
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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If I want to book air tickets together with my parents, how should I inform Mara?

Give them a call?

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mara bagi elaun untuk pelajar intec biasanya berapa sebulan? adakah sama walaupun program lain lain?

RM430. And yes, sama.

Macam mana dengan Lehud pulak?

Sila tanya tuan badan itu sendiri ya. Mok ni, secretive sikit. Tapi macam Aizan jugak rasanya. Single but not available.

Syed Azlan

Syed Azlan? SSAS? Sorryyyyy, tak kenal kot. Ataupun maybe kenal tapi ingat2 lupa. Heeeee :D

Alan dak intec, dak SAS

Ni Alan yang mana satu pulak? Kalau sebut sekolah lama, maaf, saya tak pernah tahu sekolah lama kawan2. Benda tu tak penting :3

ada sorang je alan kat adfp. yang comel tu :3

Ahahaha. Alan yang itu ke? Okay okay. Comel. :) Handsome. Apa lagi? :)

Akak punya mara requirement for adfp is 3.0? I thought only transfer yang 3.0?

Tak tahu. MARA & INTEC is VERY complicated. Sekejap 3.0, sekejap 3.5. Kiteorang pun pening -.-

Hi kak. Akak suka makan ikan tak?

Ikan sembilang masak pedas je. (tapi sambal tolak tepi, nak ikan tu je) LOL

Kak, akak tak rasa ke it's such a waste for students who score really well in SPM, like 9A+ but ended up getting only MARA scholarship, which is not very prestigious compared to other scholarships. Do you feel that way? I do :( I couldn't stop emoing !

This might sound a little bit harsh for you, so I apologize beforehand.
No, I don't think it's a waste. If 'prestige' is what you're searching for, then those scholarships are not for you. Think back about the reason WHY you applied for the scholarships. Is it for the fame? The pride of being called 'a Khazanah scholar' or 'a Kijang scholar' or any other scholarships holder? Is it for the money? The monthly allowance that you get from your sponsor?
If you did really well for your SPM, then you should be smarter than this, more matured than this. Your aim to score well during SPM is not for the scholarships, the fame and the exclusivity of being called a scholar. Your aim should be for yourself, for your education, for your future. So what if you do not get the 'so-called' prestigious scholarships. It relieves you of the burden of having to score almost perfect scores. It relieves you of the enormous responsibility you hold.
Think about it this way... Having a scholarship is not only giving you an education for free, but it puts a lot of weight on your shoulder. There's a lot of responsibility you have to hold. If you slack off and do not study well, you're wasting the people's money on you. The people of Malaysia are financing your studies, but you throw it away. In other words, you're 'mengkhianati amanah yang diberikan kepada anda'.
Are you ready to hold such 'prestige' responsibilty, my dear?
Dah dah, stop emoing and accept it. Things happened for a reason. God Knows where you should be, He wouldn't put you in a place He Knows you wouldn't succeed. :)

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perlu interview dgn pihak uni ke utk dpt placement dkt uni kat US?

It depends. Some unis ada, some takde. :)


Language: English