
Syaza Nazura

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Camne nak jadi cantik. Perlu ke pakai make-up. Hurmm...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Kau nak jadi cantik di mata siapa? Mata ibu bapa? Mata kawan? Mata pakwe/awek? Mata orang lain? Mata Allah?
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Liked by: Michael Warming

hai sis, i like ur anime entry.ade baik dan buruk.tapi banyak ke arah baik ke buruk eh?btw ade x article mcm akak yg bagi opinion about anime?such open minded gitu.thanks

Hi :) Lebih banyak yang baik or buruk tu terpulang kepada diri sendiri, nak tengok yang mana. Dalam apa-apa benda pun dalam dunia ni akan ada baik buruknya. Yang buruk tu jadikan sempadan, yang baik jadikan tauladan.
And pasal other articles tu, rasanya should be ada je. Cuma I don't know of any specific ones la. :)

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I can see that you like Maths haha. Btw, thanks for sharing :). I got like 680 for the Maths section (first attempt). I feel like retesting and what concerns me the most is the verbal one (I'm so suck at this).

Ehhh no worries laaa I got 600+ something as well during my first test, so I retook it and got an 800. I hated the verbal part as well, never liked it, never will. Lol. Just do loads of practice and you'll be fine, insyaAllah! :)
Liked by: hazim zakariya

Hey syaza.nak tanya how you belajar eh.Thanks.

Errr, how I belajar?
Err, err. *pandang atas, pandang bawah, pandang kiri kanan*
I belajar ke?
Ekekeke. OK gurau.
Emm. Cara I belajar maybe macam pelik sikit. Kot. Orang cakap la.
Like, kalau buat Calculus ke apa, I KENA pasang movie or anime.
Or at least pasang music.
Every night confirm pasang Disney / Pixar movies sambil study.
Emm. I tak suka sangat baca buku teks sebenarnya, kalau terpaksa je.
Nota pulak, selagi boleh pakai laptop (unless it's Econs or Maths or anything yang perlukan graphs / tables semua dengan cepat).
Kalau tak sempat buat nota lelawa dalam kelas, balik bilik nanti I redo balik nota pakai pen Pilot yang warna-warna tu (I suka main kaler2 ni hihi).
I suka stay up malam study (sebab malam otak berfungsi, pagi asyik nak tidur je. Tapi next sem takleh sangat sebab ada kelas pagi).
I suka study sorang. Tak boleh sangat study in groups, sebab nanti tension. (I have my own pace, kalau study dengan orang, orang lain suka tanya soalan yang I malas nak jawab or tak cover lagi nanti lagi pening and stress).
I suka buat past year exams daripada baca buku teks. So hentam dulu ikut logic, then kalau salah, baca balik and fahamkan betul-betul (I did this for Biology SPM. Entah berapa juta past year / trial papers dibuat tu agaknya).
I have a limited amount of concentration. So biasanya if study, either depan laptop sambil Skype dengan kawan, or sediakan movie / makanan. Study kejap, then stop borak or movie / makan, then sambung.
Suka la jugak study kat library, tapi kena study sorang / in pair (tapi nak pair ni pun kena kawan yang sekepala / yang faham cara I study).
Okay dok macam ni jawapan? :)

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Hey :) You scored like perfect score for SAT Math right? And how did you do that?

Hi :) Yes, Alhamdulillah, I did get 800 for SAT Math (though from my report I think I got one or two questions wrong). Err, I guess I really liked Maths? And like, I did a lot of practice tests and went through the ones I didn't managed to answer in the first place.

Kak ni pandai lah, nak menangis rasanya :(

Takdelah pandai mana pun. Tapi Alhamdulillah la rezeki Allah bagi.

MDS kat INTEC waktu bulan puasa ni agak2 banyak aktiviti tak?

Nope. PM this year cakap dah kurang sikit program

selalu balik malaysia time summer bawak apa je dalam luggage? or kena bawak semua barang sbb xleh tinggal barang dalam hall?

