
Syaza Nazura

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Akak, so i only got 4As for my SPM results and my parents insisted me on accepting the matriculation program if i ever got an offer because they think i probably won't get any offer for any local universities. Do you think so too?

I don't know how easy/hard it is to get into Asasi/etc, but you can always check out UPU to see their requirements and see if you can apply to them. You can always accept Matrikulasi but don't forget to also keep your options open and not make a rash decision without consulting people (& God too). :)

exam apa next week ?

Finance 320 - Investment Theory (on Tuesday) and Geo/Environment Studies 120 - Introduction to the Earth System (on Wednesday)

mcm kwn sy lah , pandai grammar like you said when to use , where to use .. selama akak duk us , ad tk tersalah grammar ke vocab masa test , kuiz ? masa ckp ? *omg what kind of question 😅

Pernah je kadang2 cakap something pastu macam "Apa aku cakap ni ya Allah." Masa tulis anything biasanya I can detect la if it's right or wrong because English macam dah normal in my head so when I write I can know (most of the time la) if it sounds right or not. 😊
Liked by: na

Aku midterm isnin ni aherherher. AYAM GORENG, DAGING MASAK HALIA, SATE KAMBING. omg so lapar

Mohamad Ali
WOI SENYAPLAH aku balik Malaysia sila belanja please thanks

KAU INGAT AKU TAK LAPAR KE?! dah pukul 2 ni tapi aku mengidam ayam masak kicap, omg now aku boleh officially gelar kau bff aku since ayam masak kicap > ayam goreng aher

Mohamad Ali
Maigod bro pi tidur laaaa aku nak stop menjawab soalan for the day, and siap2 nak pergi library study ni. Doakan exam aku next week please weh thankssss

alaa igt kan akak boleh explain .. sy tahu akak boleh explain kan haha 😂😂 . saje je nak pass dkt kak nad -'- haha

Tak reti explain grammar-stuff weh, serious. Grammar is like my worst nightmare masa sekolah dulu, I can't explain it padahal tahu je what to use and where semua.

Hi, kak syaza. Just got my SPM results and it's definitely worse than i expected it to be. I got 4A5B+. Apparently we can recheck our papers & i'm thinking of doing so. Do you think it's a good idea since all my Bs are B+s?

I don't know. One thing is I don't know the percentage of people who actually have their grades changed when they recheck the papers, and another is I don't know if it's possible to have it to be lower that it is now.
I would suggest consulting with your parents, as well as your teachers, if possible. And also solat istikharah and ask Him for guidance whether or not it is a good idea to do that.
Sorry I'm not much of a help :/
Liked by: na

Ayam masak kicap ke ayam goreng lagi sedap? omg lapar.

Mohamad Ali
Masak kicap.
Dude aku dah la semalam makan maggi je sebab tidur the whole day. You're making me hungry -.-

akak , perkataan yg ada ing ing belakang tu bila kena guna ? lepas perkataan apa kena guna ? cth i'm accepting ur letter -'-

@nadtella Sila explain, thanks. Hahahahahahhaha. *pass baton*

Kawan saya suka tidur kat sekolah kat rumah pun tidur setiap kali dtg rmh dia mesti tidur tapi SPM all A's but me study siang malam pagi tapi results ciput je. sakit betul.😌😌

Mana kau tahu dia tidur je kerja? Mana tahu dia belajar bila orang tak nampak?
Kau takleh nak judge orang lain based on what you see from them. People have different habits, so husnuzon weh.
Rezeki masing-masing berbeza, jangan salahkan dia or orang lain. Kalau memang bukan rezeki kita, nak pulun banyak mana pun tak dapat jugak. Tapi takde la sampai tak put in the effort langsung, kan? At least kau tahu kau dah cuba yang terbaik, bersangka baiklah dengan Allah. :)

transfer students ni mcm mana eh ? belajar dalam uni , tapi nak pergi belajar dkt uni lain ? gitu?

Essentially, yes.
Most undergraduate degrees in the US has a duration of 4 years.
Freshman students masuk university during the 1st year, so basically fresh out of high school (for US students) or fresh out of foundation/A-Levels/etc (for international students).
For transfer students, they either start out their degree somewhere else (kat community college, kat university lain, etc) and then pindah to another university to finish off their degree. So essentially they 'transfer' masuk university lain masa 2nd or 3rd year, and then completekan requirements untuk graduate in that university.

Hai akak! Kalau ayam goreng berapa lama baru sedap?

Hi! :)
Depends nak rangup macam mana la. Minyak kat US macam lain sikit dengan minyak Malaysia, lambat gila nak mati kalau nak goreng ayam -.-

Spm dulu akak brp A? Ada tak kawan akak yg maths dia dapat C, tp dia dpt scholarship and pergi luar negara? Maths saya C+ huhu

Rasanya tak penting untuk tahu SPM results aku berapa dulu, benda tu dah 4 tahun yang lalu and dah tak valid.
And aku bukan jenis yang ambil tahu specifically everyone punya SPM results berapa, sebab bagi aku, SPM results do not define who you are. So maybe ada, maybe tak ada. Kalau rasa nak apply scholarships, most scholarship require around 6/7A's in the minimum, and some top scholarships require 9A's (not including A-'s). That being said, kadang2 ada je yang dapat C pun tapi dapat PIDN/PILN MARA. Semuanya bergantung kepada rezeki.
Liked by: na

kalau pointer 4flat , sat 1300 , ielts 6.5 tapi bi spm dpt D . agak2 nya uw-m terima tak ?

