
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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How do women understand ‘romance’?

women and romance have a very difficult relationship. one carries a match and the other carries gasoline.

What do you think people think of you?

"wow she's such a sad girl i feel so sorry for her i mean hmm i cannot recall a single moment when i am confident enough to say she's happy?????"
dumb bitch

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lo tipikal yg nugas nunggu mood atau ga?

hahahahahaha banget
gue bahkan cenderung lbh produktif diluar rumah jadi yha memang saya apes

lg isu pasar bebas, profesi arsitek aman?

profesi arsitek salah satu yang kena juga, unfortunately. let the hunger games begin.

plan/target buat tahun ini apa aj?

no plans. i'm just literally going to accept whatever 2016 has in store for me with a big heart.
i never actually make resolutions because it would mean i'm subconsciously putting a certain parameter whether the year has succeed or not.
i believe there's millions of things that can happen within a year and it will change you in a certain way. so i believe success is bigger than resolutions in general.

What was the last gift you gave somebody?

Today I got the chance to become somebody's (a stranger) Book Santa. She lives somewhere in Cibubur and I bought her a piece from Gretchen Rubin. She's currently pregnant (I've been told) and I wish her the best of luck.
Liked by: Hanani M Luthfina

What's your favorite movie scene?

http://youtu.be/S7t4r2G2XCEmaitrikka’s Video 135163208980 S7t4r2G2XCEmaitrikka’s Video 135163208980 S7t4r2G2XCE
This particular scene never fails to make me sulk and cheer simultaneously. Gets me everytime partially because I can relate to each and every word with each and every transition of the scenes that came with it. Spike Jonze is a screen genius.

How often do you go to parties?

i suck at parties that's probably why i never choose to show up and if i do i'd probably be in the corner drinking soda and checking the time daily

menurutmu, bedanya kontemporer sama eklektik apa ya?

gue nangkepnya sih, arsitektur kontemporer ngacu ke "kekinian" dari segi gaya dan langgam2 tren. mungkin bisa dibilang malah anti-verakular dan merioritasin penggunaan material2 & teknologi baru.
kalau arsitektur eklektik lebih kayak akulturasi gaya dan budaya. banyak perpaduan unsur - unsur yang udah ada (ars klasik, dst) trs bisa sampe dikembangin jd bentuk baru.

Menurut kmu, gimana sih caranya supaya ngga tiba2 kangen sm mantan? Entah kenapa kadang jd inget dia, terus kebawa kangen, tapi tahu dulunya dia sering nyakitin :(((( kmrn2 udah move on pdhl ._. Merasa terjebak nostalgia nih 😂😂😂

nostalgia's a bitch innit
just keep a hold of reality and fall back in love with the things that make you happy. hobbies, things that you've always wanted to do but never had the time, etc.
remembering things are inevitable, but it's alright to remember even the bad stuff. all that matters is how you put back your thought gently, and move towards the best version of yourself.

bobo deh kalo udh ngantuk haha, masa minta pap sketchup -_-

baru nyadar nih, semua project pasti dibikin 3dnya which is dari sketchup. thats why i had a hard time understanding the question, no need to be rude.

biasanya kalo bikin maket brp lama?

tergantung seberapa besar skalanya sih. biasanya gue 5 hari paling lama (kalo bener2 niat)

suka beli buku arsitek dmn? kan mahal-mahal gt ya

biasanya di luar indo krn cenderung lebih murah. sisanya peninggalan2 bokap krn dia punya banyak. emang agak mahal sih, gue jg ga sering2 bgt beli sendiri gitu.

5 arsitek favoritmu?

1. Richard Meier
2. Le Corbusier
3. Sou Fujimoto
4. Santiago Calatrava
5. Antonio Gaudi
In no spesific order. Saya sangat mengidolakan x dipengaruhi orang - orang ini.

udah mau skripsi nih, btw udah nemuin style arsitektur kamu sendiri?

yeah fingers crossed.
i don't think i've found my individual style just yet, selama kuliah ini masih eksperimen sm gaya beda beda and i'm still a mix of architects slash idols that i aim to be. although makin kesini makin keliatan sih, tp i'll need more years of experience to fairly say i have my own.

