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like=3 questions

I cant ask questions, they will just be 'best memories, favourite colour, favourite bands' or some shit like that for every person so dont even bother

lucy anken

known her for three years now and only just gotten closer to her this year
shes beautiful and such a nice girl, I get her anger taken out on me bc im always with her and she really hurts when she punches so dont mess with her guys...be warned.
when im down, she always trys to cheer me up and make me smile, it always works, it never hasnt, shes one of the bestest friends ive ever had, im always here for her and shes always there for me
shes so funny, had quite alot of memories with her and im glad
i always try to cheer her up but sometimes im not funny enough and she tells me to fuck off, ahh:'(
shes the strongest peson i know and im always there beside her(or on my phone..obviously) to have her back and stick up for her
shes perfect and i love her loads xxxxxxx

ellie woodford

shes a tranny and i dont like her that much....
jokes shes one of the funniest people i know, always cheers me up, always makes me smile and knows when im down even if im smiling. shes a true friend and im glad im friends with her, shes sooo pretty, she shouldnt get herself down about it bc she is.
ha so many amazing memories with her and more to come omg
never had an argument, not yet anyway;) never want to drift from her
shes so nice but can be soo horrible
i love her so much xxxxxx

lauren tyler

shes the nicest girl i know, only started knowing her this year and shes amazing. shes so cute, i love her eyes and her smile, havent had many memories but we will soon, got closer lately and shes so pretty its unreal, shes so funny and always cheers me up
i love her xxxx


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