Jawapan typical seorang Admissions representative:
"UW-Madison has a holistic admissions process. We review everything that an applicant submits, including their high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, test scores, statements and other application materials that they provide. Not one of them can make or break the application."
That being said, kalau dapat Straight A+ masa SPM pun tak tentu lagi akan dapat offers from a university.
Also read this-> https://ask.fm/syazanazura/answers/134406432850

Hi syaza! I tak tahu sama ada nak pursue architecture or eco/finance soon. I love archi but I have no love for physics & I credit je SPM. But I love kira kira and Im very talkative hehe. Can u give me your personal opinion..?

1. How do you know you 'love' Archi? Trust me, I thought I 'love" Actuarial Science before, but boy, I was wrong.
2. Have you tried talking to people who are either working in those two areas, or at least students in those two areas? For Finance/Econs, try asking @haziqghafar or @knazran , or at least scroll down their Ask.fm to learn more about what they learn in university. Try talking to current students and those who are already working to get a better sense of what it is and if it's suitable for you.
3. Take a personality test. Myers-Brigg is a good one (MBTI). It can help you in making your decision.
4. Also look at your options to see if there's a foundation program that can probably allow you to test it out and make a decision later on (which I doubt ada since Archi and Finance/Econ are two separate fields, but who knows)
5. Talk to your parents, your siblings, your cousins, your aunts/uncles. Mana tahu they have connections that you can use to ask more information. I dulu tanya my cousin, be cause he studied in the US and have friends in Actuarial Science.
Hope this helps. :)

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Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

I am planning to take ADP in INTEC soon as a private student. My parents and I are also planning to apply for scholarship when I finish my 1st year... But at the same time, we are all worried if I will not be able achieve good CGPA & I'll have no scholarship. Can you give me your personal opinion?

Well, for one I have no idea on how the scholarships in Malaysia are going to be in the near future, considering how JPA is not doing any scholarships (?) and all (from what I've heard, maybe not maybe yes, I don't know myself).
What I can suggest is if you look into Taylor's or any other private universities that offer ADP but also offer scholarships based on your SPM results. I know for one Talor's has scholarships for its students, one thing that INTEC does not. So this helps a little bit with funding (but, then again, depending on how much scholarship they can give you, the fees may be lower or higher than INTEC's). But at least in Taylor's, you have the option to continue full-time with your degree in the worst case scenario if you could not study abroad. If you go to INTEC for ADP and got an offer from a US university but have no funding to do so, you might have to start over, since most Malaysian universities do not accept ADP as a foundation (unless you apply to private universities la, which is another option).
Some US universities also offer some form of financial aid or scholarships to their students, so you might be able to get some help there. Or you can always try to take out a student loan from a bank if there's no other options.
Or, you can do what my friend did. He did A-Levels in INTEC as a private student, and when he got an offer from a US university, he deferred his enrollment (mostly only applicable to freshmen), and took that time to apply for a MARA loan. And he did get MARA to study in the US, just not the typical MARA PILN that most SPM-leavers get la.
Hope this helps, albeit a little bit? Good luck!

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Liked by: na NoreliaHafizah

Do you think dogs are really man's best friend?

I'm more of a cat person, tbh. But huskies are cute, so yea.

-With a strong heart, pierce through the barriers in front of you! Never falter, never back down and just DO IT!- Quote tu ada dkt askfm akak. Kwn akak punya quote x silap hm boleh x pnjm ayat tu hehe

Hahaha that's the quote from @knazran actually so make sure to credit him for that, alright? :)

Masa spm dulu gce o akak dpt brp? Kalau dapat 1A boleh prgi oversea eh? But idk how to use that grade to study oversea ;3

1A. GCE-O tu tak berapa penting sangat so you can just leave it like that. Benda tu berguna kalau you're planning to study in the UK, sebab some universities allow you to use that instead of ambil IELTS. But not all UK universities allow that so kena check la each uni punya requirements.
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

My SPM result is bad. I was targetted to get straight A's but I ended up disappointing everyone. I probably excelled in the subject which I am very passionate about but as for the others.. I didn't. I really don't know what to do rn I feel hopeless

That's life. You need to accept it, keep your head up and move on forward. Falling down once or twice or one hundred times in life is not a weakness, but you should stand back up every single time. Now, look ahead to your future & do your best to show to people that a slip of paper does not define who you are. Also, scroll down a bit and read my answer to the person who repeated his studies in Medicine, 😊

tak paham lah , kenapa sat ad jugak subjek us history , world history ? kalau xnak ambil ?

Itu SAT Subjects. Tak wajib ambil pun. SAT 1 je wajib for most universities.


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