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-O amarelado do creme cobriu os lábios de ambas as garotas. Estava mesmo uma delícia, Buttercup pegou outra colherada- Huh… Já decidiu o que faremos em nosso aniversário? Ano passado a Bubbles decidiu, esse ano não pode ser ela ou eu vou surtar se for novamente à um karaokê.

pwrpffbutt’s Profile PhotoButtercup
Blossom, ainda com uma quantia considerável de sorvete na boca, prestou atenção no que a irmã dizia. Ela era a mais careta, nem ao menos pensou em onde poderiam comemorar o aniversário, mas foi então que lembrou do parque de diversões que havia inaugurado na cidade, cheio de brinquedos radicais que Buttercup amava. Infelizmente, com o tanto de trabalho que precisavam conciliar, não haviam ido até lá.
— Você pode escolher, se quiser. — Deu de ombros, pegando outra colherada.
Liked by: Bubbles Buttercup Brick

“ Look at these muscles. This is what fighting is all about!"

pwrpffbutt’s Profile PhotoButtercup
Ela tem olhos verde limão e cabelos negros. Seu ingrediente especial é o tempero e sua cor de assinatura é verde claro.
Ela também já mostrou um lado ganancioso para o qual ela nocauteou os dentes com o único propósito de obter dinheiro. Porem, também tem seu lado suave por exemplo, ela tinha um cobertor verde macio com o qual estava obcecada, o que lhe deu a confiança para ser uma lutadora melhor, e ela é bastante protetora sobre suas irmãs. Ela tem um tremendo desdém por recorrer a beijar os meninos para eliminá-los, embora de bom grado beije o garoto.
Referida como "a lutadora mais dura", ela é a “bombinha” do grupo e fica facilmente enfurecida. Às vezes, isso e sua agressão, a superam, tornando-a um pouco imprudente e teimosa. Mas ela consegue se controlar e não agir por impulso (muita das vezes).
Ela possui uma sequência violenta e mesquinha que não é exibida por suas irmãs. Ela também é mostrada intimidando seu colega de classe Elmer Sglue, que se torna um comedor anormal hostil de pasta mutante, o que faz com que Blossom e Bubbles a forcem a se desculpar com ele.
O professor Utonium disse que a chamaria de Buttercup porque, como os nomes de ambas as irmãs, também começa com um B. Uma vez que ela ouviu isso, Buttercup imediatamente cruzou os braços e fez beicinho: "Hmph!" ; isso pode explicar sua natureza dura.
Buttercup inspirou as outras garotas a usar seus poderes para combater o crime e as forças do mal depois que ela derrubou Rocko Socko, que fez com que ela perdesse a paciência com um soco; ironicamente, ela inicialmente se desculpou profusamente por suas ações, pensando que teria problemas com todos.
Sua maior antipatia é admitir a derrota, por causa disso, as Powerpuff Girls conseguiram alcançar a vitória contra os Rowdyruff Boys. Ela também afirmou em uma entrevista para o Powerpuff Girls Movie que, através das lutas difíceis, ela nunca se preocupa com lesões.
Embora Buttercup não pareça ter nenhum superpoder especial diferente de suas irmãs, ela é fisicamente a mais forte das três garotas. No episódio "Speed Demon", também foi revelado que ela pode voar mais rápido de todas as suas irmãs. Sua habilidade especial mostra ser capaz de enrolar a língua. Outras habilidades de assinatura que ela exibe são:
• Explosão de bola
• Furacão Negro
• Feixes Laser Verdes
• Orbe de Energia Verde
• Bola de fogo (esfrega as mãos até que a fumaça saia e forma uma bola, então ela a arremessa).

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Haley estava em treinamento próximo a Townsville, quando o sol se pôs completamente a garota aproveitou para alçar voo pela região mais afastada da cidade tendo o escuro como capa para se esconder. Distraída pelas núvens e a alta velocidade, ela quase esbarrou com algo que veio também voando.

