

Ask @sacha166

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chloe louise

known her for 10 years, omg shes turned into a slut....
jksjks calm down, shes one of the prettiest girls i know, shes just all round amazing, shes fucking hilarious omfg always cheers me up and puts a smile on my face, never want to loose her. hatrdly had any arguments and we've had so many memories its unreal, i love her loads xxxxxxx
and we are slush puppie buddies:')

bethany thomas?

shes the bestest ginger in the world, no doubt, i love her loads even though she pisses me off and annoys me sometimes....shes sooo pretty and makes me laugh whatever mood im in, shes so nice but so mean aswell, become so close to her lately and im glad shes my friend, had so many memories like 'you wont like the flavour' 'do you like my ring?' no one will understand them except ellie and lucy. bethany you are such a tranny hoe

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why do you get up so early?

school and if its the weekend either my little cousins or my twatish cats, I hate my life-_-

why do you stick up for JJ when youre bestfriends with ellie, chloe and that

bc i have nothing against him, just bc they hate him doesnt mean that i have to instantly, i dont judge people
Liked by: JJ Langdown

if someone made you pick out of ellie and jj who would you pick

i wouldnt, if my friends make me pick out of someone, they arent true friends

Top 15 people who make you laugh in order

Ellie Hill
Ellie Woodford
Bethany Thomas
Chloe Louise
Lucy Anken
Stuart Knight
George Ward
Niall Willmore
Michael Knight
Jess Knapton
Chelsea Hollick
Lauren Tyler
Megan Bullock
Emily Kaye
There's too many
Not in order but top 7&emilyK make me laugh the most

top 8 hottest boys from any school

Billy Arnold
Ollie Loe
Tom Evans
Alex Stewart
Eco Stewart
Idk can't think

You don't miss Ellie hill?

I know she'll always be there, I don't need to properly miss her bc it's worth it when I see her, I love my sister xxxxx

People you miss

Alisha Roberts
Michael knight
Niall willmore
Used to be Sarah wilkinson but seems like she doesn't care anymore so ye
George ward
Stuart knight
Jess Knapton
Used to be so close with all of these as a group:'(
Liked by: Idiocracy ells❤️

What about Ellie and Bethany

I've only known Bethany since year 9
I knew Ellie in year 8 but friends in year 9
So they are my least longest friends except Lauren

You cause JJ's hate

Yes bc I go round telling everyone to give him hate and stab him, get me
Haha no.


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