
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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you are being sarcastic hmm

You could try rephrasing the question. Sweetness in what sense, being kind to people, being able to "sweet talk" or what

how to find the sweetness in our own heart?

Open up your chest, take out your heart, slice it open a little bit and pour the juice in a glass. Taste it. If it's not sweet enough, add in some sugar (or alternative sweetener if you're not into the sugary stuff).
Liked by: ShuNaim

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Usually, after final exam people will start something new in the new semester... Sampaikan ada quote "new sem, new me". So, did you done this? What act do you think we should do based on ur experiences or observations? *just need some motivation in my new sem tho 😅* tq

I tried. Never actually made it for longer than a month. Usually much less. It doesn't matter how big your goals are. As long as you're consistent in meeting your goals, however trivial or small it may be, that's what's matter. For example, nak kenal professor dengan lebih rapat. Nak baca textbook awal. Nak tidur awal bangun awal. Nak buat assignment dengan teratur. Nak pergi jogging every week. Nak tahajud setiap malam Jumaat. Nak baca Yassiin setiap hari. Nak kurangkan makan jajan. Nak kurangkan tengok video artis K-pop semua tu. Banyak benda boleh buat, cuma masalahnya kau konsisten ke tak je. 😁

since form berapa akak start " terrer " in english

Emm. Since darjah 6, probably? Or earlier. Not really sure.

betul ke kalau result spm xokay xboleh smbung abroad even Result after spm okay . i means like pre U😊 . i rasa it not depends full on SPM result lels

Boleh je. SPM is not everything. 😁

sdp nya nampak tart tu .. mesti akak dah hbiskan 6pcs tu kan ? lol hahaha

Nope. Tak makan tart malangnya 😅

negara yg diminati??

For what? Untuk studies, aku prefer the USA. Untuk jalan2, aku suka New Zealand. Untuk bola (& Euro & World Cup semua), aku support Holland. Untuk bina family, aku masih sayang Malaysia.

Dialog tu your mum punya ke? Hehe. Bestnya intern dengan your mum sendiri

I'm not interning at Dialog. And no, it's not my Mum's. But she works there, yes.

why works (-s) blakang ? not work lels

Sebab "my mum" is a singular noun, so work(s). Kalau "my mum and dad" (plural) then verb is work la.

akak , ur mother kerja apa? saje je tnya xde niat sampingan😂😂

My mum works in Finance. Specific job title taknak disclose kat sini. 😁

Kak. ada lagi ke kad? sy baru bukak acc ask fm 😭

Taksure la :( Sebab still tengah go thru yang dah mintak. If you want, bagi nama & alamat, and if ada extra I'll send one to you :)

Assalamualaikum. Akak, sy dapat interview IPG. Lepas tu kan dalam borang tu dia ada suruh isikan "knp mnat nk belajar IPG & apa hasrat anda if diterima masuk". I you dont mind giving me some opinions, akak rasa apa patut sy tulis ye utk " jual" diri sy dlm borang tu? Sorry and Tq ☺

Waalaikumsalam. Sorry lambat jawab soalan ni. Hope it went well :(

Akak ,apa pendapat akak : A bagitahu perkara yang sebenar terjadi tp bukanlah tujuan untuk meriuhkan lagi keadaan tapi untuk menyatakan kebenaran,tp kwn A semua kata dia xboleh simpan rahsia.

Ada certain things and information that A kena tahu untuk simpan & not tell people unless they (1) asked for it or (2) perlu diberitahu, kalau tak memang orang akan cakap macam tu. It all depends on the context and apa yang A cerita and how close A is dengan kawan2 dia tu. It's subjective, not objective.
Liked by: Hannah.

lepasan STPM bleh pergi jgk ke MACEE isnin ni .. planning nk buat degree kt U.S

Selasa, bukan Isnin. & boleh sangat-sangat! 😁


Language: English