
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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salam.i read ur article and i stumbled about it is impossible to live in people expectations(or hard?).isnt all expectations?because some expectations may inspire us.example our parents expect us to get the highest mark,eventually we manage to get it.so, im trying to say is expectation is good right

Are you referring to this -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/127355903826? Or are you referring to some other articles that I can't seem to remember if there's even any other.
The thing is, there's no clear line between how much 'expectations' is considered 'okay', and how much is considered 'too much'.
Sure, some expectations are good, and can push us to go further, to push us to do better in things. That's totally fine, since our parents or teachers have had more experience and can see what our potentials are. If people have faith in us and believe that we can do more things and achieve more successes, it gives us the confidence in ourselves and help us push further.
But the thing is... You got to be careful of the level of expectation that you put on someone. As a parent, you cannot expect your kid to do well in everything without ever failing to meet your expectations. You got to give people room to screw up, to make mistakes, to fail and learn from that failure. Life isn't always going to be sunny or a walk in the park, so you have to know when to lower your expectation and when to allow people to take it at their own pace.
People aren't born to be perfect, and sometime, other people's expectations may be completely different from what you want to do. Your parents may expect you to pursue Medicine or Law or Engineering, but deep down, you know you suck at them and that you want to go into Business or Journalism or something that you know you're good at. Would you actually force yourself to go into something you hate, just because that's what people 'expect' you to do? Would you actually sacrifice what you want, just to fulfill what people think you should be doing?
'Cause, you know, at the end of the day, it is your life, not theirs. And you'll be the one who has to live with it for the next few decades (if panjang umur that is) and make a living out of it, so might as do things that you love and are passionate about, no?

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Liked by: Hani Hayati

Pada pandangan akak, laki memang tengok rupa paras perempuan dulu ea sebelum amik kira aspek lain?

I'm not a guy, so taktahu. Tapi lumrah manusia, lelaki or perempuan, memang manusia tertarik pada kecantikan pun (ie luaran dulu). Cuba bezanya, berapa lama "perasaan" tu stay je.

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(or I can't remember anyone there off the top of my head) For some reason i think that's a bad news?😂

...And why would that be a bad news?

Salam kak syaza.Just nk tanya kenal x anyone currently in uc san diego? Saya ingt nk apply sana so nak cari sesape nak tnya bout experience

I don't know anyone personally (or I can't remember anyone there off the top of my head). You can ask around in this group -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/198578290180251/. They're super helpful and can definitely help you out!

it's okay akak. thank you akak nazu!! sangat appreciate. May Allah bless you. Take care akak. tell me if you want a postcard from Malaysia. I'm very glad to send you. :) :D -Hani-

Alamat akak ada dalam birthday card tu nanti, :) Let me know when you receive it next month! :)

Akak, saya dah nak final jumaat ni. Pastu lab report saya dapat 0 sebab plagiarism. Saya dah give up tiba tiba sebab takut kena repeat sem. Mintak pendapat sikit 😊

1. Dah kenapa boleh plagiarism. Memang tiru kawan punya lab report ke sebab ada misunderstanding? I recommend talking to your lecturer about it kalau tersalah ke apa.
2. Just do your best for the final. Repeat tak repeat itu lain cerita.
3. Jumpa professor or lecturer. Tanya pendapat dyorang if ada option untuk naikkan carry mark or anything, or if dyorang ada suggestion on what to do. Sebab they should know how you are in class semua, so tanya dyorang :)

To Harith & Hani (dua orang yang mintak birthday cards from US)

syazanazura’s Profile PhotoSyaza Nazura
Birthday cards sampai lewat sikit, sebab I wanted to get it to be sent from Antartica (read: http://forum.postcrossing.com/viewthread.php?tid=103929#pid7696751). That is, dua-dua cards dah siap tulis & stamped semua, but I'm sending it to this place along with a few other postcards, so nanti dyorang post semua from Antartica.
So lewat sikit (mungkin lewat sebulan, mungkin?) tapi since bukan selalu boleh dapat postcard or surat from Antartica, hope you guys don't mind! :)
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

ADFP is quite interesting and not so much pressure ke? kalau guna ADFP and fly to Aussie, course dy limit just for certain courses or meluas?

Every 'program' or 'course', whether it be Asasi or ADFP or A-Levels or IB or Matrikulasi or anything, has their own 'pressure' and stress. While I may love ADFP and hated A-Levels, it may not be the same case for everyone else, since everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.
That being said, like I've answered before, everything depends on (1) the college or university you are going to (or plan to go to) and (2) if you are applying as a private or sponsored student.
If you're a private student, by all means, you have all the say you want and you can do whatever you want to do. If you're a sponsored student, you will definitely have to follow what your sponsor tells you, which means there might be a limit to the courses that you can do.

ADFP boleh fly ke Aussie jgak kan? and because of that kena ambil TOEFL jugak ke?

Bergantung korang buat ADFP kat mana la. Kalau kat INTEC, yes boleh pergi Aussie. And ambil IELTS, not TOEFL.

what are the qualifications for ADFP? This is credit to the SPM leavers.

Qualifications for any type of programs depend on (1) What college or university you're planning to go to, and (2) If you want to apply privately or through a sponsor.

Have you ever gotten a bad result in exam and cant stop thinking about it because your future are at stakes?

