
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Thanks sis for spending your time answer my question..Maybe you are right..I hope that oneday I can envolve myself to this course.. if you have friend that study environmental engineering course do write in your blog about this course.. I'm always stalk your blog hehee love ya! ❤

Ahahaha insyaAllah! :) <3

Assalamualaikum akak :) You are such an inspiration to me. Boleh tak akak cerita any turning point yang buat akak jadi awesome macam ni? Akak knows a lot, brilliant (not just in academic), very motivating, out of box thinker Is it because of family background or something?

Wa'alaikumsalam, hi :)
First of all, thank you, I guess, for saying that I inspired you. I don't know how that happened, or if it's even possible, but, hey, if it did, then that's good, I think? :)
Part turning point(s) tu... Hmm, okay, sebenarnya tak tahu la nak jawab macam mana, sebab there isn't really one solid 'turning point' in my life. It's more of a series of 'turning points' throughout the years. From going to an English kindergarten, to having 3 primary schools, 3 secondary schools and 2 colleges (lol even though one of them is considered both secondary school and college). From living in London, England to travelling around Europe with my family. From going to an all-girls government boarding school to studying in a private international school. Having friends from different academic, social and religious backgrounds. Joining volunteer programs almost every single year and participating in leadership symposiums and events.
So there's basically no one 'event' in my life that shaped the person I am now. Everything that I go through, everything that I attend and participate in and join, everyone that I meet, each of them play a part in shaping the person that I am now. I take in everything that I can use to improve, leaving out all the bad and negative parts, and I use them as a motivation to become a better person :)
p/s. An answer to a somewhat similar question to yours: http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/05/unresolved-question-what-makes-me-me_2.html
Hope this answers your question! <3

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hai sis..sis tau tak course tentang environmental engineering?? sbb sumber kat internet sikit sgt pasal course ni..sya nak g belajar course ni tapi takut tak de kerje psl course ni..:)

Emmm, sorry, tak tahu pasal tu. But, don't worry. Every course akan ada kerja, IF you work hard and pandai cari peluang, instead of tunggu peluang datang bergolek kat kaki :)

I know that, yelah kite semue x same,laen2 persaan,tapi i rase kesian dkat atok n nenek i,lagi2 atok i ade kat hospital sakit,nak pergi mlawat kesian,bcusz I dah menghampe die, x sanggop rase...bukan skali due menghampe dorang..ish, sedih betol ngan idop i.. kawan I yng x belajar pon dapax result ok

And you see, that's the problem with you. You tahu that you should get over it, tapi you tak nak. You keep on holding on to the pain of the failures and falls that you've been through, instead of using them for your jumping point. Why is that so?
If you sendiri tak percaya yang you can do it, why would other people percaya kat you?
If your parents and families put so much hope into you, then it's because they know you can do it, despite all the challenges that you face. So, lagi lama you 'menjatuhkan' diri you sebab what happened in the past, lagi lama lah you akan menghampakan dyorang.
Pick yourself up. Move on with life.
Life does not end with one failure. It starts, however, with a million more failures.
Pasal kawan you tu, tu ujian Allah untuk dia. Allah nak tengok dia bersyukur ke tak dengan nikmat yang dia ada. Allah nak tengok, dia jadi bongkak or sombong tak dengan nikmat yang dia ada. Bila-bila masa je Allah boleh tarik balik nikmat tu.
Setiap orang lain ujiannya, tapi semuanya diberi ujian sebab Allah tahu, we can all go through life just fine. Lagi banyak ujian, meaning Allah nak sangat kita dekat dengan dia. So, jangan lah lari dari Allah. Go to Him.

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akak syaza balik malaysia under scholar or gune duit sndiri? btw, have a nice trip :)

Guna duit parents, sebab balik ni pun 1) Mak yang suruh and 2) Ada projek nak carry out dengan high school students (namely Form5 students).
And thank you :') <3

What was the biggest failure in your life so far?

