
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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sure, sya smpn elok2 kad ni, kalau boleh nk letak dlm frame.hehe..akak pun, good luck study. always doakan yg terbaik untuk akak. :) -hani-

Awww thank youuu Hani :') Tak payah kot letak dalam frame tu, haha :3
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

salam, akak, sya dh dpt birthday card tu..setiap hari sya tunggu and finally received today. excited sgt sbb dpt card dri someone yg sya adore. Thank you so much, I feel very happy(cant describe). suka sgt card tu and the wishes too.will send you a postcard akak. take care kt US. :) :) - Hani

Glad you received the card safely! Sorry lambat sangat sampai, dah lama sangat dah your birthday tu :'D Tapi better late than never kan? :P Hikhik. Simpan leklok card tu! & belajar leklok tau! :)
p/s. You're welcome! :)

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Akak, apa suggested uni di uk yg bagus untuk mechanical engineering?

Sila Google "top mechanical engineering degrees in UK". Ada banyak jenis rankings online that you can look at. It might be best to ask someone in Engineering in the UK as compared to asking someone in Business in the States. 😊

Kalau awak kenal seseorang ni, dia suka dekat awak dan awak tak pasti awak suka dia ke tak. Tapi awak ttap layan dia sbb awak rasa mngkin dia yg terbaik untk awk. Sblum ke peringkat seterusnya, awak masih tak pasti tntg perasaan awak dekat dia, adakah awak beritahu hal yg sebenar atau tidak ? Kenapa

Telling the truth, no matter how much it hurts, is always better than not saying anything.

Macam mana eh ada kekuatan nak mulakan something?

"With a strong heart, pierce through the barriers in front of you! Never falter, never back down and just DO IT!" - @knazran (January 1st, 2012).

Kalau amik gambar, selalu pakai camera apa?

Pakai phone (Note 4). Takpun either Canon EOS 600D ataupun Samsung Smart Camera WB350F

Sebab selalu tolong orang

Sedar tak sebenarnya korang yang banyak tolong aku in the sense yang aku belajar tingkatkan tahap kesabaran aku, aku belajar untuk rajinkan diri menjawab soalan, aku belajar untuk tak melenting sesuka hati? 😊
Korang juga yang tolong aku untuk kenali diri aku secara tak langsung.
So, thank you 😊😊

Saya kagum dgn akak :)

Kenapakah. Saya hanya insan kerdil yang tiada apa-apa keistimewaan.
(okay tak BM aku? 😂)

Hi Syaza, Its been along time sice you've helped me n my friends (1996 born) in the past couple of years. I have one question, how do you as a person motivate urself to study for exams? 😁

*two months ago*. Sorry kiddo :/
One: It is currently 7pm on a Saturday night. I have an exam on Monday morning at 11am, and I have yet to study, and here I am, answering questions about how to 'motivate myself to study'. How ironic.
Two: I've been spending the past few hours on my bed, either playing Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare on my xBox or rewatching Vamprie Diaries, 'cause, why not?
Three: This is going to sound bullshit coming from me, but here's what you should do (not necessarily what I do myself):
1) Know your strengths and weaknesses. One reason I'm acting like this today despite an exam on Monday is the fact that Monday's exam is for my Geography class, so I can afford to take it a bit easy. If it was an Actuarial Science exam, or heck even my Finance exam, I'd be hitting the books already. So whenever a hard exam comes up and I know that I'm not fully prepared or even ready for it, I'll work my a** off for it.
2) Set a goal, and treat yourself if you accomplish it. Perhaps you can tell yourself that if you score above a certain mark on the exam, you can treat yourself and buy that new phone that you've always wanted. Or perhaps go watch a movie after you've taken the exam. My friend(s) and I here? We usually go out to eat after a hard exam. The will to accomplish the goal and the 'sweet' thought of a treat keeps me motivated (sometimes).
3) Your parents and/or families. Think about them and what they would give to see you succeed in your studies. For me, not having to listen to my mum's nagging about how "you should not be getting anything lower than a 3.5" is motivation enough, although an unhealthy one. [p/s by the way, a cgpa of 3.50 is nearly impossible at this point, thanks to last semester's grades].
Hope this helps.
Or maybe not. -.-

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Liked by: Syaza Nazura Nor

what is your perception about people?

