
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Boyfriend akak nanti sambung study dekat U Wis-Mad jugak ke?

Tak. Dia pergi University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

honestly, I think you're awesome! like what you did and the hardships you've faced really inspire me to become a better person. I hope you keep on blogging (you're a talented writer,really) and never stop giving advices to teenagers like me :') go go kak syaza nazura! :)

Honestly speaking, I don't think I've been through that much to actually 'inspire' people. I'm the kind of person who would exaggerate every problem I go through, which, most of the time, is not really that bad (I think).
But, hey, if that helps you, then by all means, go on ahead. Everything that's good comes from God the Almighty, and every mistakes and flaws are of my own weaknesses.
And, sure, insyaAllah, I'll keep on blogging :) Thanks for the support :')

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Akak d U kelas mlm ker?

Nope. This semester, Monday-Thursday 11am - 2:15pm, Jumaat 9:55am - 11:50am. :D

so aper plan balik cuti nie?

Golek tidur atas katil, mandi kolam, main dengan kucing, lepak dengan family and friends, handle Projek Inspirasi 3.0, possibly attend ATU Night INTEC 2014, celebrate birthday dia and teman dia buat preparation nak fly, visit KTJ and SSP, blogging setiap minggu.
Oh, and ambil satu kelas online gak :)

Kak, how do you succeed socially?

Socially? Errr... I'd have to say I suck at creating friendships or 'meaningful relationships' with people. I mean, yeah, I know people, I talk to people and meet different people and all, but personally, I don't think I succeed in making these 'relationships' meaningful, i.e. I can't call most of them at 3am in the morning to cry to.
But, perhaps one of the few things you could try to do is to be open to people. Never judge anyone based on their past or what they are doing. Say, for example, if you're a hijabi with 'tudung labuh' and purdah and stuff, never judge someone who is not wearing a purdah, or if they're a free-hair girl. Once you start to judge people, you close yourself off from all the lessons you could've learnt from them. Open up your heart, listen to their stories, accept their values, even if it's different than yours.
Like, when I was in London back in 2005/2006, my best friend was a guy. He was an atheist (though not a very strong one back then, not so sure about now). He has a dog and all, but like, who cares, I like being friends with him. He's cool and awesome and smart and he taught me a bunch of things on how to adapt to living in the UK. Whenever I came around to his house, he would always send his dog to the backyard and lock him out, 'cause he knew I wasn't very comfortable to be around dogs (still am now).
Just, be open to people, despite their religion, their culture, their beliefs. Who knows, maybe you can learn a few things from them, and maybe they can learn a thing or two from you too :)

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Thank you sis...All the best in your study and have a safe journey to back Malaysia soon..:) Nice to have a conversation with you..Take care.. Talk ya later..^^

You're welcome, and thank you too :D Hit me up whenever you wanna talk :D

Haha, okay lah kak =P good morning, have a nice day and take care of yourself..maklumlah nak balik Malaysia kan Mei ni =P

Thank you :') Doakan perjalanan balik selamat daripada segala keburukan :)

pls tell me abt ur experience of being spm leavers. I mean how hard it could be fr you to get the scholarships and all. Because im feeling so sad right now and worried if i dont get any scholarships i applied. hoping for mara at this particular mment :(

Emmm. It's kind of hard to actually write everything down here, 'cause 1) Ask.fm gives me a limit to my answer and 2) I'm on my phone, not my laptop.
If you really want to know what was going through in my head and in my life after SPM, feel free to go to www.syazanazura.com and read my past entries in 2011/2012 :) There's an archive button at the sidebar so you can choose which month to read instead of going through all the posts :)

Kak kalau membuta lai saya tabik, sebab masih boleh layan askfm dlm membuta tu XD...

Biasanya sekarang masih zzzzz sebab kelas at 11pm. Tapi sebab semalam tidur awal so bangun le awal sikit :p

akak dulu kat intec study adfp economics eh? then you furthur your studies in actuarial sc? sorry if my questions bother you hehe

Mula-mula buat ADFP Economics, then mintak tukar to ADFP Actuarial Science, and MARA luluskan.

Gosh kak! isyh3 masih berselimut ni...(sambil geleng kepala) =P

Ni kira okay dah ni tak membuta lagi tau

hai sis :) sama la kita,saya pun suka math ^.^ hope dpt sambung study about math

InsyaAllah. Good luck :)

Assalamualaikum, it's 10am what are you doing sis?

Waalaikumsalam. It is 9:06am here, and I am still on my bed, under my blanket. :p

Salam akak, UW–Madison memang first choice akak ke masa mula2 apply university kat US? :)

Waalaikumsalam. Tak. First choice University of Pennsylvania. :)

Knp nk berlagak/jadi sombong kalo blh jadi tak smbong? Is that the first impression you want to give ?

Entah. That's just how I am, I guess? Aku jenis yang tak open up to people sangat, so I guess people see me as sombong in that way. Aku just very picky in choosing who to trust with my secrets, so, yeah. :)


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