
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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hahaha aduh chat sama Devlin lucu banget :)) btw ship gak harus selalu berbau romantis sih kadang bisa juga ke arah brotp (semacam bromance gitu). Berarti artinya kalian kompak. Hahaha.

Ohhhhh gitu! *catet* Si Devlin malah ngiranya "ship" itu anonnya mau "sekapal" sama gue dan Devlin, supaya bisa jadi berteman akrab gitu.
Liked by: Fatita moondust

Ko. nikah yuk. . . Eh, ga jadi deh. Ribet nikah mah. Kawin aja yuk! :p


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Do you think there will be a pure friendship between man and woman? And do you think if it s normal for a woman to get jealous if her boyfriend has a woman bestfriend.

No. I don't think there will ever be a pure friendship between a man and a woman. One will inevitably fall for the other.
I think it's normal, but the guy also needs to know his limitation as to not make his girlfriend feel insecure.

kak, kenapa crimean referendum yg gara2 dilakukan di teritori yg dikuasai Russia dikatakan melanggar hukum internasional?

Mending tanyain gue soal balet deh daripada politik.

Writing style yg pretentious itu bagaimana? Ada contohnya ko?

Steffi Teowira
Pretentious writing is just using fancy words incorrectly, or using fancy words when simpler words suit the passage more. Basically, you are writing not to convey information, but to boast.
Eh. Hmm. Contoh ngambil dari internet because for the love of fuck I can't think of anything pretentious: "Insofar as manifestations of functional deficiencies are agreed by any and all concerned parties to be imperceivable, and are so stipulated, it is incumbent upon said heretofore mentioned parties to exercise the deferment of otherwise pertinent maintenance procedures."
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

Hi Kent, mind to share your wildest dream?

Mimpi apa dulu nih. Kalo sexual dream kayaknya nggak senonoh kalo dishare di sini. huehuehue #abaikan

have you ever felt so empty and got no purpose on life? what did you do to overcome it? i'm feeling down low now ;(

Do you know about Maslow's hierarchy of needs? The triangle goes like:
Self-actualization (creativity, problem solving, and authenticity) <-- highest level
Self-esteem (confidence and achievement)
Social needs (friendship and family)
Safety and Security
Physiological needs (air, shelter, food, water, sex) <-- lowest level
Our lowest need is physiological, and then after our physiological needs are fulfilled, we immediately feel the need for safety and security, and after that is also fulfilled, we need social needs. And so on.
What you're feeling is the highest need: self actualization. Where we feel like we have no purpose in this life. In order to remedy that, just fulfill your lower level needs (eat, talk to your friends, do something else). And in time, you will feel better and be ready to fulfill your purpose in life. Good luck!

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Ketika dipesawat sebenernya hp boleh dinyalakan dengan mode airplane atau harus bener bener off?

HP nyala sebenarnya juga nggak papa kok asal dalam jumlah sedikit. (Kalo HP semua penumpang nyala itu baru mungkin bikin sinyal HP kita mengganggu sinyal komunikasi pilotnya).
Tapi untuk kalian yang less rebellious than I am, airplane mode aja cukup, nggak perlu sampai dimatiin.
Liked by: Ayam Bertelur

pagi kak Kent! tau tentang bipolar ga kak? andai sahabat/pacar kakak ternyata mengalami itu, apa yang akan kakak lakukan?

Tau dong. Regarding your question, I think there are way too many undecided factors that I have to consider before I can infer an appropriate answer.
Liked by: Ayam Bertelur

Ko Kent, menurut kamu ada tidak batasan untuk peduli terhadap masalah orang lain? Apakah karena alasan tidak mau mencampuri masalah orang lain atau menjaga privasi bisa menjadikan kita orang yang kurang peduli, individualis, dan malas untuk menolong?

Hai, Dian.
Batesan sih ada dong, pastik. With exception to VERY few people in my life, gue termasuk orang yang nggak peduli sama urusan orang lain unless they explicitly state they need my help sih.
Ngurusin diri sendiri aja belum becus, ngapain ngurusin orang lain.
Help someone once and they'll remember you when they need help again.
Liked by: cayadi

dulu dia baik sm aku koh, baik sebaik2nya, tp begitu pacaran, aku di cuekin disia2in, aku ga ngerti lagi kenapa sm aku .. padahal aku ud kasi segalanya buat dia, tapu balesanya gini :(

Oh dear, but that's the problem with putting others first; you've taught them you come second.
Liked by: Angeline Agustina

Hai. Baik hati, berpenampilan menarik, serta mapan secara ekonomi & sosial adalah tipe pasangan ideal bagi kebanyakan orang. Nah, apa tipe pasangan yang mungkin hanya kamu & sedikit orang lain yang juga menganggapnya ideal? Semoga siangmu menyenangkan...

Harus nggak punya titit.
Liked by: Jemima Handhika D.

saat tidur, hp nya dimatikan atau tetap hidup? kenapa?

Tetap hidup.
Because I'm a lazy piece of shit who feels that holding the power button for a few seconds is too tedious.

sebenarnya menurut anda definisi dari open minded apasih? yg saya tangkep kok kebanyakan ttg masalah "sexual" like gay bi virgin etc. apakah hanya seputar itu aja? thank you.

Open-mindedness is just the willingness to put yourself in the shoes of others. See the world as they see it and realize that your point of view is not the only one out there.
As to why it revolves mostly around "sexual" issues, it's because religions usually forbid most sexual activities (especially before marriage and LGBT) and sensitive pricks are too fanatic to question it.

happy satnight ;) biasanya kalo satnight kayak gini ngapain koh? oh ya doyan clubbing ga? *jusk ask

Happy sat night to you too! I'm on my way to watch Maze Runner with a friend. Usually I spend most of my Saturdays writing (no fun, I know, but my novel isn't gonna write itself) and meeting up with friends I rarely see during weekdays.
And no. I hate clubbing.

