

I know you were raised without any shame, but would you raise your kids the same way? Why or why not?

You see, this is where my sons life gets messy. I’m the “super uptight” parent, but I’m raising my son a lot like how me and my siblings were.
My sons dad is the “kinda chill but abusive” parent who smokes a lot of weed and drinks every day (tho in 4 years I only saw him drunk a handful of times). But his dads up tight and hides EVERYTHING from our son.
I am open with my son, and I give “child friendly” but direct answers on things, rather with his dad, almost every question gets a very bland answer with no actual real answer to the question.

Latest answers from princess_savvy666

What's your very first memory?

lankylevi’s Profile PhotoLevi
Meeting my sister for the very first time. I don’t remember a damn thing prior to the moment the nurse yelled at me. I’ve also confirmed that “what I remember” is pretty much completely accurate.

Do you believe in the concept of a "best friend," and if so, what does it mean to you?

uthman_raza’s Profile PhotoUthman♥️
Nah, I don’t trust that shit. My last “best friend” was the side chick in my relationship for 5 months, then ended up having a baby with him a year and a half ish later. The third to our trio ended up just going off and doing their own thing. You don’t need a “best friend”.

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