
• Mallory •

Ask @screwyoumario

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If you could some up your day is there anything good or bad you have done yesterday? ⭐️

I didn’t really do much yesterday
I worked all day and night, pretty status quo, didn’t really have the chance to do anything super good OR bad

what are three things u do in the morning that you enjoy/that make you happy/that get you started on the right foot/that wake up up?

Honestly, i don’t really do anything to get myself going in the morning. I pretty much just get up, get ready and go
I guess getting a drink of water and brushing my teeth wake me up more than anything
On my days off, i like to go to the gym in the morning
Liked by: eggsy

What's something that you've read recently that you've liked?

I’m still currently reading the Matched series
Its good if you’re into those dystopian romance YA books. I’m into it but it’s just taking me a while to get through it

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My friends gf cheated on him. Should I tell him or blackmail her.

Why would you want to hurt your friend tho?
If he finds out you knew and just didn’t tell him, that would suck. Just be an adult ffs

do you have many/any gender neutral restrooms where you live? what do you think of them?

Not that I’ve seen
Most gender neutral restrooms I’ve seen are just single-person; no stalls
There are probably some in the city but I don’t go there enough to know

Do you criticize the president or do you respect him because he’s the president

1. You can criticize someone and still have respect for them
2. Being president isn’t reason enough to just give someone respect
3. There’s nothing respectable about him

What are you doing

When this was sent i was in a team meeting at work
Now I’m at my other job, doing nothing because the restaurant is DEAD tonight and it’s too early to do any side work


Language: English