

Ask @melimelibanana

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When or how do you know if someone is just not that into you? And how do you deal with it?

When I had to fish at a lake, I would make sure there's a fish in that lake first.

Your foreign friend are coming to Jakarta. Where are you gonna take them to experience the best of this city?

muteyy’s Profile Photodisabled account
1. Monas
As a symbol of this city, this is a must.
2. Kota Tua (and any museums or exhibitions held in it)
It looks like a vintage semi-European city, only with tropical weather.
3. Sate Padang Ajo Ramon
For truly Padang Satay (said my boyfriend), don't forget to eat the kerupuk kulit along with the spice also.
4. Planetarium
The only place you can see stars, here in Jakarta.
5. The nearest Daytrans
And bring your friends to Bandung, hehe. ^^

aku selalu untuk mencoba, sering kali di mana aku sudah deket lumayan lama aku udah care, bales chat cepet,tapi ujung ujungnya ga pernah jadian:(( di mana letak kesalahanku (?) ya emg mungkin di takdirkan jomblo:)

You try too hard, my friend.
Liked by: adya fnka

menurut kamu , pantes gak seorang cowok datang buat ngedeketin cewek terus ngejauh karena cewek itu gak bisa bikin si cowok nyaman .?

Tadi siang gue ngechat pacar gue:
M: Babal, aku mau confession.
B: ??
M: Kemarin pulang kantor aku ke salon.
B: Loh, kok ga bilang?
M: Terus aku chat rambut jadi hijau.
B: Demi apa?!!!
M: Maaf…
B: Demi apaaa?!
M: Ini aku kasih fotonya…
M: *sending pic*
B: Demi apaaa?!!!
B: Bohong!
B: Demi apaaa?!
B: Kok kamu pake kalung salib?!
So guys, this afternoon my friend gave me a picture of a stranger. Temen gue nemu di internet. Lucunya, stranger ini MIRIP BANGET 90% sama gue.
Alis dan matanya, mirip.
Idungnya, hampir sama.
Bibirnya, hampir sama.
Bentuk mukanya, mirip.
Rambutnya, sama. Cuma dia diombre aja.
Kacamatanya, sama.
Semua orang yang gue tunjukin foto ini pasti terkecoh nyangka ini gue. Cuma satu temen gue aja yang ga terkecoh, alasannya "Elo mana mungkin pakai kemeja loreng zebra." :))
Kalau ada yang tahu ini siapa, kasih tau ya. Mau foto sama dia, lucu kali ya, kayak anak kembar. ^^

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Berapa rata2 likes per-jawaban kamu sekaran? (Likes : answers)

Satu answer rata-rata dapat 20-60 likes sih.
Kalau answernya bercandaan, jokes, atau pemikiran panjang lebar, biasanya dapat >100.
Kalau answernya informatif, biasanya dapat >1000 likes.
Sayangnya likes ini ga bisa dituker jadi duit atau diperjual-belikan ya. Padahal lumayan buat makan sekali di Union. Haha. ^^

but ka, doncha wonderin' mayB he is the 1 who send that BAB thing kuestions. I mean, any1 get the kuestions are usually asked by him. if u block him, I think u won't get that kind of kuestions anymore... aren't u mad that time?

You know, I can be getting madder if I see people write 'kuestion' instead of 'question', 'doncha' instead of 'don't you', 'mayB' instead of 'maybe', 'the 1' instead of 'the one' and 'any1' instead of 'anyone'.
And I don't think his existence bothers me.
But yours does.

Hi ka, I followed u.. Doncha get annoyed with that jobless @jawaradm who send same lame kuestions like everyday 2 almost every1 in here. And that just 4 popularity's sake and 2 get an attention without thinkin' people feelin'. And he isn't as smart like he said he is. I've block him lon' time ago.

Ah, biasa aja.
Bahkan ga ngeh kalau dia banyak nanya.
And I don't think he seeks attention, lha kan emang Ask.fm tempatnya tanya-jawab.
He does that in the right social media.
Is there anything wrong with that? ^^

mel mel, kamu kan fans berat westlife ya? mau nanya, lagu fool again tu ceritanya ttg apa sih? ttg temen yg suicide bukan sih?

