
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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ya allah bestnya dpt jalan2 dkt U.S 😭 . untung.. wah! los angeles.. GTA 😍 . teringin nak pergi U.S tapi xde tiket flight murah 😂😂😂

Alhamdulillah, rezeki. 😊 Ala, jalan Malaysia and Asian countries pun apa kurangnya, banyak je yang best. Ni lepas grad nanti memang nak jalan Asia jugak 😁

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Hai akk, nk tnya sket. Akk kos ape eh n kos biochem tu mcm mna, susah x?

Actuarial Science.
Semua 'kos' susah dalam dunia ni kalau kau tak belajar.
Liked by: ShuNaim

nama president america ke 4 ? nama belakangnya sama mcm nama daerah dalam negeri yang akak stay 😊 .

James Madison

Before this idegas about my sleeping schedule but since I started to fall a sleep during lecture even during my favorite subjects, I really need to figure out sth. But thank you btw 😅

Ahahaha yes, you'd probably have to rethink about your sleeping schedule. I need to reconsider mine as well, I think I've really messed it up big time now. -.-
Liked by: ShuNaim z@¡d4n

salam, akak , actuarial science mmg blaja mathematic je ke ? no science subject ? huhu :)

No to both questions.
No, Actuarial Science tak belajar Mathematics je. Belajar benda lain jugak.
And no, we do study science subjects as well.
Please do read bit.ly/SainsAktuari, thank you.
Liked by: ShuNaim

akak, ade tak kawan akak yg active askfm and study in Aussie?

Taktahu. Mungkin ada. Tak sure dyorang active Ask.fm ke tak.

I've been following your account since last year, and I tell ya all the questions are quite the same all over the years. Actually, I don't care, but [for the asker] before asking you could at least scroll down a little bit or maybe MORE if you lucky enough you'll find your answer already. Not hating

Can Ask.fm be like Twitter where I can pin a question & answer to the top of the page? Like, seriously? THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS.
p/s. I'm getting tired lol I should retire from doing this already

akak apply bulan brapa uni pastu register bulan apa?

I applied for the Fall 2013 semester ('registration' at the end of August 2013). University applications were due sometime between December 31st, 2012 and February 1st, 2013.
Liked by: ShuNaim

akak!! how are you there?? it's 6.15 p.m here in Malaysia. :)) love you akak nazu! :*

Hi :) I'm getting better Alhamdulillah! :) Hope you are fine!
Liked by: ShuNaim

akak, ade tak application yg boleh tolong check kan grammar kite punye essay? :)

Ada. Go Google it up. You could also use something called a "Friend" or a "Teacher" to check it, y'know :)
Liked by: Ordinary ShuNaim

What would you do if an elephant were charging at you?

Ellie, is that you?
[I call Anwar, one of my good friends, Ellie. So, yeah.]

hahaha . in sha allah 😉 dia nak balik U.S dah mgg dpn . tk thu bila boleh jumpa lagi😭 . teacher tu baikk sgt. tapi dia cakap kurang difahami 😂😂 . bunyi xjelas . tapi lama kelamaan boleh faham dah dia cakap 😂 terbiasa 😊 .

Biasa la tu :) Kalau ada benda baru, mula2 rasa pelik or kekok, tapi lama-lama you'll get used to it :)
Liked by: ShuNaim


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