
Syaza Nazura

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What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Nap time at noon. The short walks after classes. Stuff like that.

pernah minat orang tak? ape yang special dengan die?

Pernah. And dia takde special sangat pun. Perangai dia je, itu yang special. ;)

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What do you think about our election? I just want to know your opinions ;)

Truthfully, I'm a neutral, for now. I'm not a radical 'BetterNation' supporter, nor am I a person who would honk if I support 'IniKalilah'. I really don't mind whoever wins, 'cause I know that whichever side was chosen to rule the nation, Allah has made the best choice. It's either that particular party is indeed strong enough to govern the countru, or that particular party is given another choice by Allah to make amends for their past mistakes. Wallahualam, let's just pray for the best.
One thing I have to comment about the GE13 is throughout the campaigning period. This involves both sides and their supporters. I think that putting up excessive flyers along the roads and streets is just annoying. The banners and posters block your eyesight, making you prone to accidents. Once, on my way back to INTEC, I almost drove into a flag pole that kinda fell down. For a car driver, that is easily avoided. But imagine a motorcyclist driving and turning the corner unexpectingly? I can cause accidents.
I hold on with these words: There's two things you should never talk about, which are your deeds to others and others' wrongs towards you, and there's two things that you should always remember, which are your wrongs towards others and others' deeds to you.
I really hate it whenever I listen to political speches and campaigns where the politicians condemn each other and say bad things about the other side. It just feels really immature, if you ask me. Come on, grow up. Instead of talking bad about others, talk absout why you're eligible for the spot. The qualities that you have that can contribute to the society. And don't make false promises - I hate that, end of story.
This is just a cent or two of what I think of the GE13. I'm not going to talk about the 'blackout' and the conspiracies and all, because that would just be a waste of time. Hope this answers your question :) Oh, and sorry if there is any spelling mistakes, I'm on my phone and can't be bother to check my spellings.

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Why did you waited for the Ikmal yesterday?

He was the father of the person who once meant a lot to me, the person who gave me support and strength when I needed it. So, the least I could do is pray for his success, and his family's too.

hebatnya kjayaan awak..pasni nak fly lak kan ...wow...awesome

InsyaAllah, fly bulan 8 ni. Alhamdulillah la, semua ni rezeki daripada Allah. :)

KTJ tu cam skoah ke.....???

Yep. KTJ sekolah + Kolej. Ada PMR and SPM (though in a few years dah tutup) Ada International stream. Ada A-Levels.

Saya nak pandai english macam akak T.T

Emm, practice? Selalulah guna English in every day life, insyaAllah lama2 biasalah tu :)

Sorry2, it was supposed to be *after reading your comments, blame it on my phone's keypad :p heheh and you're welcome! :'D

Hihi! :)

I was just scrolling down. and then this little box yearns for my question. hmm. I admire people like you. you know about life more. with your words. you able to make people around you realize about the world. make them think more. hmm. so. i wonder. What made the You today?

'29 days ago'. Man, I took quite some time to answer this. Sorry dear! Here's a blog post to make it up to you, hope you forgive me for the late reply!

But after I reading your comments here, I realise now that it's now or never! :) so.... THANK YOU! :D I'LL START USING ENGLISH RIGHT AWAY! :)

Aha :') Yes, it's now or never. Use it consistently, and you'd improve, insyaAllah. All the best :) Oh, and thanks :')

I know this isn't a question, but I just want you to know that you INSPIRE ME! I wasn't born in an english-speaking family. So what I did was I read lots of English storybooks, but I still wasn't that confident to, you know, let it out. In other words "I speak perfect English..only in my head"*smbng


Do you speak English with your family or did you learn it on your own?

Yes, sometimes I do speak English with my family. And yes, I do learn on my own sometimes. :)
Liked by: Kayla Marie

For your opinion, is that low or not if got 2.8 pointer for Dip students?

Emm, I'm not so sure, 'cause I'm not sure of Diploma's grading system and all. Sorry :/

Salam nak tanya. Awak ada ambik Muet tak? Result Muet dapat berapa band eh? Boleh bagi tips tak menghadapi Muet?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Maaf, tak ambil MUET, just IELTS and TOEFL je. Tapi since the three of them sama je, boleh laa tips in general.
Practice, practice and practice. No matter what people say about you, just don't mind them. Be constant. Do a few questions each day to familiarize yourself with the questions. Don't do one question and stop doing exercises for the next one week. Prepare early, insyaAllah you'd do great. :)

wah wah :3 kau tau itu aku? btw Nazu, ignore saja soalan di bawah itu. Not worth answering. Haters gonna hate. Ok Panda? <3

Yes, I know it's you :) Haha. Okay Pingu :)

Why are you so demanding? Tone down that attitude and more people might like to be by your side.

Are you calling me 'demanding'? Seriously? Am I really that demanding, from your point of view? Well, let me ask you a question.
Imagine you waking up on a Sunday morning, trying to enjoy your weekend with your family, and you're bombarded with text messages and phone calls, asking the exact same questions for two hours straight. The same questions that could be answered by using common sense.
How would you feel?
I don't mind answering one or two questions, but if it's the exact same questions, and it's the question that anyone can answer on their own, it is really necessary?
Oh, and another thing is, I don't live to impress or to make other people like me. If you want to be by my side, go ahead. If you think you can stand my attitude and the way I behave, sure, I'm fine with you. But if my 'attitude', or so you called it, annoys you, then be my guest and just leave me. I don't want fake friends who stay by my side but talk about me behind my back.
Don't judge me by my attitude, when you don't know even a quarter of the story behind it. Don't judge my actions if you have no idea of what my intentions are. Don't judge me if you don't know me.
And why be an anonymous? Just come up front and say it to my face, or is it so hard to say face-to-face?

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Language: English