
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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International Baccalaureate and A-Levels, yang mana lebih pendek dan cepat? Lebih recognized? Lebih susah/senang? :)

Like I've said, if you took the time to actually scroll down this Ask.fm page, is that 'hard/easy' is subjective. What's easy for me may not be easy for you. Imagine if I told you IB is so freaking easy and you ended up taking IB because of what I said, but you suddenly found IB to be super hard. Wouldn't you blame me for providing false information to you? You would, right?
So, instead of asking people what is 'hard or easy', you should perhaps ask how the program really is. The pros and cons. What are the challenges? What are the upsides and downsides of taking it? At least this would give you a better perspective of the program itself.
With that being said,
A-Levels typically last between 1-2 years. On average it's 2 years. 1 year and 1.5 year are the fast track programs. IB last for two years.
Yang mana lebih recognized itu pun bergantung kepada kau nak pergi mana sebenarnya. Both are widely accepted to go to most countries. A-Levels are typically used to go to the UK, but IB pun boleh je nak pergi UK universities. So depending on where you want to go, tengoklah what program you'll need to take.

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Liked by: Muhammad Hazwan

Kalau akak prefer ambik offer upu ke unikl? T.T

Aku tak apply dua-dua so aku tak prefer dua-dua.
Jangan tanya orang yang mana satu orang tu 'prefer'. Sebab lain orang lain mahunya. Lain orang lain minatnya. Lain orang lain kekuataannya.
Daripada kau tanya aku yang mana satu aku prefer, baik kau pergi tanya senior-senior yang ambil offer UPU (Asasi, diploma, etc) dan yang belajar kat UniKL dan tanya pengalaman dyorang. Takpun kalau takut sangat nak tanya boleh Google je, confirm banyak blog keluar. Baca dan nilai sendiri, tengok yang mana lagi sesuai dengan diri kau.
Liked by: qweentea_

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In the states, is it true we get to choose which courses we wanna take for one particular sem? And usually satu sem berapa courses student amik?

Yes. Normally students ambil between 4-6 classes, depending on how many credits satu kelas tu.
Liked by: Faizatul

when will UWM RD decisions come out?

For freshmen applicants, at the latest by the end of March.
For transfer applicants, at the latest by the end of April.
Liked by: Faizatul

haziq tu abang akak eh?

Haziq Ghafar? Yang @haziqghafar ni? Oh God no. Kalau betul dia abang aku, habis lah parents kiteorang nak melayan kiteorang berdua kat rumah. Ahahahahaha. Dia senior aku je. Senior dan kawan.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

Apa prinsip hidup akak that means yg buat akak strong:)

Boleh baca blog post yang ini -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/05/unresolved-question-what-makes-me-me_2.html
Takpun, boleh baca yang ini -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/06/just-be-true-to-yourself.html
Entahlah. Akak takde la specifically have a 'prinsip hidup' yang akak ikut. I basically do whatever I feel like doing, and selagi tak ganggu hidup orang lain, I don't worry much about it. I do things that I like and love and don't really care about what people say :)

surah abang long hafiz buat ask.fm lerrr senang sikit

Sorry bruh. Us people are busy as well and some have more important things to do than entertaining anonymous questions on Ask.fm. If you really want to talk to him, boleh contact on Facebook je kot.

career as an actuary? can you guys give us enlightenments? from what i read, satu company perlu satu je actuary. can you guys explain more about this? thanks. ;)

Sorry lambat jawab. Dah post jawapan semua kat blog dah.
Read: http://bit.ly/1ANLr2q

Akak sblum amik degree aktuari sains, akak amik foundation ke diploma? Kalau foundation, foundation apa n kt mana?

Boleh baca bit.ly/postspm untuk tahu lebih lanjut about semua yang aku buat lepas SPM ye :)

Which one do you think is harder ? International Baccalaureate or A-Levels

'Hard' or 'easy' is subjective.
If you're the type of person who loves memorizing facts and hate any type of curricular activities, A-Levels will be so much easier than IB.
But if you're the type of person who hates reading and memorizing stuff and hate the exam-based education system and prefer a more holistic education, IB will be so much easier than A-Levels.
It's all about perspectives.
Liked by: najihah Fazira

What is your opinion in psychology? is it a good career to pursue in? And does the study include any science subjects? Just asking. Thank you sis

I would say: Tanyalah Aiman Azlan dalam sesi Google Hangout Session 3 Sabtu ini pada pukul 9pm (Malaysian time).
Event page: bit.ly/GH2014S3
He would have a far more better answer than I do.

Would you recommend working in the U.S or Malaysia lepas graduate.

That depends on what your plans are. I would say some may be better off working in the U.S. and get some exposures (i.e. Actuarial Science graduates, since the salary here is soooooo much more higher than in Malaysia, and that there are a lot more options here), but for others, you can always find a good job back home.

May i ask , do most of the adp intec graduates end up flying off to america ? And how do we make sure we fly minimumly ?

Most, yes. Ada yang tak. Kau fly ke tak nanti ultimately bergantung kepada:
1) Keputusan kau.
2) Syarat sponsor kau (kalau kau di bawah biasiswa / pinjaman)
3) Dapat ke tak offer dari universiti.
4) Funding (if kau private)
5) Visa (lepas ke tak)

Ya Allah nervousnya nak tahu. Really hoping for good news. T.T Anyway, thank you kak syaza. Really appreciate your help! ^^

Chill. Doa banyak2. Ada rezeki insyaAllah you'll be fine! :)

Kak syaza, if you already look up for my application and all, do tell me ya? Im the guy who gave you the id number yesterday. :D

Ahhh baru je nak cakap lol dah tengok and everything's good, masih menunggu kaunselor review. :)

Hai syaza. when i'm bored i find myself here...surprisingly. to syaza's 'fans' (LOL), have fun in college. it's gonna be fun. sucky, but fun. -SL

Ahahaha hi Kak Shahirahhh :)

Kak Syazaaaaa, saya dah penat jawab soalan "Apa beza Accounting dengan Finance?". Apa advice kak hakak untuk bang abang eh?

Haziq Ghafar
Buatlah FAQ post kat blog, lepastu letak kat 'About Me' ask.fm ataupun kat tempat yang tulis "Ask Me Anything" tu. Hahahahaha


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