We're all in a constant fight to please other people, to do what's right by others and to fulfill what others expect from us.

akak, may I know why akak study abroad? b'cause of yur parents ke ape? :)

I studied abroad because I wanted to challenge myself.
I wanted to learn more about who I am, away from the people who 'define' me. I wanted to be in a foreign land, where I can do (or not do) what I want, without having people telling me things. I want to test myself, to see how I react to certain stimuli, to see how I act in certain environments, to see how much willpower I have over myself. I want to see how good or bad of a person I am, and work to improve myself on my own terms.
When you're abroad, nobody cares about you. Nobody cares if you pray five times a day, or if you wear your hijab, or if you go to class, or if you even study. Heck, you can go and drink and party at clubs all night long if you want, nobody's going to stop you. In Malaysia, most people (if not all) would judge you. Here? No one will (okay, not no one, but very few would). You're free to do whatever the hell in life you want to do, it's your own call.
And that's when you get to know the real you.
Are you the person who does things (like pray or study or anything else) because it's expected of you, or because someone else tells you to, or are you the person who does those things because you want to yourself?
You don't have to prove anything to anyone here. You only have to prove to yourself of who you really are.
[deep shit jawapan aku, I can't even see Adele in here] [ba dum tss]

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next year dah ke akak grad?? wow ! hihihi nnti akak record upload dlm fb tau 😂😂😂😊

Ahaha insyaAllah kalau tak fail kelas ke apa grad May 2017 hihi okay nanti akak record 😊

akak , best la sy tgk video gradute badger 'jump around'😂😂😂 bestnya music dia😌 . nnti akak graduate akak kena lompat tau

Ehehehehehe tengokla nak lompat ke tak :P Hahahaha nanti akak record okayy, remind me that next year :)

Kak kenapa dekat Malaysia ni recommended ambil SAT rather than ACT? Which one is better actually?

Sebab SAT lagi banyak di-offer kat Malaysia compared dengan ACT? Entah, taktahu mana better. Lebih kurang je.

boleh tak masuk intec dgn result stpm?

INTEC bukan university, tapi prep college. STPM itu sendiri merupakan salah satu pre-uni program, sama level macam A-Levels, ADFP dan sebagainya. So why start over?

Whats ur passion

To be honest, I'm not too sure about that myself. I'm still learning about myself, exploring my interests, learning about my strengths and weaknesses.
So I can't say exactly what my passion is, but what I can say is it probably involves something along the lines of helping other people reach their goals, either through education or otherwise.
Liked by: Raziq Khirudin

Okay i get it. All this while i thought private student ni is student yg study dkt private sch or international sch. should i apply for the programme before spm's result is released or apply another scholarships and wait for offers? and if i dont get any, i should consider intec? :3

That's an option, yes. I can't recall when the French Program starts in INTEC, so you might want to double check that first. And perhaps you should see when's the last date to apply for it, and give yourself a deadline maybe a week or two before the actual deadline to apply to INTEC. So this way, you can try waiting for your results and applying for scholarships, or if nothing's okay, you can apply for the program in INTEC.

Is there a big different between bba in actuarial science or bs in actuarial. I mean in job opportunities and so on coz most of my friends who are doing as well as me reject uw-madison coz they only offer bba

New answer: Okay I forgot to add this in last time, but UW-Madison do actually offer something else other than a BBA in Actuarial Science. We also have a BS in Actuarial Mathematics through the Maths/Stats department. The requirements for the major itself are the same for both BS and BBA, since students will have to take the same Stats/Maths and Actuarial Science courses. The only difference is that BBA students have to fulfill the BBA degree requirements (taking Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc classes) while BS students have to fulfill the BS degree requirements (more humanities/science classes, etc)
Old answer: Okay, usually what people do is they try to find a school (read = university) that offers Actuarial Science in a Business school. Meaning, a school that offers it as a BBA or equivalent, and not as a BS or a BA. Actuarial Science itself is originally a Business major, since you will be working as an actuary in a company (be it insurance companies, risk managements, health companies, etc), so a business degree will be useful.
Some schools, like UIUC don't offer it as a Business degree, but instead as a BS under the Maths department, but also require students to take some Finance/Accounting classes that would help students. So, if I may say so, I would recommend you to take Actuarial Science as a BBA. It'd give you a strong background and help you prepare to work in the business industry.

