
Syaza Nazura

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Are you saving money right now for something special? What is this special thing?

It's a surprise 😘😏
Are you saving money right now for something special What is this special thing

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Hahahaha . Ish seram jaa bunyi AS tu . Dak2 US ad ke boleh score sampai every semester dpt 4.0 dlm AS ? . Memang sejak primary school ke xminat menghafal ?

Ada senior sorang before this yang hampir graduate dengan 4.0 in AS, maybe 3.9+ kot [his last semester je tak dapat 4.0 rasanya, but the 3.5 years before that he maintained a 4.0].
And yes, memang tak suka menghafal. It is annoying. Lol. Not to say that I don't like to memorize things, but I just want to do it with things I want to memorize and actually enjoy memorizing.

Akak yg suka addmath pun rasa AS susah apatah lgi org yg xsuka maths tp ambil AS disebabkan math spm tnggi . (Sy xfaham apa yg sy ckp ni) 😂😂😂😂

When you like something, it doesn't necessarily means that you're good in it.
Sebagai contoh, akak minat je belajar Biology. Masa kecil dulu nak je jadi doktor pakar kanak-kanak. Ambil SPM, Bio dapat je A+, tapi alamatnya memang tak boleh nak jadi doktor sebab (1) akak tak suka menghafal benda, and (2) akak tak boleh tengok darah.
So, akak sayang banyak mana kat Add Maths tu (serious, akak sayang gila Add Maths dulu, kalau nak suruh buat satu paper Add Maths every night pun sanggup), tak semestinya akak akan suka AS. AS takde la sama sangat pun dengan Add Maths tu, lain gila benda yang diminta dalam AS.

Akak , sy tgk akak suka guna perkataan "considering how" hehe . Apa maksudnya ? It might ur fav words 😅😁 .

Considering how is kind of like "memandangkan". 😊

Akak addmaths mmg setiap kali exam dpt A+ ke?

Takde la selalu A+, tapi considering how Add Maths tu favorite subject akak, jarang dapat less than A- rasanya.

Aduii akak sorry la sy kena tnya akak sbb akak lebih berpengalaman kan (i think?) . Sy mohon biasiswa . Dia nak scanned transcripts below 500kb😂 tp sy punya 300 kb pun kena reject . 10 kali tried semua kena rejected .

That question should be directed to their technical team.

Akak dulu at first dapat college of l&s dulu ke or terus dapat college of business?

L&S. There is limited spots for first year or transfer students to get admitted straight into the Business Schools, and during my time it was mostly through recruitment.

Also, when applying to business school, can we choose our preffered major? Or is it based on our result?

Can choose.

So basically, actuarial science is not in college of letters and science?

Nope. AS is a business major at Madison. There's an L&S equivalent, i.e. Actuarial Maths.

Hi akak! Are the college of letters and science in business school?(yes it is according to the website) Are you in that college of letters and science? And for applying major pursued there, do we need to settle it at Wisconsin? Because it stated that I got general courses. Not specifically a.s

Business School is a separate school than the College of Letters and Sciences. Most students interested in a business major will usually be admitted to L&S, and they'll have to apply to the Business School once they're on campus.

Page not found , maybe diorg dah tukar links 😌😭 . Kak syaza, tajuk apa dlm AS yang paling susah sem ni ?

Sem ni tak ambil any AS class.
Google je CAE SOA, dapat la nanti.

AC ni memang famous eh kt uwm . Sbb mostly uwm is the one of university approved by some scholarships utk buat AC .


Spefically scholarships from USA for international students plsss :((

Plus utilize each university's Tuition/Scholarships or their International Students website /page for more info on funding for international students.

Do you have any tips on how to secure international scholarship(s) :(

These are the non-conventional tips [i.e. not the how to ace an interview, how to fill up an application, etc]
1. Be flexible and look for opportunities outside of what people usually look for. There are organizations and schools that pay students to come and study, or you can also look for assistantships [though assistantships are typically for graduate students]. Some schools/colleges also offer tuition scholarships and loans for international students, etc.
2. Instead of pursuing a full degree overseas, look into pursuing a twinning program [2+1, 2+2, 1+3, etc] or even like a semester/year abroad, etc. Save cost, etc.
3. Take note of typical scholarship deadlines [i.e. Malaysian scholarships for SPM/STPM leavers are only open typically until 2 weeks after results are announced, etc].
4. Know WHAT program, WHICH university, and/or WHICH country you want to go to, and why. Because if you get called to an interview and they ask you where you want to go, you better have an answer for that.

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Ucas and common apps ni mcm upu gak ke ? kalau ada salah satu xckup syarat automatik kena reject ? Diorg tgk satu2 docs/transcripts kan akak kan

UCAS and CommonApp are different from UPU.
Walaupun the process is somewhat similar [i.e. UCAS, CommonApp and UPU are for university admissions, etc], the requirements and all are different and specific to the universities and the system that they serve.
I can't say much for UPU and UCAS since I do not go through them, but the CommonApp is just what the name says, a 'common application' system that streamlines your university applications to a number of different universities.
To make things short, in UPU, you can list down your top choices and rank them down according to preferences. For UCAS, I believe it was 5 universities/programs that you want to apply to. But for CommonApp, you can fill up the Common Application form itself and choose to send it to a number of different universities of your choosing, either 1 or 20, or literally any number that you want.
As for the 'kalau ada salah satu tak cukup syarat, automatic kena reject" tu, that depends on the university and their admissions process. UK universities (i.e. those under UCAS) may be slightly lenient on the grades (i.e. they may still accept you with a A*AB even if their original conditional offer is for A*AA, or something like that), but for CommonApp, each university has their own requirements and policies for their admissions process, so they may have a system set aside when they download their CommonApp applicants from the site, in which they may filter out applicants that do/do not fulfill any or all of their requirements.
Hope this makes sense.

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are you going to join Teach For Malaysia team after coming back?

Possibly. Not too sure. I have not yet made my post-graduation plans yet :3

Or is it Yayasan Pelajaran MARA (the one that you apply)?

Mine is different. Mine is under the Skim Pelajar Cemerlang (or something like that).

Kak, does MARA still offer the loan for overseas studies? I can't find much on google

Not too sure, sorry :/


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