

Ask @sacha166

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What conversation so you hate(in person)

When it goes like this;
Them;have you sorted it?
Them; you haven't?
Them; so you haven't sorted it?!

Like what

Just things but its not all down to if she's hurt someone or not
Anyway it's your opinion..

But she never hurt anyone?

Being nice isn't down to if you've hurt someone or not
Just bc you haven't hurt anyone, doesn't mean you're a nice person, it means you can be nice but there are other things that make you nice, not just if you haven't hurt anyone.

If shes never hurt someone doesnt that mean she is? How isnt she?

No, just bc she's never hurt someone doesn't mean she overall a nice person

Because she never hurts people on purpose

Doesn't make her a nice person just bc he's never hurt someone

Last one;Ellie Hill

o m g I can't, my thumbs will fall off-_-
I could write thousands of books about this girl, she's not just my bestfriend, she's my sister, known her since she was born, never thought I'd drift so much away from her:'(
If you ever meet this girl you will think she's the most perfect girl in the world, she's gorgeous and is one of the funniest people I know, she makes me smile and laugh all the time, never fails to cheer me up, we can just look at eachother and burst out laughing bc we know what eachother are thinking:') it's so funny when she tries to be serious with me omg, I could be with her for ages and never get bored, we used to go everywhere together, our allnighters when she threw a book and her phone at me for closing my eyes thanks ells, thanks-_- we've had a million memories, sleepovers, Justin Bieber concert, dancing slow and then going completely mental, 'I loosened it!!', going into Poole and messing around, having blindfolded make-overs oh dear..., playing in my drive with all the little kids and sooooo many more, we share everything, she has my clip right now, bitch.
We always call eachother names, haha-knobber;);)
I don't know what I'd do without her if I'm honest, ye we have different friends now and it's hard but she'll always be there for me and I'll always be there for her no matter what, we are just a phone call away from eachother or the other side of the field;)
Summer 2012 with her and everyone was my favourite summer<3
Ilylots ells, you're beautiful, don't listen to anyone who says you're not<3

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Liked by: ells❤️

Ellie Woodford? Bethany Thomas? Chloe Louise? Lauren Tyler? Lucy Anken? Katy Jones? Sam Gould? Brandon Kirby? Amber Nichols? JJ Langdown? Brandon Hamerston? Gina Baldwin? Cherrie Jones? Omid T? Jack Smerdon?

Ellie-never fails to make me smile, beaut and a twat;)
Bethany-ginge bestfriend, always up for a laugh and so pretty
Chloe-known her for ages, omg, always makes me laugh, perf
Lauren-soo cute:') she's perfect it's annoying how pretty she is, eugh
Lucy-perf, alway cheers me up no matter what, one of the strongest people
Katy-idk her well but she's so pretty and seems nice
Sam-my 'waheyy' buddy, so funny and really pretty
Brandon-I hardly know him but seems like a nice lad
JJ-he's a nice lad and not what everyone says he is, here for him if he needs me, so strong
BrandonH-idk him
Gina-idk her
Cherrie-idk her
Omid-idk him well
Jack- he's a queer fag;) nah he's funny and gives evil stares, like me aha
Liked by: Brandon Kirby

Why won't you choose between Ellie and JJ? I mean Ellie's one of your best friends..

Jut bc Ellie's one of my bestfriends doesn't mean I have to choose between people?


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