
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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akak berpuas hati ke tk dgn result sbelum ni ? sblum sem6 i means .

Used to be, until last semester's results.
But I guess anyway okay je results. Takde la gempak skor gila 4.0 tu semua but okay la

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I have to choose my domain for engineering soon (a month or so) and I'm not sure. I looked into mechanics and found out that the uni I'm trying to get in only requires one maths class which is statistics. Which is okay for me because my maths is not that good but they say statistics are hard so...

Well, from someone's who is not well-versed in all the branches of Engineering, I can only guide you to -> https://www.reddit.com/r/INTEC/comments/2z0exm/projekinspirasi_google_hangout_session_1_2/
There's a list of panels who participated in our Projek Inspirasi online session last year during the Engineering session, so you can contact them to know more about what they study in the different branches and see which one is more to your liking.
As for Calculus/Statistics and all the Maths courses, just know that no matter how good you are in them, they are bloody hard. But then again so is everything else. English can be hard for someone who's not into English, but can be easy for others who enjoy it. Accounting may be difficult for someone who's not interested in Business, but someone with a Business background may find it easy.
So it all depends on you, and what you do for it. There's always a way to get help in the hard courses, so don't worry too much about it.

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habis tu mcm mana akak skor subjek semua tu? akak dh pernah ambik exam actuarial science tu tak?

Kena pandai catch up sendiri la, cover sendiri slow-slow and make sure faham subjek2 tu. Jumpa professor / seniors after class, mintak tolong kalau tak faham. Khan Academy, Google, YouTube. I'm not ashamed to admit that I still refer to those whenever ada benda tak faham, walaupun benda simple je sebab better be safe than buat benda yang salah, no?
Yes, pernah ambil Financial Mathematics dulu and failed.

kau ni famous ke?

The fact that you're asking me that question already tells you the answer to the question, no?
So, no, I'm not. I have no intention to be famous anyways. Too much drama.
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

subjek apa yg lagi susah dari calculus 3??? lepas cal 3 akak ambik subjek apa eah?

Calculus 3 was the last Calculus class I had to take. Tapi lepas tu kena ambil gak all the Statistics class and Actuarial classes which are defo harder than Calculus 3 (Cal 3 relax je boleh score. Tak dapat A pun tapi still score la. Tapi kelas sekarang ni, adeh, masuk kelas pun tak faham, apatah lagi nak skor)

Hi akak. Tolong doakan result spm saya dan kengkawan yg lain dpat yg terbaik untuk diri kami :)

Hi. Good luck 😊 Moga Allah berikan keputusan yang terbaik & setimpal dengan usaha yang korang berikan 😊

Saya habiskan masa hampir 4 jam scroll jawapan akak. (Yg bahagian likes je). Bat drpd full tinggal 6% je. Kebanyakannya akak jawab soalan yg sama je. Kesian akak.

Lol seriousla kau buat macam tu? Bazir masa je weh hahaha it's okay. Walaupun kadang2 rasa penat but kalau dapat tolong orang, wth, buat je la. 😊

What's your reaction to the words "We need to talk.."?

Well, I'm usually the person who says that, sooooo yeah. 😂

Skrg biasiswa maybank dn bbrapa lg dh bukak en. Jadinya boleh tak apply pakai result trial Spm?

Cuba tengok requirements dyorang, and tarikh tutup bila. Kalau ada tulis boleh pakai results trial, pakai la. Kadang2 ada scholarship yang bukak awal sebab nak bagi masa untuk budak2 Asasi/setaraf apply for scholarship for undergrads. Some of them bukak awal untuk bagi option kat kau untuk tengok and prepare apa yang perlu. Kalau deadline before results keluar, sah2 apply using results trial.

Could you please share your experience for being a campus leader? Im kinda interested to join it :)

*from 4 months ago
Hi :)
I haven't done much as a Campus Leader, being that I'm a little busy in my junior year and all. Your experiences as a Campus Leader will differ based on what you put into it.
As for me, last summer I volunteered at Teach for Malaysia's office in KL. I helped the Talent Acquisition team in recruiting new Fellows. This includes calling up interested applicants, and forwarding them to a TA staff for follow-up if they're a high potential candidate. While at the office, I also got the chance to learn more about Teach for Malaysia, how they operate, how their finances work, what they're doing behind the scenes in order to get the Fellowship program working (i.e. meetings with IPGM and MOE and all that things).
I didn't get the chance to do a School Visit (since there wasn't a chance for it while I was in Malaysia), but hopefully I'd be able to do it this summer when I go back (although, I'd be interning somewhere else, so we'll see how it goes later). Next month I'll be going to Ohio State University for the East Coast Festival, so insyaAllah I'll be helping out at the Teach for Malaysia's booth and help promote TFM to U.S. students. :)

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asslm . maaf tnya.. insurance ni byk kebaikan ke keburukan? saya belajar business studies. ada la bab pasal insurance ni. kira2 pom byk 😂.. tapi xsepayah kos akak.. hurm , still now saya xthu insurance ni byk keburukan ke kebaikan 😅 .

