

Ask @wolfp94938

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Is there a certain kind of baggage that you will not help carry with a partner?

respectfullyme1’s Profile PhotoThinker
No I love my person unconditionally. It’s hard at times but worth it.

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Would you not tell a Man U didn’t like him like that n use him for a while? N when u leave they come back just cause they missed the lifestyle? Ladies Your opinion?

Absolutely not I can’t do superficial

if in the future it is possible to turn off the mechanism of liking others with a chip that you have installed in your brain, will you do it

🤣 Somedays I would but now I think it’s a beautiful journey filled with a few too many speed bumps.

if you failed a class, would you retake it with the same professor?

I did fail a class in college and took it with another professor.

If I stayed with u the whole time without sex for so long u have to realize that I didn’t stay for lust it was love

It still is love.

It’s hard letting go of a relationship where u were both eachothers best friends then slowly start growing apart to now where ur like complete strangers it really sucks

Don’t give up. Talk to your partner

At the beginning of every relationship there is love, lust, infatuation,puppy love whatever you call it. But as the months go on and you begin to see what’s inside of that individual’s heart and mind, after you begin to see their flaws this is where the real challenge comes into play.

Love is commitment that requires loyalty, dedication, work and communication


Language: English