

Ask @wolfp94938

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I've never really done anything by myself I've always had help. How do you become independent?

I became independent based off of needing it to survive. Now I have two reasons, myself and my mini. Find your reason and make it work.

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Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup; yes or no?

Yes to the grilled cheese but No to tomato soup.

If you could do something extraordinary and no one cared, would you continue to do it?

Yes I don’t care what others think.

Is it easy for you to let go of someone??

Depends on our relationship. This one though, I’m not letting go of.

Is a relationship worth perusing if it hurts

Absolutely heal with each other and grow. It will only strengthen your bond.

How is it two people can like each other but it doesn’t work out

Change your mindset. If you like each other, you’ll do whatever it takes to see where it takes you.

Don’t u hate when someone makes their whole personality about god?

No not at all. I think it’s attractive.


Language: English