
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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any advice on what to do during results day? tak kisah la spm ke alevel ke IB results day.. dunno what to expect.. dunno what to think... i'm a very panicky person, so sometimes i get really scared and make up stories, and overthink

Tidur & makan coklat. And main game. Seriously. :)

jawab la soalan saya huhuhu

Memang hidup aku sentiasa free nak jawab semua soalan cepat-cepat kan.
Ramadan ni. Sabar.

say, if i got into an overseas uni (say it's not a top ranked uni pun biasa2 je, soo scholarship mostly tknak sponsor), i dont have money, can i appply MARA / PTPTN? is it hard to get scholarship/pinjaman for my degree?

MARA pun biasanya ada je list of universities that dia akan sponsor. And if takat masuk uni yang biasa-biasa je, yang not recognized, it is far better to do it in Malaysia. Tak ada guna pergi luar negara if takat nak masuk universities abroad, tapi universiti tu biasa-biasa (or yang low-standard). And PTPTN tu, tak tahu la if boleh ke tak.
Scholarships or pinjaman biasanya will only send students to the top universities, sebab it's not worth it to send to 'normal' universities abroad. Mahal kot, so they would want to make it worth sending students abroad. Sebab tu hantar kat top universities je.

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did u feel a tadbit sad with the fact tht u didnt get to do MORSE in warwick? or are u happier in wisconsin now?

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [2:216]
I was, but I'm not anymore. Allah Knows best, and I have faith in Him that I am where I am supposed to be.

tell me more about ur personal opinion, haha just wanna know why do u think US> UK

Personally, I prefer the American education system. The British education system, which is the one Malaysia uses, suffocates me (this is a bit too much exaggeration, but yes, I hate it). The US system allows me to choose what I want to learn, and to take things at my own pace.

Hi sis, I want to ask about IB Diploma Programme at Taylor's College.... since i'm not from wealthy background, I heard the cost is very expensive. Is there any PTPTN ?

Hi. In general, I like the IB program. It's a holistic program that doesn't just focus on your academics alone. I don't know about the program in Taylor's specifically (you need to ask Taylor's students on your own). And I think there should be PTPTN / MARA / scholarships or bursaries from Taylor's itself, based on your SPM results.
Liked by: Ⴈ!zɐq zɐuɐʎs

apa beza degree dalam negara dan degree luar negara? saya sekarang sedang buat asasi dan dapat offer mara for a levels,both engineering.

Tak ada beza sangat degree dalam negara or degree luar negara. Just that ada certain programs (read: Courses / Majors) yang better in certain places. Like, kalau MIT, memang bagus for Engineering. Kalau LSE, memang bagus for Economics and all. That kind of stuff. Tapi tu tak bermakna yang tempat lain tak bagus. Ada baik buruknya belajar dalam or luar negara. Terpulang kepada diri sendiri la.
Kalau nak pergi luar negara tu, nilai diri sendiri dulu. Berbaloi ke nak pergi luar negara? Apa aim nak pergi luar negara tu? Takat nak dapat nama, "Oh, saya pelajar universiti di luar negara." je ke? Takat nak jalan2 travel dengan kawan? Or are you aiming for something bigger than that?
Buat Engineering dalam negara pun not that bad what, Malaysian universities banyak je yang gempak. UTP gempak what for Engineering. UTM semua. Boleh tahan bagus apa. Compare la programs yang ada dalam negara and luar negara. Buat pilihan based on FACTS and not just KHABAR ANGIN semata-mata. And kalau nak fly tu, make sure aim(s) masa nak fly tu jelas and nyata, and niat tu kena betul.

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hai.may i know what is the wisconsin school of business that u got? is that bba program?what are them?btw congratz to u

In my university (University of Wisconsin-Madison), most of the students who get in the university will be placed in the 'College of Letters and Science', which is the common 'college' there is. You will then need to apply to specific schools/colleges for your intended majors (ie School of Business, College of Engineering, School of Education, Law School, School of Pharmacy, etc). And the application itself is competitive.
Like, for me, to apply for the School of Business (since I wanted to do Actuarial Science), I'll have to take four pre-requisite courses (English, Introductory Microeconomics, Calculus 1 and Introduction to Psychology). Since I've already taken Cal 1 in Malaysia, I only need to take the other 3 before I am able to apply to the School of Business.
Application to the School of Business closes every March (Spring semester). To be eligible to apply, your CGPA (of previous semesters prior to applying and the current Spring semester) must be at least 2.75 / 4.00 (average is about 3.30). You'll have to write an essay and a resume and fill up the online application.
And yes, I applied for the BBA in Actuarial Science program. The main thing is, I got into the BBA program, which means I can do any of the eight (or ten? I forgot) BBA program that they have (Actuarial Science, Accounting, Finance, MHR, etc). No one outside the School of Business can graduate with a degree in these programs, so you'd have to apply to have the opportunity to do these programs.
So, that's basically it, I think. :) Hope that answers your questions a little bit. :)
And thank you :')

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How to apply scholarships for undergraduate studies? And do you think it's possible to get a scholarship with a CGPA of 3.00? To oversea..