Awalnya gue ga ngeh kalau ini lagu bukan bercerita tentang cinta…
Setelah gue baca-baca liriknya…
It fits the suicidal theme…
Jeng jeng…
"Baby, I know the story,
I've seen the picture,
it's written all over your face.
Tell me, what's the secret
that you've been hiding,
and who's gonna take my place?
I should've seen it coming
I should've read the signs
Anyway, I guess it's over.
Can't believe that I'm the fool again,
I thought this love would never end.
How was I to know?
You never told me.
Can't believe that I'm the fool again,
And I who thought you were my friend.
How was I to know?
You never told me.
Baby, you should've called me
when you were lonely,
when you needed me to be there.
Sadly, you never gave me
too many chances,
to show you how much I care.
I should've seen it coming
I should've read the signs
Anyway, I guess it's over.
Can't believe that I'm the fool again,
I thought this love would never end.
How was I to know?
You never told me.
Can't believe that I'm the fool again,
And I who thought you were my friend.
How was I to know?
You never told me
About the pain and the tears.
If I could, I would
turn back the time."

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Kalau punya akun twitter (and I bet most of us have), pernah nggak tweet kamu di copy paste akun lain (tanpa nyantumin sumber)? Kalau pernah, how do you deal with it? Apa bakal cuek atau confront orangnya?

muteyy’s Profile Photodisabled account
Dulu bahkan ada satu account Ask.fm yang nge-copas jawaban-jawaban Ask.fm saya (lucunya, pertanyaannya juga di-copas, jadi kemungkinan besar dia nanya sendiri jawab sendiri), lucu juga ngelihat ada orang 'wishing to be you', terus gaya bahasa dia saat nyolong tulisan saya dan saat dia menulis sendiri itu beda jauh. Saat nyolong tulisan saya, ya, kualitasnya seperti tulisan saya. Saat dia nulis sendiri, ya, saya akhirnya ngerti kenapa dia nyolong tulisan saya, hehe.
Awalnya sih saya diemin, sampai akhirnya dia nge-copas kisah nyata saya dan teman-teman saya. Disitu baru saya confront, soalnya saya ga suka dia asal comot opini teman-teman saya dan diganti dengan nama teman-teman dia. Hehe. ^^

hai, tes yg dilakuin buat masuk digital agency apa aja sih? jika berkenan, mohon diceritain dong mbak mel ^^

Pas banget nih,
coba pertanyaan tentang advertising industry ditanyakan ke Mas @hendura saja, Beliau tahu lebih banyak tentang advertising industry ketimbang saya. Hehe. ^^
Liked by: Jerbat


So, mortals.
Apparently the legend in creative industry, Hendra Lesmono, has created an Ask.fm account.
For any questions about advertising industry, how to build a creative thought, how to lead teams that consist of creative human beings, and other mature (please underline and bold the word 'mature') questions, you can ask him directly. He knows advertising more (and longer) than I do, trust me.
And for mas Hendra, here, several Ask.fm accounts that may be interesting to you, and you may know them irl:
Happy answering questions, Mas!
Oh and to answer your question,
彼女は私の横に座っている~ ^^

Hello :) ive a very random question this afternoon. If you could have anything for dinner tonight with anyone, what would you have and who would you have it with ? Have a nice afternoon xx

AmiraJasmineSalvatore’s Profile PhotoAmira Jasmine
I wish I really could.
Sayangnya orang yang saya impikan untuk diajak dinner hari ini harus lembur juga.
If only I could, I would like to invite him to Skipjack, and enjoy a slice of tenderloin steak together.

Apa hal paling nyebelin/menjijikkan/gak banget dari orang terdekatmu yang masih bisa kamu tahan (dengan alasan klise seperti: rasa sayang/perhatianmu masih lebih tinggi dibanding itu semua, etc)?

Kebiasaan nyebelin pacar saya aja ya:
1. Sering lupa ambil uang tunai
Nah ini, saya sering bilang ke dia kalau uang tunai hukumnya wajib ada di dompet, karena ga semua transaksi bisa dilakukan pakai kartu.
2. Sering menyepelekan masalah
Kadang kalau lagi parkir outdoor, suka saya ingetin untuk titipin helm ke penitipan, karena takut hujan. Tapi dia suka ga dengerin, terus kadang abis itu helm kami berubah jadi akuarium.
3. Terlalu banyak pertimbangan
Saya tipe orang yang tegas dan melakukan sesuatu persis seperti plan yang saya rencanakan, nah pacar saya tipe yang lumayan banyak pertimbangan dan setiap rencana dia adalah tentatif, kadang bisa berubah tergantung kondisi. Maklum, yang satu Taurus yang satu Libra.
4. Suka nyasar
Ini sih ga nyebelin, ini adorable. Pacar suka banget nyasar, biasanya kalau udah gitu, saya berubah status jadi co-pilot, megangin hape pacar bisa lihat GPS. The worst journey adalah dari Tebet ke BSD naik motor, 2,5 jam loh, hahaha. ^^

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If you are going to be sentence to death, and you are allowed to change the world you live in for 1 week before you die, how would you change it?

