

Ask @pzamorawej


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Describe what a good friend means to you?

They trust you and you can tell them anything ,even if you do something wrong they forgive because they know each others life would be incomplete

What genre of music do you prefer? Share your favorite track)

various ones - indie, britpop, new-metal, alternative rock, indie rock... Royal Blood - Lights out

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

1) Selena Gomez
2) Emma Watson
3) Dylan O'Brien

What means of transport do you consider to be the safest? Why?

hmm, in life everything happens, therefore there is no sense to fear transport. I feel most comfortable in a car, although most accidents are car accidents. They say the safest mode of transport is airplane. Yes, but people don't think so, probably because they are used to feel the ground under their feet and don't want to be in a desperate situation.


Language: English