Google -> Undergraduate Scholarship Malaysia.
There are tons of scholarship available, for SPM-leavers and for STPM-level leavers. All you need to do is research and look for them. Application-wise depends on the scholarships itself, so find out which scholarship is applicable to you and what you need to do to apply to them. The minimum requirements for the scholarship also differ from one another.
For example:
1) Yayasan Khazanah: Obtained a minimum 3As for A-level / 38 points for International Baccalaureate (IB) / a minimum CGPA 3.50/4.00 for Pre-university programme. And to apply for YK, you'd have to apply online and write a personal statement.
2) Bank Negara: Diploma / Matriculation - Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.50, or STPM / A-Level - at least 2 A and 1 B and a few other requirements. Application is an online application with a possible essay.
3) Yayasan Sime Darby: STPM (minimum 3A); or Pre-University/ Foundation/ Local Matriculation/ Diploma (minimum CGPA of at least 3.50); or 3A’s for A-Level programme. Online application.
I doubt a CGPA of 3.00 will suffice, as normally scholarships will ask for CGPA of 3.50 and above. But if you can find any that only require CGPA of 3.0, by all means, go ahead. But remember, make sure you have something else to back up your application (a good essay, resume, or anything other than your academics).

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Boleh ke kalau nak tukar kolej persediaan?

Kalau kau bukan under sponsorship, tukar je la. If kau bawah tajaan, kalau sponsor bagi tukar, tukar ah. Kena apply la if nak tukar.

Akak, boleh ke nak reject mara kalau dah accept kat website dia? Saya belum daftar belajar lagi.

Selagi kau tak isi perjanjian, selagi tu takde benda yang concrete. Reject je la if nak.

can i have ur email?

syazanazura [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk.
(Replace the at and dot with appropriate symbols, thank you.)
Liked by: Lola

Assalamualaikum kak syaza,kalau kita dapat MARA for a levels,ada potensti tak kita tak dapat fly and belajar kat uni kat malaysia je? atau semua a levels dapat fly?

Dapat tajaan biasiswa / pinjaman untuk belajar ke luar negara =/= dapat belajar kat universiti luar negara.
Antara sebab-sebabnya kenapa tajaan =/= belajar luar negara:
1) Results foundation / pre-university program tak melepasi syarat minima tajaan. ( CGPA rendah, IELTS tak cukup, dan sebagainya).
2) Tak dapat tawaran dari universiti luar negara (duhh, kalau takde offer university, kau nak pergi mana?)
3) Masalah kesihatan / keluarga yang tak mengizinkan untuk pelajar ke luar negara.
4) Penukaran syarat tajaan / polisi yang menyebabkan pelajar tidak dihantar ke luar negara.
5) Penarikan semula tajaan sekiranya pelajar mencabuli perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani (terlibat dalam kes politik dan sebagainya).
So, no, kalau dapat MARA or JPA or any other scholarships pun, if tak lepas minimum requirement(s) untuk universiti / MARA/JPA semua tu, tak lepas jugak nak fly tu.

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Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

Harry Potter (all seven). How to Train Your Dragon (1 and 2). Most Disney / Pixar Animation movies.

do you have any ways to avoid jetlag?

Err, not really. I don't really go through jetlags so I can't help with that. Sorry :/

You daftar seminggu selepas result appeal eh? Sempat ke nak isi borang and medical checkup bagai tu?

Yes, I daftar seminggu after results appeal keluar. Med check up and borang MARA semua I isi after I dah masuk INTEC. Sebab MARA tak finalizekan lagi document I semua, so I dapat download semua dokumen from the website around September kot. Med check up semua buat time tu la.

I x lepas cgpa utk fly first year. I da appeal kt mara tp belum dpt ans. I need 2 make decision whether 2 accept d offer rn. 1.Shud I proceed accept n buat payment visa n all? 2. Placement I dpt tu not my dream uni. Better 2 just grab d chance and risk/try? Or stay? askin around, want 2 noe ur pov

1. If it's not your dream university, it is worth it for you to give up on your dream university and choose that one, just for the sake of 'flying off after ADFP'?
2. Think about why you want to fly off to the States in the first place. Like, sekadar nak fly or memang aim nak go to that dream university of yours. If it's to go to that dream university, well, just stay for ACTP. There's no harm in staying and reapplying and going through the application process. And this time, put more effort into it so you can get your dream university.


Language: English