Sending all members of FPI and ISIS to GAZA.
If that was the last thing I could do, I wanted to do a thing that was good for all; those people could do jihad in a way that they believe the most, and our country is finally free from them. Yay.

melichan, rose crown yg dipake di selfie itu bkinan temen? ato beli?

Itu dibikinin temen buat hadiah kelulusan tahun lalu. :(
Tapi kalau mau beli sendiri, banyak kok dimana-mana. Cuma mostly mereka jualnya yang bunganya kecil-kecil, atau bikin sendiri aja, cara bikinnya gampang banget kok! :D
Liked by: Yurida

Heyy kakak-kakak!!! Kalo misalkan kakak-kakak bisa milih satu lagu yang kakak-kakak mau lagu itu di hapus eksistensi nya, lagu apakah itu dan kenapa? Dan kalau bisa di ganti judul dan lirik nya, mau kakak-kakak ganti jadi seperti apa. Terima kasiiiih yaaaa, have a nice day \(°w°)/

Red Balloon
Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines.
Apparently, lirik lagunya itu seperti kumpulan 'bujukan', 'alasan', dan 'pembelaan' para rapist terhadap korban-korbannya. Ini gue ambil beberapa sample dari artikel http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2013/09/17/from-the-mouths-of-rapists-the-lyrics-of-robin-thickes-blurred-lines-and-real-life-rape/
"I know you want it."
A phrase that many sexual assault survivors report their rapists saying to justify their actions.
"You’re a good girl."
Suggesting that a good girl won’t show her reciprocal desire (if it exists).
"Do it like it hurt, do it like it hurt, what you don’t like work?"
This lyric suggests that women are supposed to enjoy pain during sex or that pain is part of sex.
"The way you grab me. Must wanna get nasty."
This is victim-blaming.
"Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you.
He don’t smack your ass and pull your hair like that."
In this misogynistic fantasy, a woman doesn’t want a “square” who’ll treat her like a human being and with respect. She would rather be degraded and abused for a man’s gratification and amusement.
"I’ll give you something to tear your ass in two."
What better way to show a woman who’s in charge than violent, non-consensual sodomy?
Kalau mau lebih jelasnya, baca artikel yang aku kasih aja hehe.
Kalau bisa diganti sih, mungkin ganti liriknya aja kali ya. ^^
Ini sampai dibikin parody-nya loh sama orang, gara-gara issue yang sama. :))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR6c1XW73JAmelimelibanana’s Video 117417564936 RR6c1XW73JAmelimelibanana’s Video 117417564936 RR6c1XW73JA

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melimelibanana’s Video 117417564936 RR6c1XW73JAmelimelibanana’s Video 117417564936 RR6c1XW73JA

Aduh, Mel sedih banget deh liat binatang2 yang kehilangan rumah kaya gitu mbok ya dikasih tempat untuk menggantikan rumahnya yang lama kenapa sih :c

morastoic’s Profile Photom o r a
Sedih banget Mor, aku pertama kali baca langsung menitikkan air mata. :(
Iya ih, kalau emang HARUS mengambil lahan dari hutan, tolong sediakan tempat pengganti untuk mereka penghuni asli hutan tersebut. Kayak Pig Beach di Bahama ini, isinya babi semua, berenang bebas di lautan, http://news.distractify.com/fun/animals-fun/theres-an-island-where-wild-pigs-and-humans-hang-out-together-and-you-need-to-go-there-now/
Seandainya koala-koala itu diberikan tempat yang sama. :(

kak meli, suka ato pernah baca J light novel ga?

Ha, baca ini deh.
Sedih banget. :(
Some pictures do say a thousand words. This little guy wandered back to his home in New South Wales, Australia last week only to find it had been cut down and chipped by logging operations. A volunteer with WIRES, a rescue operation licensed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, said the koala had been sitting on top of the wood pile for over an hour looking confused. #habitatloss #deforestation have rendered many animals homeless.

Hay mau tau dong, kalau kalian ketemuan sama pacar/gebetan biasanya ngomongin apa aja ?

Ya banyak hal.
Dalam 1 minggu, total waktu yang gue habiskan bersama pacar paling cuma 20 jam.
Padahal dalam satu minggu ada 168 jam.
Berarti ada 148 jam yang gue lalui tanpa pacar gue, dan dalam 148 jam itu pastinya banyak hal yang terjadi, banyak pemikiran yang terlintas, banyak opini yang terbentuk, dan hal-hal itu yang gue bicarakan dengan pacar gue saat kami bertemu. ^^

apakah username kamu ada artinya tersendiri?

