
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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People you may know ni mmg keluar randomly eh?

Nama pun “may” know, not “people you confirm know” ?

What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Do you speak any?

I used to learn French back in high school for 3 years. Other than that, no, I only speak Malay and English. But as with languages, speaking and practicing it on a daily basis is a good way to learn. So have a buddy that you can talk to and practice with together, so that it stays in your brain for longer time.
Liked by: Nur Hidayah Ayoep

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Tips on how to be a lady with standard, full of dignity, beautiful inside out, pls? :)

Just be yourself. Never lower your worth to be with a guy if he’s not willing to put in the effort. Never belittle yourself or your dreams just because someone says you can’t do it. Go and chase your dreams, put yourself and your family as your priority. Study, and continue to learn as much as possible.
+6 answers Read more

I got distracted pretty easily, what should I do??

Put some distance between you and the distraction. Install StayFocusd on Chrome to limit how many hours you can spend on distracting websites, and to block (use Nuclear option) all useless websites for a certain number of hours so you can focus. Switch off your phone. Delete social media apps. Turn off the TV. Rid yourself of your toxic friends. Go to a library. Have a buddy to keep you accountable. Pay $5 for every hour you spend on distracting things.
+1 answer Read more

I mean... kalau you tak suka orang tu,at last you akan reject jugak. So making him confess... mcm kesian je

I mean it’s human nature, no? People like to be appreciated, to be liked, to know that there are people out there who likes them, etc. and for some people, who probably have self esteem or self confidence issues, knowing this can help them feel better about themselves?
+1 answer in: “Kejam tak kalau ada org, dia syak someone suka dia, then she tried her best just to make him confessed... but in another hand dia tak suka pun mamat tu. Curious je.. wdy think?”

Kenapa aku pergi smbung belajar klau dh thu diri ni bodoh?! Bukannya pandai pun. Belajar pun rasa tah kemana. Masuk telinga kanan keluar telingan kiri. Pointer pun rendah gila.. Hmm membazirnyaa..

(1) Belajar itu is a lifelong journey.
(2) Nobody’s ‘stupid’ persay. It may be that kau tersalah masuk bidang / program. It may be that kau tersalah cara belajar. It may be that kau ada buat salah somewhere or another sampai ilmu susah nak masuk / lekat. It may be that diri kau sendiri tak belajar betul2. Things happened. Muhabasah diri and figure out what when wrong somewhere, and whether it’s a personal problem or the program / course that you chose.
(3) Education is never a waste. Kalau ya pun pointer rendah, you can always learn something out of it. Soft skills ke, any knowledge sini sana, experiences here and there, etc. Kalau memang ya kau tak belajar apa2 langsung tu memang mustahil la sebenarnya. At the very least, you figured out that probably what you chose was not your best choice.
(4) Now go and figure out what went wrong and what to do for the future.

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Yeah. Done buying hehe. I wonder how did you know about the app ? 🤔 because it’s so good. And btw have you deleted the thread that you made about you using the app on twitter?

I actually tried out a bunch of expense tracker before finding that particular one, and somehow felt like it was the best one I’ve used so far.
And I don’t think I made a thread on Twitter, maybe on my Instastories kot?
+4 answers in: “Salam Kak Syaza. May I know what app do you use to track your daily expenses? I think you tweet about it before but I can’t find that tweet. Thank you in advance! 😙”

Should people depend on happiness that depends on other things to exist? Is there anything not dependable in this world (that doesn't depend on other things)?

God (in whatever form that you believe in) is the only thing that is constant and dependable in this world. Everything else, no matter how solid or stable they’ve been, can change in the blink of an eye, so be mindful on how much you depend on them (be it a loved one, family, wealth, friendship, etc).

What should I know/be doing at 22 years old?

That would ultimately depends on individuals, as everyone has different needs and goals in life.
But, in general, I would say, you need to know:
1) Roughly what you want life to be in the future. I say ‘roughly’ because you can plan all you want, but things happen and plans change all the time, so at least have a rough idea of what you’d like to do or where you’d like to be, and
2) What you need to do to achieve no (1) 👆🏻. That means, what degree you might need, what working experiences would be useful, how much money you need to save up for your lifestyle, who to connect to, if you’d need a postgrad degree, what professional qualifications you might need, etc.
3) Who your friends are in life. Most people in your life are meant to be temporary. You see them during high school and college and go all “Oh these are the people I will call friends for life”, but the truth is, not all will stick around. Life happens and people drift apart, probably only crossing each others’ lives a couple of times over the next few decades. But only a few will stay true and stick by your side, so find who they might be and cherish them.
4) Some basic personal finance and life skills - like changing the tires for your car, how to take public transportation, how to book a flight on your own, how to find a job, how to budget your expenses, how to save money, how to write a good resume, how to talk to strangers, how to live alone, how to travel alone, who to call in cases of emergencies and what is insurance and why it’s useful.
5) How to balance work, personal, social and academic life. You need to learn when to say no to social hangouts because you’ve spent too much time going out and less time on your studies, or when to leave work at the office and come home to rest and spend time with your family. It’s all about balancing the different parts of your life and prioritizing what’s important.
6) How to take care of yourself - this includes your mental health (knowing when to relax and stop worrying about work, what to do when you get stressed out, who to talk if things get overwhelming, etc), and your physical health (eating healthily, living healthily, going for exercises, walking vs taking an Uber, etc).
Hope this helps ☺️

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If you get Rm 1 Million, what you wanna do?

Pay off my MARA loan & get myself a Master’s and PhD, start my own academy / organization where teens learn life skills.
Liked by: Nur Hidayah Ayoep


Language: English