Okay, so I don't do this often, but for you, screw it, I'm just going to tell. Whether it's going to affect me or change people's perceptions of me, what the heck, I don't mind anyway.
So this semester, one of the classes that I'm taking is an Actuarial Science class, Actuarial Mathematics I (Life Contingencies). Mind you, it's Actuarial Science 650, so it's a 600-level class (100 classes are the easiest, as you go higher, the difficulty level increases, so you can guess how hard a 600-level class is)
It's an Act Sci class, so it's a major requirement. If I fail it, I'll have to repeat it again (which I really don't want to, seriously).
We have three exams for this class. A Midterm 1, a Midterm 2 and a final exam. My Midterm 1 was pretty, okay, I guess? But my Midterm 2 sucks so bad that I seriously considered officially changing my major and everything.
And this exam made me feel like a lost cause, resulting in this utterly depressing blog post -> http://syazanazura.com/2015/11/lost.html
But, hey. I got back up. I mean, I'm not over it. My grades this semester will still be bad. I'd be lucky to even scrape a GPA of 3.0 for this semester (as opposed to getting a GPA of 3.76 last semester). Act Sci 650 is not the only class I'm doing bad at (I'm also barely surviving my Stats 312 class, which, probably, I'd be getting a C unless the professor decided to curve the class or something).
But, as a friend told me, it's not a bad thing if you screw up a semester or a class. As long as you get back up, that's the most important part. :)
So whatever it is, I'm sure you can work through it and you can pull through. :)

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Have you ever gotten a bad result in exam and cant stop thinking about it

Salam kak syaza, I'm currently studying adfp, and I want to pursue in actuarial sc at Wisconsin Madison as freshman. Hmm but recently, my toefl scores only 89. Hmmmmmmmmm 😕 is it possible? or just forget it and apply for sophomore after actp?

UW-Madison has no minimum requirement for TOEFL, so no matter what your score is, as long as you have a TOEFL score, you will be considered for admissions.
Whether you want to apply as a freshman or transfer depends entirely up to you. I suggest (1) checking with your sponsor, if you're sponsored, to see if they have any minimum requirements for both, and (2) talking to your parents and figuring out if you're prepared mentally and physically to fly in the first year.

I'm barely give up with my studies and feeling to change my course study. should I stay? btw skrg saya study course cat-acca

Buatlah solat istikharah.
I cannot say for definite if you should 'stay' or not, for the reasons that (1) I do not know you personally, so I cannot guess what your hobbies, interests, passion or strengths are, (2) I do not know your financial / education background, therefore I cannot judge whether staying or not would change anything for you, and (3) I myself is in the same situation as you, therefore I would not be able to give good advice to you, since I can't even talk and rationally give the same advice to myself about it.
However, do think of all the possibilities that could happen. Take a piece of A4 (or bigger) paper and divide it in half. On one side, write all the things you hate or dislike about the program you are currently in. What about it makes you feel like giving up. What about it makes you mad or sad or whatever negative feelings you're feeling. Write about the consequences of you dropping it. Would you need to start over? Would you need to pay back any loans? Write down everything and anything that could possibly happen if you drop that program.
Now, on the other side. Write everything you enjoy about it. Your friends in the program? Your professors or lecturers? What makes you choose it in the first place? Any scholarship or loan that got you there? What sparked your interest in CAT-ACCA in the first place? If you should stay, what will happen? What could you possibly do to help yourself in the program? Any seniors or alumni or programs that could possibly help you do better?
Weigh all the options. Don't be too biased and feel like "Oh, benda ni susah. Nak tukarlah." If you have that mindset in your head, no matter which program you go to or whatever you do, you will always be complaining that it's too hard, and you'll always be quitting halfway through.
Lastly, like I said, buatlah solat istikharah. Talk to Him. Ask for His Guidance. Also consult your family members. Talk to your mother and father. If you have any relatives working in similar field, talk to them as well. Talk to your professors and seek out an academic/career counselor to talk over any options that you may have.
Remember: Counselling is not for the weak. Strong people seek out counselling in order to learn more about themselves and make the better options. Only strong people know when they need help and are not afraid to do so.

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hai kak Syaza.I just want to say thanks for the help last year masa tak tahu apa-apa lepas spm.Thanks sebab sudi jawab soalan banyak huhu.Now I'm under Mara too doing my A-levels.Thanks for the endless guidance.May Allah bless and ease everything for you. 😊😊

Hi there :)
You're very much welcome! Glad to be of help, however small it may be. I wish you all the best in your A-Levels, good luck! :) May Allah ease everything for you too kiddo! :)

Hi! I've been told that in UK kalau nak travel in europe just 50myr only kalau book flight awal. What about US? Is it same as in UK?

Well that depends on where you want to go in the States. The States is uber huge and plane tickets can vary in prices, depending on where you're flying from, when and how early you buy the tickets.
And I highly doubt you can find a plane ticket at MYR50 (~USD12). That's just half the price for a bus ticket to Chicago (USD23). Going to UIUC in Illinois (~4hr drive away, approx KL-Kedah in distance) costs me about $80-100 for a return trip ($46 return ticket Madison-Chicago and $30-60 return ticket Chicago-Champaign) (unless I drive, of course).

Kak Nazu, saya nak tanya berkaitan Radiance21. Saya sekarang pelajar asasi sem terakhir (semester 2). Saya boleh mohon kan? Dan Radiance21 ni untuk ijazah nanti? Ke macam mana?

Kalau dah dapat offer untuk ijazah, boleh je. Because we require surat tawaran ijazah sarjana muda tu so we know how much you need for your program. 😊

akak, sya teringin sgt nak jumpe akak in person. serious. i adore you.. such a lovable young woman.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlV7RhT6zHssyazanazura’s Video 132962176338 IlV7RhT6zHssyazanazura’s Video 132962176338 IlV7RhT6zHs xD
... but seriously though, I'm not a person to be adored. I'm just a normal person who makes mistakes and f*** up quite a lot of time (though you may not see it). But, hey, if there's a chance, aku okay je nak jumpa anyone :)


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