
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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family pergi US berapa bulan akak? btw , mesti exam math kan rabu lepas? hehe

Family datang dua minggu je. Ahad ni dyorang balik la :) And yep. Exam Maths. 😔

Hi akak :) happy new year. Family akak ada kat us lagi ke?

Hi :) Happy New Year too! :) Yep, family still ada kat sini :) 😊

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akak happy new year okay 😘 i wish i can celebrate the new year at the states😍

Awww thank you, and happy new year too! Tak penting pun celebrate kat mana, asalkan jaga diri & tak buat benda2 yang tak elok 😊

Hi kak ☺️. Im taking my diploma right now. And i want to pursue my degree oversea. But i really don't know how. And i don't know if I'm capable to do so 😥

Read the previous question.
Also: Think again as to why you 'want to pursue your degree overseas'. Kalau sekadar untuk the fame and the name of belajar luar negara semua, I recommend you to rethink your intentions.

Akak, cane nak gi overseas study? :( lol i mean, what should i prepare? Where can i get the sholarships? Do i have to prepare semua tu sebelum spm or lepas spm? My question is, erm sounded like, what's the procedure? Tq :D

Read: https://twitter.com/nazu2308/status/674885550508126208
Also read: http://syazanazura.com/2014/01/askfm-faqs-what-to-do-after-spm.html
Also read: http://syazanazura.com/2013/11/so-you-want-to-study-abroad-eh.html
Also read: https://ask.fm/syazanazura/answers/125732070738
Do remember these things:
1) There is no "one perfect way" to study abroad. Setiap orang akan lalu jalan berbeza. Sebagai contoh, @nadtella buat local pre-uni pastu apply to university abroad. Aku memang dah buat ADFP awal-awal, which is pre-uni yang memang prepare you to fly overseas. Setiap laluan berbeza tahap kesusahan dan berbeza ikut stail dan keselesaan masing-masing.
2) Dapat scholarships tak bermakna kau confirm 100% dapat sambung belajar ke luar negara.
3) Sebelum fikir cara nak belajar kat luar negara semua, fikir balik KENAPA kau nak belajar kat luar negara.

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Kak boleh bagi tips tak kalau saya nak excel in organising projek macam akak ni? Rasa macam nak ikut jejak langkah 😁

Hi :)
Sorry lambat jawab soalan ni (lambat = 7 months lol sorry dowh).
To excel in executing any projects or events, you will need:
1) Passion for what you are doing.
Kiteorang buat Projek Inspirasi sebab it is close to our hearts as students ourselves. We feel strongly about it, sebab tu kiteorang boleh carry out this project. Kalau buat sesuatu project semata-mata untuk dapatkan perhatian orang lain (contohnya macam nak buat projek gempak untuk homeless or kumpul duit untuk tolong Syria kononnya sebab the 'cause' seems to be gempak and orang akan pandang tinggi), kalau you yourself are not passionate about it, takut tergendala setengah jalan.
2) A group of reliable and equally passionate friends.
My friends are all awesome, and I know I can always count on them for help. Nazran suka bagi idea bernas and suka come up with the best counter arguments to help me think of the worst case scenarios or think about how to tackle obstacles semua. Aizan selalu tolong bab technical and coding bagai. I use my friends' networks to reach out to more people.
3) Networking.
You can never go wrong with networking. There's a lot of people out there who can definitely help you out, either with pointing you to the correct people to talk to or by helping you out with the projects by giving suggestions, ideas or marketing it out to other people. Just kena rajin bercakap dengan orang and get to know people. :)
Sorry if this is not much, but for me, these three things are the most important things in anything that I do. :)

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Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

assalamualaikum kak. i only manage to get 1410 for my sat. but im planning to apply as a transfer student. does the score matter for transfer student and im going to further my studies in engineering .

Wa'alaikumsalam. Whether it matters or not for either a transfer/freshman or for a specific major depends on your university(ies), so I would highly recommend you to email the Admissions office at the universities you are planning to apply to and ask them about it.

