
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Do you believe that sometimes your obvious friends are your enemies and your obvious enemies are your true friends? After reading one of those questions below, I think you should watch your back.

Yes. And advice noted. Thanks for the heads up bro/sis :) <3

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Mana lagi best? economics atau actuarial science? actuarial science nanti kerja apa?

Actuarial Science -> Kerja in insurance, statistical, financing pun boleh, analyst, pension schemes, etc.
Both best. Act Sci best sikit sebab ada banyak Maths and Statistics :D

Yo sister, kau boleh turunkan ego dan stop bajet yang kau ni yang paling hebat dan di dunia. A word of advice: don't give people a reason to hate you. This is from someone who used to respect you.

Aku cabar kau, datang depan aku, cakap depan mata aku sendiri semua benda ni. Ada berani?
Come on ah. Apa yang aku buat sampai kau cakap aku bajet aku yang paling hebat dalam dunia ni? Cakap sikit dengan aku. If aku ada sakitkan hati kau or kawan2 kau unintentionally, aku cakap sorry la. Tak sengaja dude. Tapi rilek ah bro. Tak semua orang perfect dowh. Chill dah ah.
I don't give people a reason to hate me. You guys gave yourself more than enough reasons to hate me, so I couldn't have done anything to make you hate me, even if I want to.

akak, dok US nanti brape elaun akak dapat sebulan ? boleh blnje sy dah tu :P hihi

Taktau. Orang cakap USD 800. Maybe.

Adfp and A-level mana lagi ramai orang dekat Intec?

A-Levels. ADFP around 200+ people. 8/9 classes. A-Levels, maybe 300+ kot? Kelas pun tak sure berapa banyak. Kalau untuk Engineering je dah 7+ kelas, yang Accounting, Social Science and lain-lain tu lagi la.

Salam Kak Syaza :) Last time akak ada buat medical check up for mara kan? Berapa set medical report yg harus kita bagi doktor sain? 1 je kan?

Lima. Satu untuk setiap copy perjanjian tu. *kalau tknsilap la.* Buat sama banyak dengan bilangan surat perjanjian yang dia nak.

Oh ya, one more question. Masa batch sis dulu ada tak yang berjaya tukar course?And ramai tak? Or ada tak yang nak tukar cuurse tapi JPA bagi warning nak tarik balik penajaan kalau tukar course?

Untuk JPA tak sure, sebab I'm a MARA scholar. Kalau MARA, dyorang bagi je tukar.

Kak, berapakah elaun yg akan diberikan oleh MARA setiap bulan? Kita dpt elaun tu tiap2 bulan atau 3 bulan sekali ataupun macam mana?

RM430 monthly. First time masuk elaun dia bagi cek, lepas tu dia bank in bulanan.

Akak , kalau saye buat rayuan tukar course mara sekarang sempat x? Sbb dah ade prep class yg dah start.

Baru masuk ke? SPM 2012? Kalau yes, sempat je. Sebab MARA keluarkan kelulusan tu biasanya lambat -.-' Mine pun bila dah nak habis prep baru dia bagi tukar course.

akak, saya dpt program persediaan kejuruteraan russia. but, i'm still wondering...

Why are you still wondering?


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