Sampai hari ini. Hari apa yang membuatmu bisa menyebutnya sebagai "best day ever"?

The very day I was shoved head first through someone's vagina to this vast world.

ada hubungan apa sama @devlinputra mas?

Dulu sih sebelum Beliau menjadi artis ask.fm, saya beberapa kali menggunakan jasa design Beliau untuk cover novel dan design t-shirt saya.
Sekarang Beliau telah menjadi artis dan saya hanyalah pengagumnya belaka.
Liked by: Mella Lie Nathania

hi I have a doubt about the paradox about the turtle thing, i still think that one day at one point achilles will be ahead of the turtle though :/

The premises proposed in the original statement were logical enough that it led us to believe Achilles would never overtake the Tortoise, yet we intuitively know that Achilles would win. That's what makes it a paradox.
In order to understand why Achilles would win, you'd need to understand that (and I quote John Green's famous words here) some infinities are simply just bigger than other infinities.

i saw your post on making a novel just now and jw do we need to read 1 to read the other? like a series or something :/

Hi Phoebe, my novel is actually just one book. It is readable both from the front and from the back, though. Hence, the confusion.

If you have to entertain the idea of animal/insect overlord, which species will it be? Perhaps something other than ape?

Steffi Teowira
If I had to choose an animal overlord to entertain, it'd be a cockroach overlord.
No, seriously. I detest that animal. I'd happily sacrifice my first-born child just to avoid seeing a fucking cockroach ever again.
(In case my future wife is reading this: "Hi honey! I'm obviously kidding.")
P.S. I'm not.
P.P.S. I just reread the question and realized that I was supposed to entertain the IDEA of an animal overlord, not entertain an actual overlord. Oh woe.
I'd obviously vote for cat as a superior overlord species. Some things need justification, this one doesn't.

what is the most interesting novel you've read so far?

I'm torn between Gone Girl and Inferno.
But I think I'm biased when it comes to Gone Girl, the first few chapters are excruciatingly boring.
So, by elimination, Inferno would be my best bet. Aaaa mz dan brown aku padamu

kakent sudah baca if i stay by gayle forman? kabari ya kak, nangis gulung2 ato ga ;)

Halo, belum nih. Udah dipaksa sama Debbie (literally) tapi entah kenapa ga ada niat baca. Tetiba tau kalo yang maen filemnya Chloe Grace Moretz, jadinya sekarang ada niat baca dikit :p

I am the one who writes the poem. Oh, If you are sharp enough to study the pattern you will know my identity, Kent. I know you can solve this first puzzle :)

I am the ocean.
You are fascinated by my depth and my emptiness,
but you are too afraid to plunge in deep to learn more about me.
You float in the shallows and say you love my salty tears,
you love my waves,
you love the beautiful shells I churn out.
You are aware there are monsters deep within me,
but you make no attempt to try and find them;
you make no attempt to see them face-to-face.
You are happy in your ignorance,
and I wrap myself around you
as you frolic in the beauty you see at my surface
and ignore the horrors you know are there.
I kiss you like I kiss the shoreline,
pulling always but always rushing back.
You ignore the fact that I
swallow the light every night,
and I am controlled by the ever changing Moon.
You do not know everything about me,
but maybe that's for the best.
Knowledge would not be power in this case;
knowledge would suck you into the inky depth of my madness
and cause you to drown.
I am the ocean and you are simply a tourist;
you are not an explorer.
And for this, I do not blame you one bit.
P.S. I didn't write this poem, this was attributed on the Internet to someone with an initial of KDR.

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"Why the capital C on "Cinta"?" -- karena cinta bagi para sufi bukanlah cinta yang dangkal. bukan sekedar gejolak serotonin, oksitoksin yg berada pada kadar yang tepat. Cinta bagi para sufi bersifat platonis, tanpa pengikatan atau kecenderungan memiliki. Mungkin mirip cinta ala Sartre- Beauvoir.

Wow. Considering my huge amount of vocabularies, this is one of the exceedingly rare times I'm at a loss for words.

well, by using the theory of quantum mechanic we can conclude that there's no such thing as free will. fortunately we only live in short periode and we can't gather enough data to predict the complexity of universe. Hence, we are still living the unknown. Thanks for your opinion kent :)

septia agustin
Thanks for the thought-provoking question, Septia! :)
Liked by: Jemima

life without free will is meaningless. let's say that the idea of free will is a reinassance romanticism. Everything is determined by the law of physics. There is no coincidence, no uncertainty, we can calculate everything that will happen in this universe. It is depressing. How can we enjoy life?

septia agustin
Ah. But that's the best part of it. We have this illusion of free will while in fact we're actually, helplessly clawing at a wall of irrevocable truth.
We might be living a life without free will now, but we're just blinded by the illusion of it. That's my point. We can sit down and discuss this as much as we want, but we'd never ever be able to prove or disprove the existence of free will.

4. tapi aku tak bisa lama sayangku, manusia harus bebas, hidup harus cair, dan dunia terus bergerak. dan aku terus berjalan, ada dunia yang harus kukelilingi. mungkin nanti di suatu persimpangan.

I'm fully aware that those softwares that offer me the ability to track down anon in ask.fm are simply scams.
But I'm seriously considering getting scammed just to have a minuscule chance to know your identity. Thank you for such a sweet sweet poem. Another verse and I might have to start taking insulin shots.


Language: English