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

1) my first ever paid job (adobe san fransisco in which i literally squealed for the whole day)
2) super cool friends in which i aspire to be for the most part

kenapa dulu milih arsi unpar? ga di jkt aja?

udh pernah dijawab si but ok jadi karena arsi unpar pernah mencetak ranking 1 fakultas ars di asia tenggara dan gue gamau di jkt krn mau nyoba lingkungan baru heu (bandung is v nice utk merantau)

kenapa dulu ga masuk dkv aja kalo lebih suka ilustrasi?

karena hal hal berbau ilustrasi bisa jadi hobi sih menurut gue. i don't need to go to a certain institute to learn more about it i guess, krn i think i can teach myself new methods and new ways of shaping a good character. di sisi lain arsitektur; i need a facility yang bisa ngajarin gue dari a-z bcs i can't get that anywhere else dan bidangnya lebih luas.

Menurut km tentang cowo yang ngajakin kita jalan tapi sebelumnya udah ngajakin cewe lain buat dating dan biar ikutan jalan bareng mereka, itu maksudnya apasih? 😂😂😂

udah dek makanya gausah ngurusin lelaki dahulu, go out and have fun and hang out with yourself its very fulfilling
Liked by: boc

What kind of things are you interested in?

things that are related to women and beasts and demons and witchcraft
i draw some of them daily.
What kind of things are you interested in

Do you prefer a bath or shower?

I have no time for long baths that provides long thoughts about your life problems a shower will do

10 top albums favoritmu?

This took me a while. I had to get all picky it was hard but ok:
10. "Visions" - Grimes
This album was literally my powerhouse during my teen angst years (counts as the high school phase). Claire represented the perfect picture of everything I wanted to be & created everything I've ever wanted to make. I could glitz out in public to every track. Have fun getting possessed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5H-YlcMSbc&index=3&list=PLuVXC3t17vpoZG15OeqwhzDJZmM4Kkfb5maitrikka’s Video 135025080340 m5H-YlcMSbcmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 m5H-YlcMSbc
9. "Loveless" - My Bloody Valentine
This album represented everything that was beautiful & melancholic. It is literally the best company for the days when you feel isolated, rejected, and down straight empty. Now go resonate your inner woes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9-NOIalUYUmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 l9-NOIalUYUmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 l9-NOIalUYU
8. "Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness" - The Smashing Pumpkins
I can't even begin to arrange the right sentences to describe this album. It's lovely and it's precise. It hits you right where you expect them to. Billy Corgan- my heart is yours.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr58WHo2ndMmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Lr58WHo2ndMmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Lr58WHo2ndM
7. "Hello Sadness" - Los Campesinos!
No other album can make a ~sad feels~ album sounds like a ~good feels~ album. Kudos to this set of people that made my heartbroken days turn into jiggy starlight days. Sadness never felt so good & by the way, every lyric is on point.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxyAwjlD3Ckmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 qxyAwjlD3Ckmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 qxyAwjlD3Ck
6. "You Forgot It In People" - Broken Social Scene
Hits you right in the spines. This album has a wonderful mix of simple x sentimental tunes that represents all the things you wish you could say. This album is filled with longings that I'm sure everyone on this planet have once felt but chose to ignore. This album can be very personal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5E-pV6nwNQmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 W5E-pV6nwNQmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 W5E-pV6nwNQ
5. "The Idler Wheel Is Wiser..." - Fiona Apple
Fiona has a way of dragging you into her world. I suggest you pay attention to her lyrics; her words cut like knives and she will serve you the best honesty a woman can fully admit. She is my teen idol and I wish to be her.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fby632bPn0Emaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Fby632bPn0Emaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Fby632bPn0E
4. "Sempiternal" - Bring Me The Horizon
Where do I begin. This album is my personal favorite from the boys and every track is flawless. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over this album.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHz3JYl0cZmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 IHz3JYl0cZmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 IHz3JYl0cZ
3. "Crystal Castles (II)" - Crystal Castles
This album shaped me, all in all. It goes along everything I aim to be and represented the perfect image that I desired way back then. It sticks until this very moment.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y05H4Snyuz8&list=PLCWXIh7vWQTK8IOOBtEV24mN-vqvcW5EHmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Y05H4Snyuz8maitrikka’s Video 135025080340 Y05H4Snyuz8
2. "I Had The Blues but I Shook Them Loose" - Bombay Bicycle Club
My very first love of Indie Rock. I remember beating the shit out of every track because of all the feels it gave me. BBC has been my #2 favorite band since then.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUHbdV688XQmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 DUHbdV688XQmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 DUHbdV688XQ
1. "Trouble Will Find Me" - The National
The best album in the entire world.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81yl_r5lT4wmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 81yl_r5lT4wmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 81yl_r5lT4w

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maitrikka’s Video 135025080340 m5H-YlcMSbcmaitrikka’s Video 135025080340 m5H-YlcMSbc


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