

Ask @sacha166

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Where would you like to spend your holiday?

australia, i love their accents<3
or america but im just at home, waheeyyy(y)

Ops on megan bullock ????

You're sososo funny
Always make me laugh
Nice girl
Need to pop up more xxxx

1:where are you 2: bra size 3: thongs or knickers : 4: do you shave 5: pants your wearing now 6: would you have sex 7: get fingered 8: got pubes

1:do you have a life 2:are you queer 3:I have respect 4:have you got nothing else I do with your life 5:get off my ask.fm 6:ask decent questions 7:go sexually fantasise over something else 8:urm fuckkkk offff
Liked by: ells❤️

Do you like anyone from Bourne academy?

I probably like a few but I don't actually know who goes there tbh

You never tell anyone what's wrong, you keep every thing to yourself

I know I don't, I feel better keeping it to myself, I don't know why


Language: English