haleyKlong’s Profile PhotoHaley Kay Long
Era mais um daqueles dias tediosos, a cidade estava em paz — não que isso fosse algo ruim — mas deixava-a sem propósito algum, afinal, não era uma garota comum, nem gostaria de ser. Sua vida girava em torno de Townsville e dos cidadãos que ali viviam, diferentemente de suas irmãs que possuíam hobbies diversos, como o esporte para Buttercup e moda para Bubbles. A ruiva era uma líder nata, era isso que gostava de fazer, liderar.
Com um novo pensamento em mente, Blossom enfim fechou o livro de matemática e alçou vôo por uma das janelas redondas do quarto; seu rastro rosa era deixado para trás e aos poucos se apagava, ocultando o caminho que seguia. Já que seu tempo era livre por enquanto, não via obstáculo algum para treinar seu sopro de fogo, mas faria isso longe da cidade, por medo de algo ruim acontecer. Estava eufórica, ansiosa para começar logo seu treinamento, mas a falta de atenção no trajeto quase a fez colidir com outro ser.

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Hey! Came across your FANTASTIC fic a few days ago and I love it sm! I’m currently reading ch9 and I was curious about what the part where buttercup said to blossom “three days” meant? After she got angry about being left out n stuff, sorry if it was clear and I just didnt catch it but I’m v curious

That was a reference to the breakup chapter, where when Buttercup breaks up with Mitch her sisters offer her 3 days of doing whatever she wants as a coping mechanism/to help her get over the breakup.

If Boomer, Butch and Buttercup went on silent library, would Bubbles come along? Do you think she'd be interested in the first place?

i saw this question hit rb's askbox too! uhhh how may contestants do they allow? 4? i mean sure, why not bubbles, but from my perspective maximum comedy would involve either blossom or brick as the 4th wheel instead. although bubbles would actually take it seriously, brick would probably speak immediately and tap himself out of the game on purpose while blossom would bear it for maybe 1 or 2 challenges before she noped out

Is Bubbles considered to be less attractive than her sisters? I'm asking bc she gets much less attention like no one reacted to her being in a bikini in the beach chapter but it was such a big deal when BC and Blossom took their clothes off. Even Boomer had no interest in her until he heard her sing

i think it has to do with "exclusivity" if that makes sense? ugh what a gross word to use. but like... bubbles also doesn't have the same hangups about her body that her sisters do. she's very social, she used to be a cheerleader, she presents more femme than buttercup and more fashionable than blossom. so folks are used to her presenting a certain way and it's nbd at the beach when she shows up in a cute bikini because Hey, it's bubbles in a cute bikini, obviously she'd be wearing a bikini! bubbles is also more gregarious and approachable than either of her sisters. that doesn't make her less attractive, it just means there isn't an air of ~mystery~ that surrounds her and people are more apt to treat her like a normal person.
as for boomer not having any interest i mean when they first showed up his goal wasn't "get a powerpuff girl, aka a former enemy, to like me and thus incur brick's wrath" it was "i'm in high school and i want to do high school things and have a girlfriend and cool several girls are into me i will date one and have a fun time!"

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Okay I know this is a tiny thing, but I honestly can't see body-conscious/hoodie-covered Buttercup going to the Boys' house without a bra in a fitted tank top, especially with Butch there. Like I don't even leave my ROOM without one. Also, unpopular opinion: the Greens are the hottest couple.

you're not wrong! blame it on her sleep-addled state: it was a higher priority for her to kick the crap out of boomer for interrupting her sleep cycle then to get changed. she probably heard bubbles packing/getting ready to go to the boys' place and went "oh right i gotta punch boomer's teeth out" and left immediately
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1 - You know, what's funny to me about Butch is that while he comes across as all male bravado-y and leering and self-satisfied despite us knowing that he's actually insecure, I think he actually doesn't realise what a legit catch he is, esp compared to his brothers (esp Brick, which, lol, ironic)

"2 - Like obviously he has his faults, but he's very honest, fun, funny, loyal, protective, can be compassionate etc. In terms of his friendship and his datability, I'd say he's leagues better than both Boomer (deeply insecure and jealous) and Brick (as you said, emotionally stunted douchebag) 3 - Obviously more where we are now in the fic as opposed to the very early chapters, though I'd say he started showing real potential around like chp. 6. So uh yeah lmao I think Butch is a secret/underdog catch."
yeah that really took me by surprise as well! (although i do think it's important to note that he's only showing those traits wrt to buttercup; i don't think he'd exhibit those same traits towards anyone else.)

