
kent sutjipto

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geek sama nerd. bedanya dimananya ko Kent? bagaimana seorang bisa disebut geek? kalau nerd kan yang biasanya pake kacamata tebel, pegang buku tebel, dan kerjaannya di perpustakaan dan suka menyendiri. kalau geek?

A geek is somebody who is generally very knowledgeable—even to the point of obsession—about a topic.
A nerd is an irritating, unattractive person who may be brilliant, but who chooses to focus on non-social pursuits.
Most geeks are part nerd and most nerds are part geek.
Based on the Venn diagram below, I'm both.

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I just saw a random guy's picture on Tinder and i laughed on reflex. Out loud. Would that render me rude?

Nah, if discreetly laughing at someone's face is considered rude, I'd be the most impolite person on Earth.
Liked by: adristi Heaux

do you always easily to remember something ? I'm always surprise, how I quite often forgetting things (all things which is based on remembering, it's quite different with understanding things (like MATH)). are there ways to make what I've read stick in my mind?or just having tools to stick it there?

You're asking the wrong person. I'm like a goldfish when it comes to short-term memory.
Oh, but the goldfish myth about having three-seconds memory has already been disproved. I can't think of another animal that would represent my forgetfulness though.
Liked by: Fatita

Hi nyan guy! You said that mens' affection itu dari 100-0 and womens' 0-100. You know, i am a girl. What should i do now to change the mens' affection from 100-0 to 100-1000? We all want the guys to love us more, not less. Once again, what should we do?

Hi Pikachu!
Since it might be somewhat controversial, no way I'm disclosing this on ask.fm :p

Best album to listen to during long, solo car rides?

Nyan cat!
No, seriously.
My friends used to forbid my iPod to be plugged into the car during road trip because I had seven different versions of nyan cat in my iPod.
Liked by: D. juliana

If size really doesn't matter, why don't they sell three-inch dildos?

Did you know that women have several kinds of orgasm? The two most common one are vaginal and clitoral orgasm.
Penis length only takes part in the vaginal one, while techniques and positions play major part in the clitoral one. This is why women can still experience an orgasm despite having an intercourse with men with shorter penis.
As to why they don't sell three-inches dildos, why should they? Size does matter to some extent, anyway.

"People with the highest IQ stay up late at night because their brains have increased mental stimulation" -MENSA. Would you please give me an explanation (based on your point) about that statement?

Copy-pasted from http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119834210696
Scientists in USA have conducted studies regarding this and they've found that people with higher IQ sleep and wake up much later compared to their counterpart. (You can just google this research).
I don't think there is one compelling argument about why the correlation exists, but here are a few small justifications:
1. We humans have been a day-dweller since stone age, mainly because we didn't have electricity back then. This habit carried on until the present, which explains why some people still sleep early.
This, speculatively, appears to be caused by evolution.
The more intelligent members of a species are (in general) the first to change their habit. It's primarily the smart people who prefer to habitually stay up late and do the type of tasks that are easier.
2. Moreover, smart people's brains tend to be very active. And since during daytime there are so many distractions, our minds wander during nighttime, discouraging us from sleeping early.
So, don't you worry, late sleeper; early birds might get the worm, but us night owls have the higher IQs.

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What are your 5 most favorite Websites?

1. 9gag.com
Although not as good as 9gag from two years ago, it is still adequate to kill some time.
2. cracked.com
Probably one of the very few websites which influenced my writing style.
3. listverse.com
There are random queer facts posted here, such as "the 10 worst cannibalism in history."
4. mangahere.com
For my daily dose of manga.
5. youtube.com
For obvious reason :D

Its suddenly zombie outbreak and you just have three items to survive: lemon, Oxford dictionary, and a machete. What's your plan?

First of all, I'd shave my hair using the machete. It is scientifically proven that bald guys look stronger than their counterpart.
And then every time I see a zombie, I'd take a nip at the lemon. The sourness would contort my face into a very scary one, deterring any zombie from approaching me.
And when both attempts at making myself scarier fail, I'd pull out the Oxford dictionary and start reciting hard to pronounce English words to approaching zombies, convincing them that nerds don't taste delicious.
And then I'd get eaten anyway.

Why did you choose Mathematics Business as your major focus? is that the reason you write novel meter/second? reforming such a boring and mainstream novel nowadays and make a new brand like "mathematics" s novel? if you don't mind to share

What? No. Ha.
My novel has nothing to do with science. I chose that title because it sounds interesting.
As to why I took Business Math as my major, you need to know that I'm VERY good at math. (My math in report card was always >95)
I took math because I didn't have to study throughout my undergraduate years. But I quickly figured that if I took pure math, my wife would probably eat paper and books for the rest of her life. So I improvised and took Business Math instead.