Username sosial media gue adalah hal yang paling ga ada artinya dalam hidup gue, seriusan. Cuma seneng aja karena dibacanya enak; me-li-me-li-ba-na-na
Liked by: Nay falee

How to get guy's attention?

You ask the wrong person, Anon.
I'm that type of girl who always avoids anyone's attention. Ga percaya? Ask my boyfriend.
Dulu waktu awal masuk kerja di kantor yang lama, I tried to be as invisible as I could be. Datang paling pagi saat belum ada orang lain yang hadir, dan kebetulan meja kerja saya ada di pojok ruangan dan tertutup tembok. Saya lalu lalang di kantor cuma pas ambil minum, ke WC, atau ada makanan gratis (teteup) sisanya saya cuma duduk di meja saya, bahkan makan siang pun saya di meja.
Lucunya, my boyfriend still sees me even when I'm invisible. He falls in love with me and he loves me like I'm the only girl in the world, even if for the world, I am invisible. In his eyes, I'm the only one. And for that reason also, I choose to be with him.
Never ask for any man's attetion. If he's the right person, he will see you and being attentive to you even when you think you can not be seen. ^^

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pas punya anak nanti, kira-kira hadiah/barang yg mau dikasi ke anak utk pertama kalinya nanti apa? (bs pas anaknya msh kecil atau pas beranjak dewasa)

Mau dikasih crest kayak yang dimiliki sama the chosen children di Digimon.
Ada crest of courage, crest of love, crest of friendship, crest of sincerity, crest of knowledge, crest of light, crest of reliability, crest of hope, dan lain sebagainya. Akan gue berikan sesuai dengan sifat mereka (dan harapan gue kepada mereka) sebagai anak. Hehe. ^^

kak coba cek dong lagi butuh saran apa yg harus diilangin, yang nyemak gitu layouts nya dan kaka lbh suka yang mana orennya? and please answer: do you like this kind of orange?:) thank you kak, i love you❤❤ http://www.polyvore.com/you_can_always_be_good/set?id=131805451

Huhuhu wa ga faham fashion.
Ini aja wa bingung sekarang kresek kuning pasar dijadiin fashion item yang must have.
Tau gitu kresek-kresek di rumah ga wa buang-buangin. Huhuhu.

kak mel punya ide gak kasih apa ya ke pacar biar dia semangat kerja setiap ngeliat hadiah dari kita di kantornya? hehehe. abisnya kamu sama pacarmu suka lucu jd aku pgn tanya pendapatnya. terima kasih :)

IG, snapchat: putrisista
Hai Putri!
Aku kalau ke kantor dia dan dia belum bisa pulang, pasti aku dikasih alat gambar supaya aku bisa nungguin dia sambil gambar, jadi ga rewel. Terus ya udah paling aku gambarin dia sesuatu, terus aku kasih 'kata-kata mutiara' buat dia, abis itu gambarnya aku tempel di samping layar monitor dia, biar dia inget terus, hehehe. ^^
Yang ini kata-kata mutiaranya 'Main COD bukan jihad', hahahahaha!
(Soalnya dia suka banget main COD, dan kalau mau main COD, pasti dia bilang "Sebentar ya, aku mau jihad dulu.")

They said beauty is in the eye of the beholder; the same applies to perversion. Having said that, wouldn't it be more effective--and efficient--for women to use fake bad teeth for instant turn-off instead of wearing burqa? http://blog.vh1.com/files/2012/02/ReneeTeeth-1330122511.jpg

I think, senpai, women wear burqa not for the sake of turning off anyone. I think they wear it for the sake of their belief.
So I think your comparison (fake teeth vs burqa) is invalid, but I will still answer your question. ^^
Well, I think what matters is not for us to protect ourselves, but for us to educate men. You know, actually when we 'protect' ourselves by learning martial arts, bringing pepper spray, wearing any clothes we don't desire to wear just because we're afraid to get harrassed, indirectly we think that being rapists or perverts is in the nature of men, and indirectly, we think low of men.
So IMHO, it's now your turn, boys, to change the idea that has been believed for ages. Show us that women shouldn't protect themselves from you. Show us that being a rapist is not in your nature. Show us that you are not a cat; when you're offered a bowl of fish, you will steal it. You are humans, and educated ones.
(Besides, none offers you a 'fish' anyway.)
And for girls, despise of everything that I wrote over there, the fact is, they will still be men who harrass you or rape you. But that's not because they are male, that's because they are still uneducated, (or failed to be educated) And when you face men like that, I recommend you to 'protect' yourself. For example, when you have to walk in a ghetto-street in the middle of the night, I hope you know what to wear and what to not. ^^

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