

Ask @sacha166

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What are you obsessed with?

Seeing Ellie Ellie and Bethany
Slush puppies
Caribbean crush
Jolly ranchers hmm
More but cba
Liked by: Chlo x

Boys you've loved properly and when and where they're from and if they're hot and how old

Shaun-last year, from corsham, 14 and yes he is now
Joe-earlier this year, from Essex, 16 and yeah a bit

Best day this week and why

Thursday- Southampton and fireworks with Ellie and Bethany
Yesterday- rec and fireworks with Ellie and Poppy
Actually really good days:)

Who was you with today(yesterday) and where was you

Rec; Ellie Poppy Tom Jeremy Saul Megan Lauren Liam
Fireworks; Ellie Poppy Ashleigh, Ashleigh's mates, Ellie's other sisters, my mum, Gemma Khairune, Ellie's mum

Girl and boy best friends with second names

Ellie Hill
Ellie Woodford
Bethany Thomas
Lucy Anken
Sam Gould
Lauren Tyler
Chloe Louise
Jack Smerdon
George Ward
Michael Knight
Tom Evans
Liked by: tommo

Why are you best friends now then

Because I got to know them
Learnt not to judge people and actually seen what they were like instead of hating them for no reason so ye

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

I don't know but out of my friends I can trust Ellie Ellie and Bethany most

Best friends and have you always liked them

Ellie Hill- yes
Ellie Woodford- used to hate her
Bethany Thomas- used to hate her
Sam Gould- I guess?
Chloe Louise- yes sometimes;)
Lucy Anken- I think so
Lauren Tyler- yes
Jack Smerdon- I thinkkk

Last 5 things you sent or received on Facebook and text

Yeah she knows I think....<3
How are you getting to mine now?<3
My auntie<3
Night minion sacha xxx
Night:) xxxx
Liked by: George Ward


Language: English