What's Buttercup's ACTUAL attitude towards weed? Cuz I'm just sayin, for someone who "hates the smell" , she sure does hang around Butch, physically closely, whenever he is smoking...is she curious about marijuana? Truly doesn't care? Doesn't like what it does to her other friends' behavior?

alirobi’s Profile PhotoLeesha
oooh, what a good question!
so i think you could read this one of two ways:
1) she tried a hit once but felt absolutely nothing because the x immediately took the edge off the fuzzy high feelings (butch needs to smoke A LOT to actually get high b/c of this) and so the only sensation she really experienced was the smell, which left her all "this is a bunch of whatever and i don't think it smells nice enough to warrant me essentially throwing money down the toilet b/c of the chemical x constantly maintaining my body at its literal temple status"
2) buttercup HASN'T tried it, is actually intimidated and kinda scared to try it, but saying she hates the smell gives her a convenient excuse that also avoids her being potentially ridiculed.
bonus 3rd option you could combine either 1 or 2 with: prof u smokes/smoked a tobacco pipe and she doesn't like the smell of anything you can pull into your lungs
bonus BONUS option that just hit me: buttercup's the best at cooking b/c she's actually developed a slightly elevated palate above both of her sisters, making her hyper sensitive to taste/smell and she genuinely doesn't like the smell, though this doesn't necessarily align with her being a disgusting gross kid in the ep down n dirty but maybe her palate didn't develop until she hit puberty.
i don't think it has enough of an impact on her friends' behavior, it probably actually entertains her to see them getting real excited about food and waxing philosophical about all of nothing! and as for being around butch, maybe possibly there's an innate desire to be near him despite not being into the smell of weed maybe possibly depending on which option you favor
maybe possibly

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We know Buttercup isn’t yet coming to terms w her liking Butch, but has Butch accepted that he has romantic feelings for Buttercup? Also I was wondering LMAO did they leave Buttercup’s bra In the woods?

hmm this is tough. i think his feelings for her are obvious to us but not necessarily to him. like, he can't acknowledge that his feelings are romantic or are feelings of love because he hasn't experienced something like it before and doesn't know what to call it. anytime he comes close to the realization he kind backtracks and settles on "i just want to spend time with her or be next to her." so it's not a full-on acknowledgement (e.g., boomer) but it's not really denial either (unlike with, say, brick, at least until recently). i think the most he's willing to admit to himself is that she's important to him. plus there's a little bit of fear there that if it moves in a direction that skews romantic then the relationship, romantic or no, will change and disintegrate entirely (see: ch11, or ch14 on ao3). IT'S COMPLICATED I GUESS?
re: the bra, haha, i actually originally had a whole bit in there about her awkwardly putting it back on, but that was before the tone of the scene changed during my rewrites and it broke the flow up too much, so i cut that bit out.

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When we know that she's been having some sort of romantic feelings for him in the recent chapters (cot scene, jail scene, what read like slight jealousy with Julie at the party) so for her not to bring those up at that time felt a little strange. (cont.)

"It felt a little like she was doing a disservice to their friendship by almost whittling him down to just her hot friend (not even best friend!) who she has a trust bond with and who happened to be there at the time. I dunno it just feels like her feelings run deeper than that. Last thing! I gotta be honest, my love for Blossom seesaws like crazy and often I see her as annoyingly perfect (I know she's not actually, but it gets thrown in your face a lot ngl) but you made me realise how much I missed her this chapter and it was great to feel that love come back"
I get it! I would argue that even though Buttercup clearly has feelings for Butch at this point, she's not allowing herself to acknowledge those feelings, and that acknowledgment needs to happen for her before something explicitly romantic (as opposed to something that she views as simply acting out of lust/physical desire like awkward groping in the woods) occurs between them. I think the reason it feels like she's reducing Butch to just being hot (which I was attempting to counterbalance in the scene itself by having her internal monologue largely focus on her trusting him and just being generally kind of horny) is because she's seeking out any reason to tell herself "this is okay" without acknowledging that she actually cares about him in that way. She's not ready to explicitly say she has romantic feelings for him; she's even suppressing the intensity of HER OWN feelings wrt Butch because emotionally she's not in a place where she can cope with that right now. The closest she's gotten so far is the cot scene and the scene outside of the manor, where the only thing she is willing to articulate even to herself is that she doesn't want things to be weird between them.
also i'm glad the chapter reawakened the blossom love for you, girl deserves all the love she can get