Cont: kalau dia mulai marah, jangan dilawan, nanti malah makin ngamuk. Dan dia selalu menyalahkan gue, bilang kalo ngamuknya sampe parah gitu, itu gara2 gue ngelawan. I want to break him up, but he will be very angry if i say that. What should I do?

Which would you prefer:
1. him being angry towards you for, say, a few weeks and you're free, or
2. you get married to him and you feel like a piece of shit everyday?
If his anger management is that terrible today, it probably would get worse in a few decades.
P.S. when he asks why you want to break up, please refrain from telling him you got the idea from me.

kamu akan nglakuin apa ketika kamu diajak jalin hubungan tanpa komitmen sama sahabat kamu sendiri, dan tiba2 dia gak contact sama sekali. ternyata dia udah punya pacar. gimana cara kamu pertahanin persahabatan kamu itu?

I'd do nothing. If she was brave enough to stick with a decision, the least I can do is respect it.

Hello! In this UN campaign: http://www.buzzfeed.com/rossalynwarren/emma-watson-says-that-the-view-feminism-is-man-hating-has-to?s=mobile#27jljqd it is being implied that gender inequality hurts men too. Seeing from your perspective as a man, do you think it is true? Thanks and good day to you!

I think so, yeah. Emma Watson is never false.
On a more serious note, I think gender equality issue adjusts not only the role of women in society, but also the role of men. For example: the car/doll test. A little boy who prefers to play with dolls is often ridiculed. With gender equality, this should not be the case.
Moreover, men's lives are also indirectly affected by gender inequality. Their moms, their sisters, their daughters all suffer from gender inequality, and although not as much, the men's lives indirectly suffer from it, too.

kak apa cowo itu perasaannya pas pedekate sama pas jadian bisa beda ya? abis jadian kok gue ngerasanya doi beda gt :"

Gue ngomong secara umum ya, obviously pasti ada cowok dan cewek yang di luar norma ini, tapi umumnya..
Cowok itu suka cewek dari 100 ke 0, sedangkan cewek dari 0 ke 100. Nah, titik temu kedua fluktuasi perasaan itu adalah pas jadian. Jadi begitu kamu mengiyakan tembakan doi, perasaanmu ke doi bakalan terus naik, sedangkan perasaan doi ke kamu perlahan-lahan turun.
Jadi intinya, cowok itu cenderung susah dapetin cewek sampe titik jadian, dan begitu sudah jadian, cewek cenderung susah pertahanin cowoknya.

hai Kent, I just read your blog a few moments ago and this sentence struck me the most "It just so happens that my preferred method of scar-inducing is writing." because I do feel the same thing about writing. I really love your writings, btw. Keep posting good stuff! :)

Thanks Az, I'm sending you a virtual hug! Or a virtual high five. Whichever suits you more :>

setuju ga sama permainan tarik ulur?

Tergantung umur sih. Kalo udah mulai tua benernya udah nggak butuh tarik ulur. Jaman dulu kan tarikulur2an soalnya we didn't know better. Begitu udah ada p engalaman harusnya tau kalo tarik-ulur itu nggak penting, karena pacaran bukanlah tujuan akhirnya, tapi hanyalah sebuah permulaan.
Kalo mau diibaratkan, PDKT itu tutorial dan pacaran itu game aslinya. Lah ngapain berkecimpung lama-lama di tutorial.

Ko Kent, ghetto itu nggak spesifik refer to African American ya kan? Ini w re tadi answer ko Kent yang "slang kaum Ghetto".

Nggakkkk. Ghetto itu refers to a specific part of city, biasanya slum gitu. However, the term Ghetto originates from US, and in US, that specific part of city is mostly occupied by African Americans.

Have you ever dating a hipster?

All the girls I've dated are unique, but I don't think the term 'hipster' applies to either of them.

What's your opinion about rebound relationships?

It really depends on the duration between the breakup and the rebounding.
I, for one, believe that people could change. So rebound relationships might work. There's a reason why two people get together for the first time. Maybe that reason is stronger than why the relationship ended.

Hi Kent, I'm in the middle of writing a book, but I keep postponing it, and its already pass one year since my approximate deadline.... I feel stupid. How do you deal with it?

