

Ask @sacha166

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Bethany t

my favourite ginger
I love her so much
She's so funny, makes me laugh what ever mood I'm in, always makes me smile and cheers me up all the time, I love her hair:')
Garden time
Memories are amazing
She has a bad foot at the moment, we have to walk slow for her and she starts pulling me back, it looks hilarious when she walks;)
GrAnNy RaVe
omg she done the granny rave whilst limping, haha so funny
She's such a pretty ginger ninja;)
Could write more but got to do Ellie's;)
Ily Beth<3

Lauren t

omg I love this girl so much
I can tell her everything now, I trust her and she's always here for me
She's perfect, if you say she's not then...have you fucking seen her, how can you even say she's not, she tries make everyone happy and she puts on a smile around everyone so everyone else is happy, but she's not:( she's old me a lot recently and she's so strong, have so much respect for her, she keeps me smiling and cheers me up, I can talk to her and she can talk to me, we'll help eachother through the rough times, she's amazing and so funny, all round perfect girl
Ily loz<3
Liked by: Lauren Tyler

Lucy a

Lucebean, I love lucebean aw:)
She's so funny, always cheers me up
Love her smile so much
She's so pretty
'Crab apple' 'ummmmm...' Haha omfg
I almost die when we laugh together
Deserves to be happy
She makes school worth going to bc I get to see her and even though it's mostly fake, I love seeing her happy, it makes me happy too
Always here for me and I'm here for her too
She's my bestfriend and I'll always stick by her
Ly Luce<3

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Sam g

Sam Gould is golden;)
She's so funny and always cheers me up
She gave me a garden hug today bc I was sad, aw:)
We're going to start 'Samuels garden dictionary' soon;) or was it just Sams? Idk
She's so pretty and a twat;)
Eugh the score is now;
Idiots 1-3 Dumbs

Chloe l

Ew slut
She's amazballs;);)
Doesn't meet me in the mornings anymore though so she can go fuck herself;)
Not writing anymore now, hm.
Liked by: Chlo x

Jack s

He always denys it but I think he's secretly queer;) he's going to be like 'no I'm not, I'm straight with Ellie' but really he has a little queer in him
Funny, nice lad and always up for a laugh
Urm he got me drenched though with Ellie's water...so I chucked J20 over him, yay:)

tht would be so fun, just run in the middle of their fivesome and go SEXSEXSEX EVERYWHERE

omg hahahaha
You're so weird...

Fine imagine, JJ Leah Cherrie Zara and Brandon Hamerston having a fivesome

Wtf is wrong with you seriously
Oh let me guess, you imagine that too
Why are we even talking about this


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