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If butch were to ask buttercup to cook one meal and for some reason buttercup says yes... what would butch ask for? In all the fanfics steak is the greens go to meal.

okay so i have opinions about this. first off, steak's a little fancy. i mean, it fits, b/c it's meat, and yeah, out of the three boys, butch would 100% be THE MOST carnivorous. but there's really a missed opportunity here to make it more interesting.
i don't think butch would prioritize his taste buds in this scenario. instead he would prioritize making buttercup as offended and infuriated as possible. so he probably asks her to make the most disgusting things he can think of, like ham and tuna jello salad doused in mayonnaise or something. get where i'm going? like he probably picks up a vintage cookbook from the 50s at some point and goes "JACKPOT" and while that means he has to suffer through something like gelatinized steak instead of actual steak that suffering pales in comparison to the amount of times he got to witness buttercup holding back vomit multiple times as she endured the actual MAKING of the dish for him.
anyway yeah, missed opportunity

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hi! would you say that anyone has realized that butch and buttercup are having feelings for each other? bubbles is very perceptive and blossom saw that they slept together in the cot... has anyone became suspicious or something? thank you!

bubbles is a little distracted by her boy rn, but i'm sure she's noticed it - like if someone asked her "do your sister and butch have a thing" she'd be like "yeah but they're really taking their sweet time with that"
blossom is v much the "not my business" type esp b/c she probably asked buttercup about her love life exactly one time when buttercup started dating mitch and then resolved Never Again after buttercup gave her grief about invasion of privacy and minding her own business and blossom thought I Do Not Actually Care, I Was Just Making Conversation But You Know What This Was An Important Lesson For Me And I Will Grow From This Moving Forward

we know butch is hyper aware of buttercup, but how does buttercup feel around him?

She's parsing through some things. idk if she wants to come close to the idea of being in a relationship again, so even her unconscious mind is being really hesitant about any non-platonic interaction. At the same time, there's things percolating? Question mark? I just don't think she's ready to face those things right now.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m certainly not going to stop reading if you don’t incorporate a certain scene. I think my question was misunderstood; I meant a scene where Buttercup & Blossom have a talk that isn’t full of snark, where you can feel the sister love. Not something super deep 😅

Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying 💗 And I didn't mean to single you out or anything in my response, the question just got me rambling. Those thoughts are always in the back of my mind since I know there are certain things readers would like to see happen in story and sometimes I don't know how to say "That will never happen" without coming off rude or dismissive. I'M BAD AT INTERNET COMMUNICATION
I don't know that sisterly love b/w Buttercup & Blossom necessarily looks like a conversation, ykwim? It certainly can, of course, but I don't think it'd be at the top of the list of how best they communicate with each other.
+3 answers in: “Blossom and Bubbles have had more one-on-one sisterly moments than they’ve had with Buttercup (and obviously we’ve seen that does bother her). Will we get any Blossom/Buttercup moments in the near future? Where they are open with each other and really talk?”

Blossom and Bubbles have had more one-on-one sisterly moments than they’ve had with Buttercup (and obviously we’ve seen that does bother her). Will we get any Blossom/Buttercup moments in the near future? Where they are open with each other and really talk?

A totally honest, completely candid and upfront conversation about baggage that Buttercup's been carrying around for years? I'll be real, I think that's asking for a lot of growth from both Buttercup and Blossom in the next 7-8 months they have remaining story-wise.
That's not to say it couldn't happen, but, like, nobody loves confrontation, and the type of breakthrough in their relationship is the sort of thing that requires not only confrontation, but much more self-reflection on each of their parts (recognition on Blossom's part that "Hey, Buttercup has a different way of communicating, and as a leader I should recognize and be receptive to that/try harder to communicate in a way that's easier for her," and recognition on Buttercup's part that "Hey, when I'm uncommunicative and not upfront about what bothers me that leads to misunderstandings and bottled up resentment that manifests in other, less productive ways later"). It requires a level of self-awareness that most ADULTS haven't mastered, at least, not without heaps of therapy.
sometimes i wonder though about these questions about character & plot points that are, like... singling out specific scenarios and whether they'll happen in-story. anything could happen and change on any given day i sit down to write, but like in some cases would y'all stop reading if i flat-out said no :?

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Brick is still on Boomer’s case about liking Bubbles too much but hasn’t breathed a word to Butch about Buttercup. Has he just not realized that his brother is crushing hard-core? Or does he care less about Butch?