It really depends on what kind of book you're writing, but I usually just do whatever the hell I want (which usually constitutes of NOT WRITING for a few weeks), and then I'd snap back into feeling like a lazy piece of shit and suddenly feel the urge to continue writing.
A more professional approach is to set a schedule and make it a habit. Set aside a specific time in your day and stick to writing. Or get a friend you feel comfortable with and tell them about the book and when you plan to finish it, when you verbalize it, you usually are more compelled to finish the task.
Good luck!

tolong recommend lagu yang pas saat 'has a hopeless crush with someone you have no chance with'

Try listening to Gravity by Sara Bareilles!
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do
I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much
Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.
Set me free,
Leave me be.
I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.
Anyway, I believe there is no such thing as hopeless. Keep trying and I hope one day they will like you back, good luck anon!

Has anyone here ever succeeded in battling procrastination? Any practical tips to share? I need mad help.

Hi Anon! I also have a crippling issue with procrastination. I'm supposed to finish a project but since the deadline is not that urgent, I'm being a lazy piece of shit as usual.
Try reading these two articles! It helps me understand why I procrastinate and how to beat it.

hei kent, boleh minta masukan untuk tulisan-tulisan saya? (http://aseptia.wordpress.com/). pengen belajar nulis lebih serius sih, sayangnya masih tipikal tulisan buang hajat. hatur nuhun :D

septia agustin
Hi Septia! Menurut gue coba belajar penggunaan panjang-pendek paragraf deh. Paragraf yang ada di blog lo panjangnya sama-sama dan jadinya nggak ada information hierarchy gitu.
Coba awali tulisan dengan paragraf pendek yang menarik perhatian pembaca, sesuatu yang menggebrak dan bikin pembaca pingin tau kelanjutan tulisanmu.
Terus kalo ngomongin dari segi web design, mungkin bisa pilih template yang tabsnya ada di atas (instead of di samping) supaya body paragraphnya bisa lebih memanjang.
Itu dulu kali ya, semoga membantu :>
Liked by: septia agustin

what do you think about "precognitive dream" ? Have you experienced with that? share your mind, please ...

I have never experienced any precognitive dream. Frankly, I have no scientific explanation about how it could happen and I will not pretend that I do.

Ko kent, tadi guru agamaku bilang, kamu jangan coba coba nonton yang ga bener karena tuhan bisa dengan mudah ngambil penglihatan kamu. Kalo sekarang kamu masih bisa ngeliat padahal udah pernah nonton yang ga bener itu karena tuhan itu baik kepada hambanya. Don't you think it's a contradiction?

Religion and logic don't mix well sweetie.

What are your pet peeves?

Among all my pet peeves (and yes I do have a lot), I think the biggest one goes to 1. couples who sit next to each other. Every time I see a couple doing that, I feel an irresistible urge to physically remove one of them and seat them in front of the other. Ugh.
Other popular contenders are:
2. People who point at my laptop by touching the screen ("ugh could you fucking not").
3. Girls who wear too much makeup ("is that eyelashes or a caterpillar").
4. The noise made by rubbing fingers on a balloon ("PLEASE STOP")
5. People who call me "bro." ("I'm not your brother and even if I am, please refrain from calling me that.")
Liked by: Marlin ... moondust

Buku favorite sepanjang masa yang membuat "quantum leap" dalam hidupmu apa aja?

Hi, I don't think I have a single book I can point to that gets me to this point in my life.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said:
I can't remember the books I've read any more than the meals I've eaten; even so, they have made me.
Liked by: Fatita Ayam Bertelur

After you watch porn and turn on, what aredoing after that? Masturbation ur hard dick?

God, no.
Who the hell masturbates while watching porn? I just sit there butt naked and am simply awed by the efforts poured by the actors/actresses in making such a wonderful movie.

Ship itu short for worship, Kent. That anon must be referring to your Bromance with Devlin

But, but, the anon specifically said "Can I ship you with Kent?" it just doesn't make sense if "ship" is short for worship...
Tapi mendingan diworship bareng Devlin sih daripada dijodohin.
Liked by: Ayam Bertelur Fatita

is pre-cum can make a girl pregnant?

Yes, pre-cum, although serves as a lubricant, actually contains a small amount of sperm and ultimately can make a girl pregnant.
And also, if you're having consecutive rounds of sex, I suggest you take a pee between each round to clear out your "pipeline."

Hi! "Intelectually pleasing you since the day you followed me", i mean yes. You are very intelligent and i am well impressed, i love to read your answers. You are a must followed peep here on ask.fm. Have a nice day (or night)! :)

Hi, Jeasly, thanks for the kind words!
Oh, and your attempt at impersonating Pikachu is very amusing :p


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