

Ask @sacha166

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if you love me let me go

if you love me let me go
because these words are knives and often leave scars
the fear of falling apart
and truth be told, I never was yours
the fear, the fear of falling apart
Liked by: ells❤️

this is gospel for the fallen ones

locked away in permanent slumber
assembling their philosophies
from pieces of broken memories
this is the beat of my heart
this is the best of my heart
the gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
but they haven’t seen the best of us yet

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your music is so depressing, like I saw your music taste and I was so surprised because you come out to be like the most unemo person and you love emo music

it's not emo though is it
the music I mostly listen to is punk
you don't call it emo aha

all your types?

why not I'm bored.
black longish hair, green eyes, dimples, piercings, tattoos, good music taste, smells good, nice smile, can play guitar and sing or drums ohmyfuck, skateboard guy or surfer if they don't play anything, not clingy eww, isn't up themselves, not popular eh, video games omg I love video games, not get jealous over little things, likes the big bang theory, smart so they can help me yhyh, not too protective because I find it so annoying, can have banter but be serious, loves slush puppies
ok I'm just being quite picky now so imma stop
Liked by: ells❤️

why are you still talking to him

because he said something to me, I'm not going to ignore him and it's up to me if I reply
if he doesn't want to speak to me then I'm fine with that it's up to him but if he does then I'm not going to just ignore him
stop trying to control me;)


Language: English