I don't think he has the emotional perception to recognize the extent of Butch's developing feelings. He probably doesn't think his brother is that deep.

What would Buttercup do if she got asked out by a girl?

blush, sputter, awkwardly announce she's not looking for a relationship rn and then JET
unless it was someone she didn't like, like Princess, in which case she'd either "wtf" squint at them or laugh herself to death
honestly i imagine she'd react that way to literally anyone asking her out

I don't remember having such a scene, so I'll ask. Girls talking about boys, who is prettier and so on. Of course Buttercup is likely to vomit a little, but can it happen?

maybe! i'd want to do something a little more fun with it, i think, rather than just "omg, so who do you think is the hottest" while buttercup barfs in the bg.
Something like... the girls talking about what calendar props the boys would model with. Like they start off going Well Brick would obviously be cars and then Bubbles goes That's boring, he should be scowling on every page but holding a different puppy and Buttercup starts cackling b/c she wants one of Butch caught in the middle of massive faceplants and fails and then Boomer's would just be selfies of him at different pop diva concerts and meanwhile Blossom is quiet but then imagines a calendar full of Brick just wearing different pairs of glasses in different preppy school uniforms/suits and starts blushing furiously and immediately LEAVES BECAUSE SHE HAS A LOT OF HOMEWORK TO DO
yeah something like that

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I know you say girls are usually the "best" in bed, but I'd like to argue that Buttercup wouldn't easily give in to someone made Butch. He's a pervert, no doubt, but Buttercup is very shameful about relationships. What do you say about that?

Hmm, I think I need more clarity from you on this one. Are you saying because Buttercup isn't into public displays of affection (which is not quite the same as feeling ashamed) she would have less interest in s*x? Because if so, I disagree!
In the case of Buttercup and Butch, if they get to that point, I don't think her wanting a relationship with him suggests she's "giving in" to him. The way I see it, any sort of pressure Butch would exude on her for a relationship would be a joke to him, like, he would do it to deliberately make her uncomfortable and get a rise out of her. It wouldn't be done with the expectation that a relationship would actually happen. But I think as soon as a relationship entered the realm of possibility, he would retreat because he himself isn't entirely comfortable with being open about his feelings. He's not used to nice things. He doesn't know what to do with nice things.
I mean, in the context of TEF, and to some degree the way I characterize him personally, Butch being a perv is to mask some deep-seated insecurities he has about actually being loved. If he acts repulsive and gross all the time, it provides an easy excuse for why someone wouldn't like him or be romantically interested in him. If he didn't do that, and people still didn't like him or want to be with him, he wouldn't have that safety net to fall back on.

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+5 answers in: “i know you say that the girls are generally the "top" in bed, but i'd like to argue that because blossom is mostly in control of every other aspect in her life including being the leader, i would say she prefers being the bottom. but also doesn't mind pegging brick once in a while.”

could we have a cookie from the next chapter? love ya the most!

“There are probably less stupid ways to do this,” Brick said.
Bubbles waved her hand dismissively. “You’re just saying that because you don’t like being used as bait.”
“Why do we need three people for bait?” Brick jerked his head back at Boomer. “He’s the only one who looks the part.”
“To increase our odds,” Blossom said.
“Three are better than one,” Buttercup said.
“Oh my God, we’re literal jailbait!”
“Butch,” Brick said.
“We should split up,” Bubbles said. “Nobody’s going to abduct a boy out of a group.”
Buttercup glanced at Butch. “But we have to keep an eye on them if something happens—”
“Great idea,” Boomer interrupted, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend and turning away. “We’re all on dates! Bye!”

Ok so canonically atleast according to the wiki the boys are stronger than the girls since ppg never beat them in an all out fight rather used other methods do u think it's the case in my as well wr the boys hv more obv weaknesses but are physically stronger?

I think you're asking if the boys are physically stronger than the girls in MTH?
i mean
i don't
... care?
(I mean, real talk, I'm not a fan of framing strength in the sense of who kicked whose ass worse from a physical standpoint, and besides that, the Girls won every fight canonically, so any effort to say "But aren't the Boys PHYSICALLY stronger than them" seems like some weird way to delegitimize the Girls' multiple victories?)
(Also ultimately the answer is No, Buttercup is stronger than all oF THEM)

Wait, so if Brick would beat Butch in a fight, would Blossom beat Buttercup in a fight? I'm just thinking under the impression that the boys and girls are basically the same...person? (just each other's counter part :-/ )

But they're not the same people :x
Buttercup may have a bit of a strained relationship with Blossom, but there's nowhere near the level of insecurity and self-loathing that drives Butch's relationship with Brick.