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Hi kak. Kak saya nak apply university like UCLA and UCB .Saya yakin boleh score in SAT and kokurikulum saya pun excel alhamdulillah. Cuma right now, past result saya time sekolah menengah ada dapat D and E. College pon sama. Saya time trial and major exam score. Cuma test tak. Boleh still dapat ke:(

"Boleh dapat ke tak?"
Itu bukan persoalannya di sini. Kenapa aku cakap macam tu?
Kau boleh dapat straight A's semata-mata throughout hidup kau, kau boleh dapat keputusan gempak dalam segala benda, a perfect score in your SAT, a perfect score in your TOEFL semuanya, tapi kalau dah bukan rezeki kau untuk ke UCLA/UCB/mana-mana universiti lain, offer tu takkan datang pun.
Dan tak semestinya kalau kurang skor masa exam or SAT/TOEFL score rendah sikit kau tak ada peluang nak masuk universiti gempak-gempak.
Setiap universiti mempunyai polisi admissions [read: admissions policy] yang berbeza. Tapi secara amnya, mereka akan tengok semua benda yang korang hantar untuk application tu. High school transcripts? Test scores? Recommendation letter? Personal statements? Extracurricular activities? Semua tu memainkan peranan dalam admissions review.
And not one aspect is the sole factor in determining your admissions. So kalau semua benda teruk tapi SAT tetiba dapat full marks, tak semestinya kau terus boleh dapat offer admissions. Or tak semestinya kalau semua benda okay tapi TOEFL score teruk terus menjejaskan peluang nak masuk.
Admissions counselors semuanya di-train untuk melihat sesuatu application secara menyeluruh. They take everything into consideration. And some, if not most of them, akan tengok jugak trends in your grades. So contohnya kalau masa awal-awal high school grades teruk, tapi lama-lama you're improving and getting better, they would be able to see that you've been improving and getting better over time.
So "boleh dapat ke tak?" bukan persoalannya di sini. Sebab no matter how good you are, it's not always a guarantee that you would get accepted. Sometimes it's luck, sometimes it's the fit. Kau mungkin rasa kau nak belajar kat situ, tapi sebenarnya kau mungkin tak boleh sesuaikan diri dengan keadaan / environment kat sana. Who knows, right?
Hope this helps. :)

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Liked by: Aqilll
+1 answer Read more

Hi kak. So nak study dkt intec ni utk private student or under third party je eh? Saya nak pursue french language programme (3 months) dkt intec and im not even a private student. So how nak apply?

The definition of a 'private student' is those who are not under any scholarship or loan. So if you do not have any scholarship or loan, you're automatically considered a 'private student' (although, the 'loan' I mentioned up there is loans like PTPTN or MARA. If you take a private loan from a bank or financial institutions to pay for your studies, you're a private student).
So, with this in mind, if you want to apply to the French Language programme, and you don't have an offer from a scholarship body, you'll be applying as a private student, and therefore can apply directly to INTEC (read up on their website about how to apply to it).

Hye sis, okay i'm going to ask you a question regarding to ADTP matters. I've completely done on my own research what ADTP is about. Is that we have to take ADFP before taking ADTP or after SPM we can just go through with ADTP w/o taking ADFP first? Hopefully u can gave me the details abt ADTP 😊

All of them are basically the same program, the only differences are (1) Where you take the program and (2) The length/duration of the program.
Say, for example, in INTEC, they call it ADFP & ACTP, with ADFP being a one-year program, and ACTP being a two-year program (first year similar to ADFP, second year different obviously).
So depending on the preparatory college, some may call the program ADP/ADTP, and requirements and duration for those programs differ. So I would recommend you to (1) Look at the different colleges and (2) Research on their requirements.
Hope this helps.
Liked by: z@¡d4n

are u planning to settle down in us? or comin bck to mlysia once grad

Define "settle down".
I may stay in the U.S. to work for a few years (if I can get a job here, that is), or probably continue to graduate school (probably doing a Masters in Education or something related to that). But if not, I would probably go back home to Malaysia, find a job (Teach for Malaysia, probably?) and get married (lol).


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