*from 4 months ago
Setiap benda dalam dunia ada baik dan buruknya. Baik buruk sesuatu itu bergantung kepada cara kita amalkan perkara tu. Secara generalnya, insurans ni bagus sebab kalau ada benda yang buruk berlaku kat kita/company, ada insurans untuk tolong kurangkan beban / burden [contohnya health insurance untuk cover medical bills, car insurance untuk cover accidents, life insurance untuk cover kematian breadwinner in the family, etc].
Tapi yang kadang-kadang buat benda tu jadi buruk is how the insurance policy is carried out. Some health insurance companies may put a high premium, for example, so orang yang kurang berkemampuan tak boleh beli. Kadang-kadang polisi untuk health insurance tu perlukan high 'deductible', so contohnya kalau deductible RM20,000, any medical bills below that amount, insurance takkan cover, tapi that amount dah kira mahal for most people.
Kadang-kadang insurance policy ada banyak terms and conditions, and they're very slow to respond. Kadang-kadang nak mintak claims pun can take ages, berbulan if not bertahun. Some insurance policies pulak ada limit to how much they would pay out, and ada terms on what kind of 'incidents' tak di-insure.
So while all of these are normal in the world of insurance, it can mean different things to different people.
End of story: Baik or buruknya insurance tu bergantung kepada the type of insurance you're looking for, and the policy itself. Setiap policy berbeza, so sebelum take up any insurance, kena check dulu the whole policy for these small terms yang kadang2 kita overlook. :)

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hye syaza, just want to know what your passions until today, what you find interesting in your life, what the most important to u until today and your recent studies, i'm hope i'll be a great some body like u and more, ihope that u can answ as an islam, non-islam and 18-20 kid thinking.

*from 4 months ago, sorry
Hi :)
"Your passions"
Well, I can't really say I have found my 'passion' as of yet. Right now, I feel strongly about education, and helping other people reach for their dreams. I want to learn more about how to inspire other people, how to motivate them and how I can help them to achieve success(es) in their life. I want to push people to go further in life, to pull them back after a fall, to be their stepping stone to higher grounds.
Every person is born for greatness, with their own talents, skills and strengths. And while some people can easily know what their strengths are, others may take a while to learn about themselves and discover their talents and passion. I want to help them discover themselves, to help them learn about who they are and what they want to do (ironic, really, coming from someone who has no idea what they want to do in life lol).
"What you find interesting in your life"
Tbh, I don't know. My life's not that interesting, really. Unless you count sleeping at 6am and waking up at 1pm interesting, then yeah.
"What's most important to you"
Family, and friends. And my books, despite not having enough time (or drive) to actually finish reading them.
"Your recent studies"
My studies suck. Lol. Seriously. Barely surviving but I'm hanging on there.

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Liked by: greenaplr

I'm currently in my degree program and I'm still not really sure what kind of method that I need to study for my preparation facing the exam. During SPM, yes we can do based on past year questions but now nope. Is it okay if we just read the textbook without doing the exercise?

*from 4 months ago, sorry*
Hi :)
Sorry this took a while. And while I'm not completely sure if it'll even be useful, here's some thoughts on this matter:
You can prepare for an examination in various different ways. There are lots of study strategies out there that you can utilize, but essentially, you'll have to remember that the strategies will differ depending on:
1) The subject you are studying.
If it's a Math-based or calculation-heavy subject like Accounting, Finance, Calculus, etc, then just reading the textbook may not be as effective as actually doing the exercises and understanding the formulas. But if it's more of a fact-based subject like History or Literature, then you may be able to just read the textbook without doing the exercise.
Note: I said "may be able to", meaning that it is not a certainty.
2) Your study preferences
Personally, whatever the subject is, I would prefer to do more exercises than reading the actual textbook itself. This way, I can test myself to see which parts I'm bad at and which I can do well in, and then focus more on the things that I need improvements on.
Some may prefer to read first before doing the exercises, so that they can better grasp the concepts and then work better on the exercises.
3) Your professor / lecturer's habit in exercises/examinations.
Note that not all professors / lecturers will give you access to past year's or past semesters' exams. Also note that not all examinations will be the same as the in-class exercises / tutorials given. So no matter how much you do the exercises, questions on the examinations may be completely different. Double check with your professor and know what or how they're planning to ask on the examinations and know what they expect you to know.
Hope this helps. :)

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is it better for me to apply direct admission to wisconsin school of business or not for the actuarial science program

It's up to you. There's no harm in applying directly to the WSB, but there's no harm in not getting in directly too.
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah


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