Any Greens tidbits? Pretty please with a shirtless Brick on top?

Brick blinked as he took in Buttercup on their doorstep, then called, “Butch!”
“Tell him to meet me on the roof,” Buttercup said, then shot off without waiting for a reply.
“What?” Butch said, emerging from his room.
Brick sighed and jerked his head up. “Buttercup. Roof. Go.”
“What the hell about?”
“Do I look like a fucking messenger to you?” Brick groused.
As soon as Butch got up there he had to go back to his room; Buttercup had forgotten to mention to bring matches. When he reappeared, matchbox in tow, she'd tossed a pair of jeans on the roof and was holding a plastic bag.
“I'm holding you to your promise,” she said.
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Hypothetical: We've talked about whether or not BC would act differently towards Butch on the motorcycle, but what if the roles were reversed and BC were driving it at this point in the story? Would Butch comfortably grab her waist or shoulder, or done a dumb and mimed honking a boob?

oh man I live for these questions!!!
Aarrrrgh where did we leave it in this fic? (I'm trying to remember how much of it y'all have read so far.) Asteroid scene has happened, right?
He'd probably grab her around the waist, but not comfortably - very UNcomfortably, even.
Aaaaand then Buttercup would probably go "Don't get any ideas" and he'd retaliate by going for the boob honk
And then he would be unconscious

Who is your fav actually?Guess it's Brick (No,no I didn't say that because he is my fav of course no pshh NO PLEASE) because you' re messing with him in your answers?

Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, Professor U, Robin, Him, Mojo, Miss Keane, Ms. Bellum, a random piece of garbage, then Brick
Actually that's not true, it's more like Buttercup's name listed ten times followed by the rest of the list as is.

How would the PPG's and RRB's react to a Freaky Friday Flip between each pair? And I mean mainly the comedy potential. Curiously what really stands out to me is Brick in Blossom's body swearing like a sailor and Blossom's ensuing (hilarious) horror at the profanity coming out of her body's mouth.

Okay well Butch (in Buttercup's body) would immediately go for the boobs, which would make Buttercup (in Butch's body) knock him out flat, thus inspiring a moment of "Oh SHIT I just seriously fucked up my face God damn it Butch GOD DAMN IT"
Brick would definitely curse and Blossom would definitely get on his case immediately which would only make Brick curse more which would only incense Blossom more and then she would get a stroke of genius and retaliate by going out and doing the most charitable things she could think of while in Brick's body like saving a cat from a tree or helping Habitat for Humanity while Brick flips a shit about it because he is a giant baby, and then before he can retaliate Him swoops in, squees over Brick-as-Blossom, and drags him away to go brush his pretty pretty hair and dress him up in pretty pretty girl clothes
Boomer would go "Oh my God no wonder Dad wears skirts, I feel so free" while Bubbles would quietly sneak a peek at the goods, thus inspiring all her sisters to surreptitiously sneak peeks of their own because Hey, when life gives you lemons, right?!

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I love how much depth you give the RGB ships (instead of putting them together bec they match), but I have a question! do you think they're all completely het? Like, I think could see maybe bubbles as bi or something (that girl just has so much love to give) - but what do you think about the others?

This question is way easier applied to the Girls than it is the Boys. I read Bubbles and Blossom as bi and Buttercup as het, which may surprise people. For me, Buttercup's orientation stems from internalized sexism re: girls and women and her general attitudes about "girly" stuff - her rejection of that stuff is so severe that she doesn't even possess any desire to be WITH another lady. (This is not to pass criticism on those who read her otherwise; I don't consider my interpretation of her more or less canonical than those who read her as lesbian/bi/trans!) For the record, I do see her as growing out of this bad attitude eventually.
As for the Boys... man, they're just such chauvinistic shitbags by default that I've never really interpreted them as anything beyond het. I could probably spend some time justifying why they might be otherwise, but the more I do that in my head the more disingenuous it feels. Jury may still be out on those three.

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