it enough.

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

"Look straight ahead, oh and mind your head."

How can people become happy?

Happiness can be achieved when a person is ready to understand that life is only what you make of it, and that loving yourself should always be above everything else. Not everyone is meant to be in our lives forever, so that basically the only thing permanent is ourselves. Don't make 'being stuck with yourself' a bad chore. Might as well make it bearable. Learn from the good and the bad so that nothing gets wasted.

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

Usually the furniture. I tend to notice them first (ex: carpets, lamps, seating arrangements, etc)

If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?


Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

The Dark Night Trilogy, Her, Heathers, Frida, Lost In Translation, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Ghost World, Stoker, and probably Hot Fuzz.

What is your attitude to smoking?

Some people smoke to live, some smoke to die. I believe I don't have a consistent attitude towards it. I wish I had the guts to smoke, though. I'm too in love with my physical being.

Are you a city or a nature person?

Both are enjoyable in different ways, but I'm more of a nature person. Trees and outdoor sceneries spoils me at my best.

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

That one time where I lost everything I held dearly at a very quick amount of time, and was still able to ace my academics.
I am proud of myself everytime I tackle a beast inside my head. I hope they grow weary soon enough.

gercep bgt kak blsnya tips n trick membangun rumah tangga dgn suasana bulan puasa dong kak

pasti ini kalo bukan adira, elvira, reyhan, atau rifi.

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

It'd be black with the title in the middle. And probably a girl on fire just below the text. A girl can dream, surely.

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

Ah, this is tricky. But long, I guess.

the name doesn't really matter, how they talk, or maybe how they want to be treated

Well.. all I know is good strangers are those who looks at you without a pair of judgmental eyes.
Liked by: *Samriddhi*

do you have a list of the good strangers?

what do you want the list to be based on? I wouldn't know they're names, really.

Would the ten years-old maitri anjani be proud of her current self?

I think so. I've done a few things that I never thought I could for the past 9 years.

Kak impersonate dong

Zulfikar MA Rafkhi
Nah ini nih.
"Ele *tektrek tektrek* om *tektrek tektrek* bAla!"
"Pikarte ano onista?"
"lacucu!! lacucu khipartainaku"
"Mmmmm! Mmmmm??! Mmmm! *minum*"
"Haeiy pa...kurtapunake"
"alamu, alamu...? alamu!"
"karkati psikata..tarsabalako"
"useka piquedatursalamanakatine"
"pardatasi khulei khubai"

i'm much louder than i was before, i'm frightened, i'm afraid that i'll hurt people that close to me, what should i do?

Being loud for certain things are great, as long as you're able to acknowledge your surroundings and how people would take it (right or wrong). But yeah, being able to put out your opinion is important. So it's awesome as long as it is put in the right time and place.

what do you feel about life?

Life is really what you make of it, as obnoxious as it sounds. I take it as the one and only shot you get to feel everything you're capable of feeling, no more no less. It is also an inevitable labyrinth that is given to us by force. Might as well make it the best one yet.


Language: English