
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Hi sis, do you think that the higher the cgpa, or toefl or sat scores is, the higher the possibility for a student to be enrolled into an institution

Not really.

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What is your favorite type of flower?

🌹🌹 This. 🌸🌸
I like bright red / pale pink roses. I also like lavender (mainly because of their smell).

hahahahhah .. ya ad akak yang cute ! syaza nazura kot💁

Haaaa pandai. Tahu pun. 😋 Datang laa visit. Bawak coklat 😋

Kak Nazu, kalau kita ambil ACTP dkat Intec, just bleh fly pergi US shja ke? Or Aussie also applicable?

Refer -> https://ask.fm/syazanazura/answers/133071543378
Also please refer to -> https://twitter.com/nazu2308/status/674885550508126208
And for your question: Bergantung. Kalau kau buat ADFP/ACTP in INTEC under a scholarship / pinjaman MARA, then bergantung kepada sponsor la boleh pergi tempat lain selain US ke tak.
Kalau kau buat as a private student, suka hati la nak pergi memana yang accept ACTP tu. So do your research on that.

Hi, I'm applying to Wisconsin Madison as a transfer. What does 'Specific degree' and 'degree date' mean if I'm doing ACTP?

You can say that you're not earning any degree from INTEC. Ada option kan untuk say that you're not earning a degree?

akak, lets say sye punye spm teruk(4A je) then, stpm (pngk 4.0). then, sye pegi interview scholar. pastu intrwiewer tu tnye ' kenapa anda punye result berbeza? kenapa spm teruk? wht should i answer?

How should I know what you should answer to that question? It's totally up to you, no? You know yourself more than I know you (and heck, the fact that you're asking as an anonymous makes it even harder for me to guess who you are or know your history or anything).
It's totally a personal thing, right? I mean, some people mungkin score badly in SPM but score well during STPM/Matriculation/Asasi semua sebab they're doing what they love (ie science stream during SPM tapi they are more inclined towards the Arts or literature or something). Some people may score badly during SPM because of personal reasons (health, family issues, etc) tapi masa pre-university they were able to focus better sebab problems dah settle ke apa.
So there's not one answer that fits it, it's totally personal and depends on you.

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Liked by: nur

Nak tanya sikit. I'm a first year student who is struggling on final right now. The hardest part is bila dah suka kat somebody lagi lagi kat negara orang. Pastu study terganggu even dah try banyak kali tapi still tak boleh nak hilangkan perasan tu. Serious clueless tak tau nak buat macam mana.

Never let your personal feelings and emotions (gaduh dengan kawan or boyfriend/girlfriend, suka kat orang, putus kawan, etc) meddle with your responsibilities of a student.
Gi ketuk kepala kat dinding, tengok gambar mak ayah. Tak rasa bersalah ke dyorang harapkan kita untuk berjaya but kita tak focus betul2?
Liked by: qweentea_ Sarah

Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts?

If you only have them once or twice, I guess that's normal? I had them too once or twice before. But if you're having them on a regular basis and am thinking further than just those 'thoughts', I would recommend talking to someone about it. A friend, a family member, just talk to someone. :)

would you give me some favor? i really confuse about choosing a college, and i already got 2 option UCSI and Help University. In your opinion, which is the best college beetwen UCSI and Help University Malaysia?

I'm sorry. As I've never been to both of them, I can't really say. You should try and ask the students at those two colleges.

At intec,do they look at GPA for each sem for flying first year or they look at cgpa? If i failed to get 3.5 for each sem but my CGPA at the end of adfp is >3.5 can i still fly?

Tbh, INTEC doesn't really care about your GPA and whether or not you want to go to the States as a freshman or as a transfer student. The one that's usually all stingy and strict about the GPA is your sponsor (if you're sponsored). So go and check with your sponsor and understand all their requirements. INTEC is just a third party in this case. Heck, if you're a private student, you can even fly with GPA 3.0 or less if you want to, as long as you get a placement.

honestly,if u ask me would i sacrifice.of course.but telling i have a friend the answer always yes.eventhough his passion is not what his parents expect.when i asked him,he said he loves to sacrifice for others expectation....wtf,can u imagine?

To each his own. I know people who are completely happy doing what other people want him/her to, and I know people who are completely happy doing what they want to do themselves.
Each person has a different personality and perspective, so hey, do what makes you happy, be it following your dreams or fulfilling others' expectations.


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