Assalamu'alaikum kak syazaaaaaaaaa Ive heard rumours lately that majoring in Actuarial Sciencs isnt of much merit because anyone could end up as a fellow or an associate,given that theyve passed the professional exams,is that claim true? Is majoring in act sc almost worthless?

Wa'alaikumsalam. One: education is never worthless or useless or a waste of time. And Two: It is super duper bloody hard to study and pass the Actuarial professional papers. So even though anyone (like literally anyone) can sit for the exams, the probability of you passing the exams would be higher if you major in Actuarial Science since they will be going over the things for the exams and preparing you for the exams. 'Cause trust me, taking the exams without proper preparation and extensive practice is super duper extremely impossible.
Liked by: Farah

How do you cope as a student majoring in Actuarial Science? Because I've heard horrendous things about how difficult and tedious it is to be a student in this particular major. But id like the opinion from someone who has had 1st hand experience. Is it true?

Wanna know a fun fact? See this picture? Yep. That's mine. Coming from someone like me, it may seem like an impossible thing. But then again, while it is a hard subject, I don't think I put in enough effort in the class, which kinda makes me deserve that grade (though I really didn't expect it to be that low, but I guess I screwed up my final exam worse than I expected). Can't say I'm proud of how I did this past semester (that's not the only subject I messed up), and can't say I'm proud of my GPA for this previous semester (the absolute worst I've had for the past 2.5 years), but I know deep down that despite the fact that the subjects I'm taking are extremely bloody difficult to score, probably 70% of the problems came from me and how I didn't put in enough focus on my studies this past semester (don't know why I was so demotivated in my academics and don't feel like doing much work). Heck, I don't even know if what I'm writing makes sense or even answers your question, I guess I'm just a bit pissed off at myself tonight (the results were announced this morning). But my advice to you is: it may be hard, but it would definitely be so much harder without effort and focus. You can survive it. I had a senior who graduated from Actuarial Science with a CGPA of 4.0 (yes, you heard that right, he got all A's for every bloody semester for every bloody class). If you put in the work and not be like me, you can definitely excel.

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How do you cope as a student majoring in Actuarial Science Because Ive heard
Liked by: Aynawh

Kak, you mentioned that there are no minimum requirement for toefl. Do you think it's wise for me to retake my SAT ? i only managed to get 1400+ considering that i was lacking practice :( Do you think universities like UW-Madison will accept me providing that i get a good cgpa and toefl score?

1400+ for Math/Verbal only or for all three? If for all three (Writing included), I would recommend retaking it again if you can. Do refer to this: https://www.admissions.wisc.edu/apply/freshman/requirements.php. However, it is totally up to you and you have the final say in which you want to retake or not.

Hello, I'm applying for UW-Madison as a freshmen for the Fall 2016 semester so do you think it's better for me to apply as an undecided major? or should i state what major i want in specific. Do you think my chances of getting accepted is lower if i stated my desired major? Thanks in advance!

Your major(s) do not play a part in the application. They know students often change majors while they're here so they don't really look into your majors when deciding an admission decision.

Are you camera shy or do you like having your photo taken?

Oh I love having my pictures taken, especially when I look good. Oh, wait, I look good all the time, so yeah 💁💁👸

Do you have any sites or blogs or videos that help you out with your preparation for the professional exams? Or is that not on your agenda for the time being?

It's not in my agenda at the time being, but I can suggest you to try and check out Coaching Actuaries if you want.

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Eat. Food always comes first.

akak, just now i was looking for international transfer requirement for osu and it stated that if I have 30 or more semester hours, i dont have to show them my sat result....what i dont understand is what is 30 semester hours??is it like taking 30 credit hours in one sem or for the whole year

30 or more semester hours = 30 or more credit hours. So not just in a semester but including all the semesters.

macam mana nak bezakan penggunaan one and ones?

I believe Nad has already shown you where to look for your answer.


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