
Maitri Anjani

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aduh lagu pixies jadi terdengar sangat syahdu sekali <3

pixies' version is also v blissful so it is a very good syahdu feeling
Liked by: ANON69

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Do you work well under pressure?

I am only motivated when I'm either sad or filled with the desire of setting someone on fire.

Good evening! What are the stereotypes about your college major that is actually not true? Have a pleasant evening!

they say that architecture students get to do the most entertaining things such as drawing things and things. (not so) fun fact: that is clearly an understatement.
we don't just draw things and expect them to build on their own. we have to think of everything throughout the design. ex: when we are assigned to do a project (hotel), here are the list of things we must think of:
a) floor plans
b) bubble diagrams
c) circulation
d) building section
e) building structure (or else it will fall down to destruction and we wouldn't want that, obv)
f) GODDAMN UTILITIES (the water pipes, the fire emergency exits, fire alarms, sprinklers, plumbing wastes,
thunder anticipations)
g) sustainability aspects (how to save energy and to have positive relation to its surroundings)
h) the interiors (we get to design the furnitures also)
i) the cost estimations (yes we do have to make these)
j) the social affect to its environment
how's that for "oh but don't you guys, like, get to draw things? i wish my major would let me draw things".
and most of us have to do this individually, not in a group. so..... there's that.

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Have you ever tried to be vegetarian?

I have but only when I feel like dying and thinking about ways of making my life a bit more worth while. Not really

What is one awesome food from your country you think everyone should try?

Polluted air. It's very authentic and you can't get them at the exact rate anywhere else!

Are you stylish?

If you consider not going out of your comfort zone and sticking to sweaters on the daily then yes, yes I am.

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

the trait of creating m u t u a l r e s p e c t.
this is bex and she lives in brooklyn nyc and she's a wonderful artist and she actually took the time to purchase each and every work of mine all the way to indonesia and she is wonderful
What personality trait do you admire in other people
Liked by: Hagi

What makes someone powerful?

People who knows what they actually are and what they're capable of doing.
Knowing your power is what creates humility,
And not knowing them is what creates insecurity.

What is art to you?

art is whatever you do in order to escape from the strains of reality
i'm currently escaping in the most rapid pace i've been on
(yo i sell tshirts x patches x stickers)
What is art to you

What does your aura look like?

I guess it looks like a set of horrible and hurtful comebacks waiting to be served well to anyone that catches my attention.

halo ka maitri, aku selalu suka gambar kk dari dulu (ahaha ketauan suka stalking dari lama). aku boleh tanya ga ka, software yg kk pake untuk warnain gambar kk di komputer pake apa? makasi ka maitri, have a good day :)

d'aw thankyou.
pake photoshop aja kok (karena i suck at digital and i'm an amateur when it comes to adobe illustrator). manual dulu lalu diwarna digital aja.

If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

I would probably rather not know because I never know what to do afterwards.

mau bikin music project nih, electronic shoegaze gt. lo mau ga jadi kolaborator buat ngisi vocalnya? mungkin beberapa part-gitar jg

sure thing but who's this really

seminggu tuh krn apa? mood lg? bingung ngelanjutinnya?

um, obviously there's several reasons. some of them include:
a) i have other stuff to do (priorities exist i cant help them)
b) i get really scared of finishing a piece because at times i don't want to end the whole exciting process of it
c) mood, iya
d) sometimes i have to be really careful of each and every stroke because i have to think of the message i want to put out to the rest of the world (i don't usually use pencils first, i tend to go freehand on markers mostly)

biasanya kalo ngerjain 1 ilustrasi/gambar brp lama?

tergantung sih. mostly paling cepet 5-15 menit, paling lama bisa seminggu.

How do you feel about snow?

He knows nothing apparently but I think now that he's dead he's known more than any of us don't you think
Wait do you mean snow or Snow or which Snow

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

Maybe 21. Literally. And yes that is my current age.
I hope I don't end up setting myself on fire.

What do women talk about when there are no men around?

pretty much the same stuff when they're around because to be frank men aren't that significant (this applies to my circle of female friends and they rule)

Menurut mu, maksudnya apa sih kalau ada cowo yang suka kasi perhatian diam2 ke cewe, tapi begitu ketemu jarang banget ngajak ngobrol? Sekalinya ngobrol seru malah sm cewe lain, di depan kita pula, dan kita dicuekin gtu aja. -_-

gapaham knp org2 nanya bidang ini ke gue cus like dude i'm the worst when it comes to relationships and men seriously
i could say tho that when guys give you attention it doesn't necessarily mean that they're interested in you romantically. don't take them seriously (as shitty as it sounds)

bauhaus atau minimalist?

I can't answer that question because the term "minimalist" is very subjective mainly because there's no certain universal standard to it. People these days often state "minimalist" as a design concept in which I find very shady and unsteady because different people would have different understanding to it. Unlike Bauhaus, which has a clear history and standards within its own style.


Language: English