'Selalu'? Lek lu baru setahun balik Malaysia. Hahaha. Simpan la semua brg kt sana, tumpang rumah kawan ke apa. Balik bawak baju yang nak pakai, some souvenirs and all. Keperluan je la.

akak. im a bursary scholar tapi kalau boleh aftr pre-u, nak apply fr scholarships lain. agak2 sempat tak? thanks fr your answer

Boleh je. Lagipun after bursary for pre-university tu, kalau nak sambung memang kena apply balik kan to KPM. So might as well apply je for other scholarships that offer your major / course. Sempat tak sempat tu depends on bila scholarship tu tutup application la.

rmi senior saya kate susah nak masuk uni walaupun dpt straight A. klau akak dulu mcm mane? persaingan tu byk tak? lg2 nak pegi oversea. mesti susah nak dpt

Tak kira nak masuk universiti mana pun, persaingan memang ketat sikit kalau nak bandingkan dengan sekolah. Sebab even if dapat straight A's tapi takde apa-apa talent or skills or kelebihan, memang kalah la dengan orang yang ada B satu dua tapi aktif dalam koko and all that stuff.
Sebab kau bukan je lawan dengan satu sekolah, but kau lawan dengan satu Malaysia. Ramai pelajar dari negeri lain-lain semua nak masuk universiti. Tak campur lagi pelajar luar negara yang nak masuk universiti kat Malaysia.
Kalau nak apply biasiswa yang ke luar negara tu, lagilah persaingan ketat. Sekadar dapat 9A+ je tak menjanjikan apa-apa kalau diri sendiri tak yakin dengan kemampuan diri dan tak mampu tonjolkan kelebihan diri. Bukannya apa, kalau nak pergi luar negara tu, kau merebut tempat dengan pelajar dari seluruh dunia. Besar tau, besar. Dalam beberapa puluh ribu ataupun ratus ribu yang apply, berapa ribu je yang dapat nanti.

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pe pndgn ko kat pompuan yg pkai make up over sgt??

Terpulang kepada niat masing-masing. Kalau takat pakai make up sebab nak pastikan penampilan kemas, aku okay je. Tapi kalau dah tahap pakai over sangat tu, err, buat apa bro? Tak sayang ke muka yang Allah dah bagi tu? Rasa insecure sangat eh?
Rilek ah sis. Muka kau dah cukup lawa dah tanpa make-up tu. Allah dah bagi muka yang lawa dah kat semua orang. Tak payah nak cover and letak make-up setebal 5 inci atas muka.

A friend of mine got 3 prestigious scholarshipsssss and i was sooooo jealous of her. Kak syaza, yr opinion? ( a good one tht presumably soothe me haha)

Your question reminded me a little bit about this one particular question I received last year: http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/50044576594. Read it.
Remember, everyone is born different. Everyone has a different set of skills, talents and intelligence that is never going to be the same as another person. And everyone has their own path to follow. Yes, by all means, you have the rights to be envious of your friends. I was (and still am, to be honest), of my friends who got the scholarships that I so dearly wanted after my SPM. I was (and still sometimes am) hurt whenever I see them doing the things I wish I could have done too.
But, the thing is, I was never meant for it. All the things I wanted, all the things I dreamed of, well, those were never meant to be mine. Allah has already prepared a set of things and achievements for me, and I must be grateful to Him for that. Allah Knows best. He always have, and He always will.
"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [2:216]
It hurts, I know, to see your friends having all the achievements that you yearned for, but, remember, if you're a true friend to them, you wouldn't be jealous of it. Be happy for them, congratulate them. For getting a scholarship, however 'prestigious' it may sound, is a hard thing.
Think about all the responsibility you will get, all the rules you will have to follow, all the protocols you must abide with. And it's not just a 'scholarship', it is TRUST. The scholarship body, and the country, is trusting the scholars with their hopes and dreams to continue making Malaysia a better place, trusting the scholarship recipients to give back to the community more than what they have received throughout the whole scholarship period.
It is a huge responsibility, and think for yourself, "Are you ready for the burden of carrying all these wishes and hopes from the nation?"
Senyum :)

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Liked by: hvnvni

Hello there, what should be included in a highschool transcript requested by most U.S universities? SPM? Form 4-5 Results? School activity participations? I have absolutely no idea. Mind helping me? Thanks.

Examination results (mid year and end of year, and trials and real PMR/SPM if applicable) from Form 1 - Form 5, certificates for any activities (if possible include those that are not school-level, ie district, state, national or international levels), co-curriculum testimonial, reference letters from teachers / principal / counselor.
Basically that's about it.

Kalau tidak dapat masuk uni dalam list jpa/mara sewaktu ambil adfp automatically scholarship itu cancel atau kena suruh sambung actp ?

ACTP. Tapi tengok gak contract dengan sponsor tu tulis apa

thank you! youve given us lots of useful information & spent your time answering our questions. i truly appreciate your help :) may you have a really bright future ahead

You're welcome! And the same to you too, insyaAllah!

Hi! Kat boston, massachusetts banyak student malaysia tak?

Emm boleh tanya budak Boston la kot pasal tu. Budak Madison mana tahu.


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