Failing up to wake up in time for Subuh, especially now since Subuh is freaking early and if I forgot to change my alarm every night, I would miss it :'(

tapi at least u dah sampai hajat u untok study overseas, mungkin kat intec dulu senang..tapi bler dah smpai US laen, family u pon dah cukop bangga ngan u, jadi x kesah sngat larr.. I sampai sekarang rase x nak blek kampong, sebab kesian tengok muke2 yng mngharapkan dulu, exspecially atok n nenek i,

Hajat I bukan sekadar belajar kat luar negara je. Kalau nak, even without scholarship pun my parents mampu untuk hantar I belajar kat UK if I want to. I have aims higher than just 'belajar kat luar negara', sebab tu I don't allow my failures to bring me down. I kat luar ni, I want to learn as much as I could, experience many things that I could bring back to help Malaysia improve. As much as I look like a person yang suka kritik Malaysians and all (especially on Facebook), I nak sangat tolong Malaysia membangun. So selagi tu tak tercapai, selagi tu hajat I tak fulfilled. I want to leave an impact on Malaysia, to spark a change, to improve something.
Apanya tak kisah, duduk kat sini la lagi banyak expectations. Takde guna gak belajar luar negara tapi datang balik dengan tangan kosong. Takde guna gak belajar luar negara tapi balik perangai and perspective tak berubah. Lagi jauh you pergi, lagi banyak tanggungjawab yang you pegang. Lagi banyak harapan yang orang bagi, lagi berat jadinya for you. Satu failure you, orang akan ingat forever. Semua 'small successes' yang you dapat, orang takkan pandang sangat sebab they expect more from you. Sakit, tahu tak, to never hear the words 'I'm proud of you kakngah' from my mother, despite all the things I achieved in high school, semata-mata because she expected me to do 'better'. It's always 'You can do better than this' or 'Kenapa macam ni je?'.
Kalau betul la you nak sangat buat parents and family you bangga dengan you, you wouldn't be mourning about the past. It hurts, but you just have to move on. Lagi lama you mourn about what could have happened, you're losing your chances at a brighter future. Kalau betullah you want them to be proud of you, you akan work harder to prove that you can be successful, even if it's not in the path that people usually take.

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ohh too bad. nvm. how about anyone from Uni of Washington?

I don't think they have any ask.fm, but you can always try Facebook.
Or, to make it easier, there's a Fb group called US Bound Malaysian Students. Join it and ask any questions you want. A lot of universities are in it and they'll be happy to help you out.

tapi u tahu arr.. mungkin orang laen yng macam i mungkin seminggu due or paling lame sebulan dah bleh happy blek,tapi i x... becusz klu nak gambar kan kat u what i feel, like kematian seseorang yng kite sayang,lebih kurang cam gitu... sedih n rase down giler...

It hurts that much because you put so much emphasis on gaining that 'academic success'. Try taking some of that emphasis off your academic results and putting it somewhere else in your life, say: building better relationships with people, achieving other goals and dreams, etc.
Okay, to share a personal story that I don't usually tell people about what happened to me last semester. I screwed up my Psychology subject last semester. Out of four exams, none were above the average in the class. I even failed the last exam, despite the fact that I studied well for it. My GPA for my first semester was bad. It was worse than any of my GPA in INTEC, and it was JUST enough to pass MARA's requirements for us.
Was I sad? Of course. Was I disappointed in my life? Hell yeah. I never had any C in my life (except for one time during the 2nd mid sem exam in Form 1 for Sejarah), so, yes, I was pretty hard on myself.
But... when I think about it. All the things I joined in college, all the activities I participate in, all the new things I learnt and experience...
Hey, it was all worth it.
Quoting a friend's Fb status: I rather drop a letter grade, if it means I get to experience all the things I am doing now.
Academic successes are important, but those are not the only thing in life that we should chase. :)

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kak syaza, do u know anyone (esp who have ask.fm) studying in UC Berkeley? thanks

Sorry, I only personally know one person in Berkeley (that I can think of at the moment), and he does not have any ask.fm
Liked by: sanjay stha

tu arr.. my also sayed the same thing, tapi masalah nyer.. i x expect ngan result i nie,(terok) i x bleh nak sambung mane2, even poli... yng bleh sijil...idop i terlalu sedih, malu nak berdepan ngan cousin,friend &ngan semue orang lah... kekadang rase cam x nak idop pon ade, ;(

Not everyone are cut out academically. Ada je yang drop out and tak sambung belajar but still manage to be successful. Tengok la Afiq Sazlan and friend(s?). Even tak sambung study, but hey, they found out what they love doing (dakwah), and go ahead and do it. If you feel like your future is not in academic, by all means, take a gap year to explore yourself. To seek who you are. To be closer to God. To learn more about who you are and what you want out of life.
Life is not all about that 4.0 CGPA on a piece of paper. That piece of paper do not define who you are.

