

Ask @sacha166

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Last thing that made you laugh

I had my earphones in and my little cousin wanted to listen and asked for Justin Bieber on, what..

Sorry if this is abit early in the morning but I just read your ask can they fuck off trying to upset you, about fucking JJ GET OVER THE FACT ACHA DOESENT LOVE HIM OMG pisses me off gs just leave Sacha alone if your gonna ask her stupid questions that bring up the past fu anon ly sach xxxx

elliewoodford’s Profile PhotoEllie Woodford
Why so early
Ly too ells xxxxxx

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Urm instead of telling Sacha you hate me why don't you just pop up and tell me yourself you little prick!! Pussy much grow up... one less person to worry about go sit with the rest of the haters waiting for me to fucking care..


I miss you so much, please stop being so upset, be happy, I know I made you upset and cry and I regret it but please, it hurts to see you upset and i miss you so much:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

who is this?://
Liked by: JJ Langdown


Language: English