

Ask @wolfp94938

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my mom doesn't let me hang out with people who listen to metal and rock she says they are satanic and do black magic

How old?

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Do you think being exposed to your triggers makes your triggers go away slowly with time or do you think it makes them get worse? As a person with OCD, I’m told to be in situations where my OCD will be triggered and I’m not really sure if that’ll be a good idea for me right now.

It helps me heal them

What does it mean when a girl will only text you and never answers her phone when you call?

They don’t want someone to hear, working, depends

When someone ghosted you and came back after several years, would u still need an explanation from that person? Wtf for?

I wouldn’t give them the time of day.

What does it mean if a guy says he has feelings for you. But, doesn’t know what those feelings are.

He knows that you’re special but he wants to make sure as he’s been hurt before. It’s a good thing just give him time.


Language: English