thanxs for that, but u know.. dlam idop, i x pernah merasai kejayaan.. serious, tapi i cube sedaye upaye,sampai lah kepade SPM, i want be like my brother n my cousin, i selalu ikot klu nak gi anta dorang kat airport, bcusz semangat nak jadi cam dorang, study kat overseas.. but segale2 nyer hampeh~~

Then that's probably Allah's way of saying that you are so much better off locally than going abroad. Imagine, maybe if you study luar negara, studies teruk ke, ada accident ke, ada problems adapting or friendship problems or something. Wallahualam. Allah Knows best, so yes, no matter how hard it is, it is for your own good. Perhaps, if you study abroad now, results ala kadar je, tapi if study locally, results and achievements luar kelas semua gempak and dapat scholarship untuk sambung masters luar negara. Who knows, kan?

i know that... but u know... u bleh lar cakap bcusz u have been succeed, cube u be like me.. member semue berjaye,even yng dulu nyer same taraf ngan kite.. tapi kite... (x berjaye) i bukan saje down, malah iman pon semakin lame semakin down jugak, sebab i mnghampe kan keluarge... ~_~

"You have been successful."
Yeah, right. That's the thing here, you know? I choose which part of my life to show to people. I don't show all the failures I've been through, 'cause, well, I choose not to. Tak rasa I pun rasa the same as you ke, when all my friends semua dapat offer scholarships semua lepas SPM, and my SPM results tak bagi apa-apa pun except for MARA?
If you allow the failures to bring you down, why, that's the real failure in your life. Nobody became a success in their life without all these failures. I know it's hard, I've been through months of recovering after what happened after the SPM results were released. I am still trying to make myself accept the fact that I can never go through the same things like that my friends do, but I try to make the best out of it.
Jangan allow the failures to define who you are. Allah bagi ujian tu to make you stronger. Be strong. Kalau tak, lagi la you're disappointing your parents and family.

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Liked by: Emily

tapi perasaan saya sape yang tahu, orang x tahu, hanya saye dan ALLAh saje yng tahu.. mungkin u bleh kate chill larr.. tapi bagi saye x, ape pon thanxs for ur advice,

Rilek, I've been through that. Trust me, I know how it hurts.
Everyone in this world has gone through failures, be it academically or not. Everyone has dreams that have been crushed, so you are not alone. Maybe the dreams are different from others', but just remember la, everyone has been hurt. Everyone has been disappointed, more than once, in their life.

cmna nak translate ayat ni ke BI akak? 'adakah universiti tersebut menerima lepasan STPM' p/s: sory akak, sye x teror english sgt.. heee. malunyer :( btw, thank you, akak!! :D

"Does this (the?) university accept post-STPM students from Malaysia?"

u study US eh..? cool.. untong lar lucky, x cam i..unlucky person... teringin nak gi belajar oversea...tapi x dapax, kesedihan menyelebungi jiwa... congrat, :)

Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah bagi. Everyone has different paths to go on, so tak boleh nak expect our lives to be like other people. Kita maybe want something else, but Allah Knows better, so jangan sedih-sedih, Allah Knows best. :)

How do you travel around in the states and in the area you live in now?

Flight / bus / drive
(I haven't done much travelling though)

Not a question , just wanted to say thanks for your opinion and suggestion ☺

You're welcome, I guess? :)

What do you think about matriculation ?

Hi Nalina :)
Personally I don't know much about Matriculation, except that I have some friends who have just finished their matriculations recently. Some of them wouldn't suggest doing matriculation, others have different opinions about it. I have seen / heard about / know people who graduated from matriculation and are really good in universities, and also otherwise.
I know, this isn't that helpful, and I wish I could help you, but I don't have any personal experience or extensive knowledge about the program so I really couldn't say anything. What you can do is probably approach seniors who have previously gone through matriculation themselves and ask for their perspectives.
Good luck in making your choices <3
Liked by: Nalinasanthiran

I wanna be like you. Humble friendly kind. Intelligent happy

I wouldn't say I'm any of that, honestly. It's a good thing to look up to someone, but always try to be the best 'You' that you can, 'cause you are the only one who can be yourself :)


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