
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Kak syaza saya Pening sangat about nak sambung belajar ni hm just got my spm result recently

Belum sambung belajar dah pening, dah masuk kolej lagi pening dik.

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thanks utk jawapan2 sumer. God bless! xoxo

Yang baik itu dari Allah, yang jawapan kejam / sarkastik / tak memenuhi expectatuons / ada kelemahan itu semuanya kekurangan diri ini.

(2/2) Point being is, if you want to make it happen badly enough & kalau rezeki untuk sambung belajar mana-mana (private local unis ke, overseas ke) tu ada, there will be a way to fund it: with or without a scholarship. Kalau tak sekarang pun, maybe later.

I like you. Here's a virtual cookie. Hihihi :3

Support kak syaza ramaimmalaysian students terlalu ikut sangat trend komunit...takut nak cuba jalan lain

Bukan pendapat aku sorang je. I can't claim credit for that.

Masa awk kat intec dulu ramai tak batchmate awak dlm course ni? Berapa orang? Saja nk survey. Thanks.

Estimated about 150-ish students in ADFP each year, possibly?

Kau cakap 'go private' tu macam senang sangat je. Bukan semua orang kaya macam kau plz

If that comes out that way, I apologize. Aku sekadar nak orang tahu yang it is not 'compulsory' to get a scholarship or pinjaman. Ada je budak yang kurang berkemampuan tapi kerja untul finance their studies. And ada je yang, instead of taking the typical MARA / PTPTN loan, ambil loan education from banks and finance their studies that way.
Problems dengan sesetengah Malaysian students is that dyorang terlalu ikut sangat trend komuniti. Tak nak fikir jalan lain yang boleh je digunakan walaupun kurang diwar-warkan.
So yeah. If my previous answer made you feel that way, I apologize for that.

"rasa nk ambik a level tpi rasa mcm susah. plus klau buat a level confirm kena buat pinjaman (coz result so-so je) & klau tak score sgt takleh sambung abroad and kena pergi ipts n buat pinjaman lagi". - are these correct? boleh tak tlg buat perbezaan subjek2 yg belajar kt a level dgn matriks & asasi

Kalau macam tu, boleh aku cakap aku nak mati tak sebab hidup ni complicated sangat?
Mak ai senangnya hidup kalau selalu ambil the easy way out. Semua benda dalam dunia ni susah bro. Tak ada satu pun yang senang.
1. "kalau buat A-levels confirm kena buat pinjaman" - No. Kau tak perlu buat pinjaman pun boleh je sambung A-Levels. Go private la.
2. "Kalau tak score sangat takleh sambung abroad." - Still no. Ada je kawan aku dapat C's and D's and still ke UK. Bergantung kepada universities mana la. And bergantung kalau kau belajar under sponsorship or not. Sebab biasanya syarat sponsor yang ketat.
3. "Kena pergi IPTS and buat pinjamam lagi." - IPTS, yes. Pinjaman, no. Kalau tak nak buat pinjaman, go private. Tak wajib pun ambil pinjaman kalau kau taknak. And mungkin ada IPTA yang accept A-Levels but generally takde so pergi IPTS je la.
4. Perbezaan subjek.
Aku tak ambil Asasi or Matrikulasi so aku tak boleh nak buat comparison yang elok. So no, maaf, aku takleh nak tolong in that sense. Boleh Google dan tengok dua program tu macam mana.
In the sense of A-Levels, 3-5 subjects dalam masa 1-2 tahun. Kalau kau suka cara SPM dulu (belajar gila2 pastu exam dan exam je penentu segalanya), then A-Levels is perfect for you sebab memang fully exam oriented.
Kombinasi subjek berbeza ikut kolej dan aliran. Sesetengah kolej bagi budak2 pilih. Sesetengah kolej dah pilihkan subjek so ikut la buat A-Levels kat mana.
Kalau nak bandingkan tahap kesusahan, modul paling senang Mathematics A-Levels tahap Add Maths. So yeah.

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Kalau I masuk matriks and dapat four flat, I boleh pergi UK kan? Or any other countries

Setakat nak 'pergi' UK or any other countries, you will only need a plane ticket and a passport.
To study in the UK or any other countries, requirements differ. Kalau matrikulasi is accepted at that university and kau dapat offer, bolehlah pergi. Takat dapat 4.0 je tak menjamin apa-apa kalau kau tak apply sendiri to the universities and dapat offer to actually go to a university.
That being said, research. Some universities may accept matrikulasi. Some may not.

what is your plan after graduation?

As of now, going back to Malaysia and serving 2 years in Teach for Malaysia.

Adp ni exam orientad or campur

Depending on the subjects, midterm and final exams make up roughly around 40-80% of the final grades. Other parts of the grades include attendance & participation, homework, quizzes, presentations, tests and other things related to the subjects themselves.

hello sis boleh share cara akak manage masa study tak..macam mana jadual akak study buat homework semua

muhammad fikri bin zuhairi
Sorryyyyy lambat balas soalan ni :'( Nah cokelat nak mintak maaf *hulur kitkat*
Akak (?) tak ada exact jadual study, sebab jadual akak berubah every day ikut mood & meetings (& game bola & waktu tidur & waktu lapar dan sebagainya).
Jadual kelas sekarang macam dalam gambar ni ->
Secara generalnya, waktu malam (9pm ++) waktu yang akak betul2 dapat study.
Kalau ada masa pagi / petang tu (tak ada kelas ke, kelas cancelled ke, tak kerja ke, etc), biasanya akak selitkan sikit waktu nak siapkan homework la.
Malam tu biasanya Skype dengan si dia sambil study. Takpun gayut kat phone sambil study.
Pagi biasanya tidur selagi takde kelas (tak suka bangun awal pagi). Lagipun sebab malam biasanya study / online / buat kerja lain sampai 3/4am, so memang lepas Subuh tu tidur balik (melainkan ada kelas pagi la).
Hmm. Apa lagi?
Oh. Weekends. Biasanya tak tidur malam (study, main games, movies, Skype, melagha -.-), pagi membuta (college students, biasa ah). Lol.
Emm. Macam tu je la kot? (Taktahu nak cakap macam mana lagi -.-)

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hello sis boleh share cara akak manage masa study takmacam mana jadual akak

hai syaza i'm bored so i'm just browsing through your ask.fm as usual. hahaha - Shahirah

Hahaha hello Kak Shahirah :) *waves*

Personal statement to apply for scholarship in medicine field, can you help me?

I'm not a Medicine student, you're better off asking someone in that particular field.

What is asasi pintar all about? Can you please explain? Tq

Note: Knowing about it may not be sufficient enough to explain fully how it is. You're better off asking someone who has been through the program itself. I do not wish to convey the wrong information.

What are the occupations related to tesl? Kalau Kak syaza tahu je la, because so far which I know is translator

Nope, tak tahu in details about future prospects. For me, as long as you're willing to learn or go into tertiary education, pretty much anything is possible with any degree (other than medicine, of course).


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